Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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Only if Sara does not come back and start GSR again. Then I might watch but I won't enjoy it very much. Just found out that Gary Dourdan is leaving. Could mean more screentime for Greg, I don't mean to sound selfish but Eric should not have to wait for fellow cast members to leave to get the attention he deserves.
Well that is why I asked the question because I heard he was leaving, but I agree. I do not think Eric should have to wait for others to leave so he can finally be seen more. I just feel he does not get the respect from the writers that he deserves. Then they are planning a new help me if that new guy gets more than Greg does, assuming Eric comes back.
Only if Sara does not come back and start GSR again. Then I might watch but I won't enjoy it very much. Just found out that Gary Dourdan is leaving. Could mean more screentime for Greg, I don't mean to sound selfish but Eric should not have to wait for fellow cast members to leave to get the attention he deserves.

I would have to agree. I'm gonna miss Warrick like crazy but if it means more creen time for Greggo it won't be so bad. It seems once they made Greg a CSI he got less and less screen time. This may also mean he may get his promotion to CSI 2 sooner rather then later. Its worrysome that we have not heard anything about Eric renewing his contract or not. I don't know what I would do Gary and Eric left the show at the same time. It may be too much for my fragile fangirl heart to handle. But I have a good feeling hes gonna be there for awhile. Eric must know all the possibles they have for Greggo on the show, now he just has to convince the writers. Also the new guy may not even appear until season nine anyway.
Hi all,

I've been lurking here since December and wanted to post for the first time to say:

a) You guys keep me smiling. LOVE this thread and the friendly feeling you guys generate
b) I agree with everything you've said re Greg's screen time and Gary's leaving. I had considered starting a petition along the same lines of the Save Jorja Fox one to convince the scriptwriters to give Greg more screen time, bearing in mind he is consistently shown by opinion polls to be the second most loved character (after Grissom) and yet is criminally under used.

I agree that people still love the "old" Greggo. Where has his sense of humour gone? He is so incredibly self-restrained now - look at how he reacted when the Undersherriff pulled him of the Aaron James case, or when he was in court. We know nothing of his true emotions, no outbursts, no indication of how he truly feels about the events of Fannysmackin'. Compare this to the outrageous cute little freak he used to be. I agree he may have had to supress a part of himself in order to do his job as a CSI - but people cannot supress so much of themselves for so long without something giving way. It's like he's had a total personality transplant.

I was worried that Eric was going to get so royally fed up of his lack of chances to act - to do his damn JOB - that he'd leave. Now Gary's off, I don't think he'll leave, but I do think it won't be long until CSI is over (what the HELL will I do?!). I am really sad for the Warrick fans (knowing how it would upset me if Eric did leave), but on a selfish note, as some of you have said, I hope this means that Eric will finally be given the chance to shine. Unless they give the newcomer more screen time, in which case we may have to fall back to the backup plan (the petition).

I find it so ridiculous that Greggo became a CSI to give him more screen time, and yet we see more of HODGES than we do of him!

Here endeth the ramble ;)
Have to agree Szmile, we do seem to be seeing more of the lab rats at times than of Greg. I'm not complaining, I like them, especially Hodges because every show needs a snarky character like that (plus I am a fan of Wallace anyway). How much more screen time will we now see dedicated to Wendy's desire to work in the field? Again, I like the character but HELLO, primary cast members dear writers. The writers have had so many opportunities for continuing story arcs for Greg, and have all but ignored them. Although that could be said for nearly all of the cast barring the lead male and female actors.

I'll shut up now and go and wander in my favourite picture threads :D
Have to agree Szmile, we do seem to be seeing more of the lab rats at times than of Greg. I'm not complaining, I like them, especially Hodges because every show needs a snarky character like that (plus I am a fan of Wallace anyway). How much more screen time will we now see dedicated to Wendy's desire to work in the field? Again, I like the character but HELLO, primary cast members dear writers. The writers have had so many opportunities for continuing story arcs for Greg, and have all but ignored them. Although that could be said for nearly all of the cast barring the lead male and female actors.

