Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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Yeah who knows what is going on. I thought the writers said they liked Greg, but I am beginning to wonder. They seem to be stunted on his character development. It's like they do not know how to write for him anymore as a CSI.
I agree since leaving the lab he has become blah. How sad when they make major changes in a characters story line, the whole character changes and not for the best. I think they wanted him to grow up, but they took away his personality and made him grow old it seems. Let him be a CSI but give him some of his lovable goofiness back again.
He still has his moments, but they are a lot fewer and far between. I mean I loved him in A La Carte and The Case of the Flying Carp or whatever the title of that ep was. Especially with that episode, definitely the Greg that I love was there...all excited about the mob case and history. I really hope they do not forget that he was supposedly writing a book about it.
I'm with you all regarding a letter writing campaign. With Wendy now in the field, and a Warrick replacement, we'll be lucky if we get to see Greg for a whole 30 seconds in each episode. What a tragedy for us Eric/Greg fans. If I were Eric, I'd be fuming.
Maybe Wendy will be trained by Greg, we have seen it from the male lab rat out look, so maybe Greg will have the chance to help train her in which case it would give him more responsibility. Here is my thought before doing a campaign try writing his agent or the show to see if they plan to use Greg more next season. I mean I would hate to see everyone do this and turn out that he would be used more, and remember spoilers are guides and subject to change so that means what it says now may change at any time.
I think that's a great idea, for Greg to train Wendy. It would be cool because that would keep it from being just a recycled version of his venture out in to the field. Plus, I would love to see him in the role of mentor. Maybe he'd get his sense of humor back.
Maybe Wendy will be trained by Greg, we have seen it from the male lab rat out look, so maybe Greg will have the chance to help train her in which case it would give him more responsibility. Here is my thought before doing a campaign try writing his agent or the show to see if they plan to use Greg more next season. I mean I would hate to see everyone do this and turn out that he would be used more, and remember spoilers are guides and subject to change so that means what it says now may change at any time.

Ahh but Greg cant train anyone, cause hes still level one. A level three yes- but not a level one.

Why has Greg for a lack of word been sidestepped again????

Greg is a broad minded person and he needs something outside of the lab to show for this- give him a boyfriend... or something....

Lets see him write his book, or i dont know, become a big brother to a disadvataged child...



One lines really cant be just what Greg is about....

CSI want their character development, well dont put in new characters, consintrate on Greg for once....

Wojo I'm up for that... Poor Eric/Greg has been side stepped enough..
I hope that they at least finally make him a Level 2 CSI. I mean he has to have been a Level 1 now long enough to go up to the next level.

I do not think a letter writing campaign would hurt anything, even if they do already plan on having him in more. It will just show the writers that they there are fans out there that want to see him more, doing more.
Dizzney I'm hearing you... What harm can it do? Ya'll we need as Eric/Greg fans to stick together... Some fans like Eric pre CSI work, some fans just like Eric, others like Greg in a couple with Sara or Nick....

Regradless of your own personal stance, its about time that CSI knew how much we all rate Eric as an actor, and Greg as a character.

Yes promote him to CSI level2.
I am, as always, in agreement with you all. I'll stand beside you on this one.

Who is Eric's agent? I'll be happy to write, although I will fall off my chair if I get a response.

Nick was getting a girlfriend. Nick's probably my second favourite character.

I've been wondering what Eric does when he's sat in his trailer all day waiting to do nothing. Online chess?
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Well if we would write anyone it would be the writers/producers of CSI, not his agent.

I always wonder what they do too. I think he probably is on his laptop a lot. I know I would be that or I would be reading, since I love to read.

More spoiler pics came out and once again none with Greg. I'm just getting a bad feeling and I hope it is just me being paranoid. :lol:

Oh well off to work for the evening.
OK, the letter writing seems like everyone wants to do it. I'm thinking we should wait until we know for certain that Eric has re-signed because at this point we don't know for sure if Greg will be back. When I see a spoiler for season 9 that includes Greg I will take steps to get you all the address to write to.
Actually writing his agent first would be better because they would have the inside as wojo mentioned on whether or not he will re-up his contract, and they also have a lot of information sometimes on such things as how much time he will be on the show, combined that with writing tptb and you get a clearer picture.

As to whether Greg can train anyone, there are a million ways to train someone, he could just be working with them, pointing out things, asking questions and so on. Doesn't have to be official, but it can be possible.
I agree Destiny. Greg could give Wendy some good advice on pitfalls to avoid during her first year training period.

And man, wouldn't that make Hodges mucho jealous! That might be fun to see.
I think it would be cool for Greg to train her since he came from the same background (DNA) as she did.
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