Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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BTW Wojo, have I seen your fanfics on a Nick/Greg site? I'm sure I recognize your name from there.


Yep that's me! Thanks for reading my stuff. Here's hoping we get more screentime for Greg in season 9! Eric's so fine he blows my mind.
I'm starting to wonder if they really like Eric or not. I see the latest spoiler photos have Hodges in them again and no Greg at all. Hodges has already been in a ton of spoiler photos this season. It's like they are forcing him down our throats. Now overall I like the guy but when he is getting more publicity than Greg I get annoyed, since Greg has been on since day one of the show.

Sorry for my rant. It is late I should get to bed. :lol:
You go ahead and rant Dizzney, I agree with what your saying. Who wouldn't love Eric though? Anyway looks like from the latest promo Greg will have a decent role in it. He's shown in the promo not once but twice! It airs next week.
I did see the new promo and he is shown twice but it looks like the same scene. Hopefully he is on more than just that one scene. I'm starting to have withdrawls again.

I don't know how they could not like Eric. Everyone says he is a sweet guy from what I hear and look how good he is about signing autographs to his fans. :D
Dizzney, sometimes I swear you can read my mind. It's starting to get creepy ;)

We just have to cross everything, I guess. I wanted to write to Eric to let the poor guy know we back him all the way, but to be totally honest I don't know if he actually reads the fanmail. It seems as though someone writes the name of the letter writer on the promo picture and then Eric just signs it. I understand he doesn't really have much time to get through reading everyone's letters but I'd be more keen to send him one if I knew he was actually going to read it. I'm sure he does love his fans and appreciates that people take the time to write, I'm just not sold on the idea that he reads them. I could be wrong!

Well if you keep it short and sweet he might be able to read it. Mine was pretty short overall when I wrote him. He does personalize the photos though so a part of me likes to think he does read our letters.
Oh, does he? The only autographs I've seen have been "Best, Eric". Didn't know he personalised them. That's good to know :)
Those were probably ones sold on Ebay or something. :lol: No I got one in November and it has my name on it and then Best Wishes and his signature.
I've gotten two photos of Eric and both say the same thing as Dizzney's. Just best wishes, my name and his signature. I was just thrilled to them them, just knowing he had touched them makes me happy. I know he reads some fanmail because I had seen a letter on line someone posted from him (along with a photo) and he responded to her personally even mentioning her husband. Don't have the link though.
I've gotten two photos of Eric and both say the same thing as Dizzney's. Just best wishes, my name and his signature. I was just thrilled to them them, just knowing he had touched them makes me happy. I know he reads some fanmail because I had seen a letter on line someone posted from him (along with a photo) and he responded to her personally even mentioning her husband. Don't have the link though.

On Flikr, I think it is, if you search Eric Szmanda, a picture of a letter from him is on there, and it looks pretty legit. I actually sent him one last November, and I haven't gotten anything yet. But my friend sent one to Ashton Kutcher a loonngg time ago (probably not really the same scenario) and she got a letter back about 6 months later.

But back to the Hodges/Greg issue, aha. Maybe Eric is doing other things and doesn't have enough time to film? Okay, nevermind, that just sounds dumb now. How could anyone not want to be on CSI? Haha. :)
It took me a year both times to hear back from him, so don't give up hope. As for Greg's screen time I really think he has gotten a lot this season with a few exceptions. Like BTK part 1, Chick shop, and 1000days. Otherwise I have been pleased with how much we've seen Greg. Plus the fact he is finally working with Nick.
I've never liked Hodges, and I'm sick of him getting so much attention.
I don't mind Hodges, but when he has more screen time than Greg does I get upset. Greg has been around far longer and is a CSI now. He should be on more.

Like I said he has two episodes just centering completely around his character in "Lab Rats" and "You Kill me." Greg eps always had other storylines going on too, not completely dedicated to him. I do think for the rest of the episodes of this season we will see more Greg. At least I am really hoping I am right. I hope they use him a lot for the more comedic episodes.
BTW, anyone who's in America right now might be able to see Eric on Freakylinks in just under 4 hours on Chiller, if I'm understanding it correctly. I've tried to download the episode but there was a reason it wouldn't download (something to do with my computer port not being open) and it all got too technical so I've abandoned the idea.

Anyone who can see Evil Eric, I hope you enjoy the episode.

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