I'll shut up now and go and wander in my favourite picture threads :D

I agree as well. I love that they are developing the other characters as well, but they do need to remember primary cast members. Maybe they worried that he got to alot of screen time in season seven, cause of the whole 'Fannysmakin' thing but still. Maybe thats why Gary ended up leaving cause they did like nothing with Warrick the last couple of seasons. Greggo was in the first couple of season eight episodes alot but so far in the new ones like nothing. I just don't want Eric to end of leaving cause they did nothing with his character. But Eric seems pretty committed to the show so I'm not to worried.
Don't get me wrong, I like Hodges too, but it seems as though he's taking up time that should be Greg's. If Greg hadn't become a CSI, doubtless he'd be getting as much screen time as Hodges is now. It just seems backwards to me, that Greg stops being a lab rat in order to appear more on the show, and now the focus seems to be more on the lab rats.

I'd quite like to get paid $200,000 to wave a laser around for 30 seconds though, wouldn't you? ;)

Just kidding.

I'd quite like to get paid $200,000 to wave a laser around for 30 seconds though, wouldn't you? ;)

Just kidding.

Who knows, maybe he does?? :lol: I mean heck I would not mind to a point, but overall he is an actor and it's like he is hardly acting lately.

And as for season 7, he had about 3 episodes really concerning his case but overall he was still in like 4 episodes for like 1 minute or less practically that same season.

I like Hodges and seeing the lab rats too but Greg has been around since the Pilot episode and it seems like they do not recognize his seniority on the show in his screen time now. It is frustrating for those of us who are fans of his. I mean even when Greg was in the lab he never had episodes like "Lab Rats" and "You kill me" which totally focused on Hodges character and the other lab rats.
I absolutely agree with you on every point, Dizzney.

Have you also noticed that most of the cast (including the season 7 lab rats) have all done cast commentaries on the DVDs...

... except for a certain person whose initials are EKS?

Well actually Eric was supposed to do a commentary on Fannysmackin' but he was going to be out of the country when they did it. He is usually traveling during his summer hiatus and that is when they do the recordings for the DVD's.
I absolutely agree with you on every point, Dizzney.

Have you also noticed that most of the cast (including the season 7 lab rats) have all done cast commentaries on the DVDs...

... except for a certain person whose initials are EKS?


Welcome to the thread Szmile, well, Eric was asked to do the commentary for FannySmackin but he was out of town when it was done so he couldn't. I know this because I wrote to the person responsible for marketing the DVD's and they wrote me back and gave me that info.

I agree with everyone that Eric is way underused on the show, I hope he will now have the opportunity to negotiate for more screentime with Gary leaving. I have always resented Hodges because ever since he joined the show he has always gotten more screentime than Greg, even when Greg was still in the lab.
Well actually Eric was supposed to do a commentary on Fannysmackin' but he was going to be out of the country when they did it. He is usually traveling during his summer hiatus and that is when they do the recordings for the DVD's.

Dammit, really? I must have missed that bit of info. Curses. I really wanted him to do a commentary of that episode particularly.

How come I never bump into him on his travels? ;)

Originally Posted by Wojo
Welcome to the thread Szmile, well, Eric was asked to do the commentary for FannySmackin but he was out of town when it was done so he couldn't. I know this because I wrote to the person responsible for marketing the DVD's and they wrote me back and gave me that info.

I agree with everyone that Eric is way underused on the show, I hope he will now have the opportunity to negotiate for more screentime with Gary leaving. I have always resented Hodges because ever since he joined the show he has always gotten more screentime than Greg, even when Greg was still in the lab.

Hey, you wrote to them? Good on ya! :D

I'm so glad someone else shares my irrational prejudice against Hodges. I *DO* like him as a character but not at the expense of our Greggo.

BTW Wojo, have I seen your fanfics on a Nick/Greg site? I'm sure I recognise your name from there.

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Hey Szmile! Just forewarning, you are not supposed to double post unless 24 hours have passed and no one has posted since. Otherwise you can just edit your post and add the new comment you wanted to add. Just letting you know before a Mod comes around.

Yeah I would really love to have Eric on a commentary one of these days. Fannysmackin' was the perfect ep for him to have done one for too. It is too bad.
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