Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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Yes he is hysterical. I love him and so wish I had been more into Eric at that time. Then I was just a basic CSI fan. :lol:
Craig Ferguson is so funny. I've seen the interviews he's done with Marg and they had me laughing :)

That smile though, it's breathtaking...
I've never seen Craig Ferguson's show, but I agree about Eric's smile. He has the most genuine, sweet, adorable smile ever!
Yep of course I agree. A smile like the eyes can be a window into a persons soul. Which also can be said about his character~how he treats his fans in general.

A person can be beautiful for many many things that they do in life, and with Eric its not just a superficual thing like a smile~ or cause he's good looking.

I do not know him, but as we're fortunate to see him doing that Burma thing, that speaks proper values about humanity and respect for human kind.

I'd rather have that sorta morals in others' (friends, family etc) that just having a nice smile.:cool:
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I do not know him, but as we're fortunate to see him doing that Burma thing, that speaks proper values about humanity and respect for human kind.

I'd rather have that sorta morals in others' (friends, family etc) that just having a nice smile.:cool:

Very well said, candygirl1uk! I agree.

It also seems he is very close with his family, which always impresses me too.
I do not know him, but as we're fortunate to see him doing that Burma thing, that speaks proper values about humanity and respect for human kind.

I'd rather have that sorta morals in others' (friends, family etc) that just having a nice smile.:cool:

Very well said, candygirl1uk! I agree.

It also seems he is very close with his family, which always impresses me too.

Thanks you I'm glad you agree... Hey I'm loving your new Nick/Greg banner... its sooo hot:drool:, yep thats the look of love. True love.

Hey im seeking help, i cant for the life of me manage to post links to photobucket for pics. I try, and im useless. Since the site has changed, the ability to post pics has been lost. I have lots and lots and lots of pics!
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I agree that he seems to have a close knit group of friends etc and family. And the work he does for causes such as Burma shows him for who he really is I guess- a genuinely nice guy who cares for people not as fortunate as himself.
Yep. To be in that sorta position must be crazy though, i mean to be on tv. International tv and yet still have your toes on the ground, as opposed to other stars with their heads in the big money cloud.

I watched the whole video for Burma and its really sad. Is there anyway I could do something? Think Eric's inspired me to do something for good causes.

Dizzney~ Its great... I forgot that your a nick/greg fan lol, I nearly chocked when i saw that banner! Good stuff!
Yeah I am a fan of the boys. :D

Yeah I think Eric and Jorja's Burma video was one of the best ones of the 30 days they had. It really moved me.
I give through my work, to charity. I personally support American Red Cross, simply because a few years back when we had a hurricane I stayed in a shelter run by them. I had a good experience and they do a lot of good work when there are these natural disasters all around. Right now here on the Gulf coast, some areas are getting hit by Gustav and we are looking out at two more storms in the Atlantic with possible eyes on us. :eek:
Yeah I've been watching the news its scary stuff! Hope everyone is ok.

Hm, I wonder if both Eric and Jorja would do something for Unicef? Make them ambassidors or something. I can see them doing that, unicef work.

*thinks*, maybe they could do a charity (that sport they both play?) event and give the money to uncief/red cross/burma campaign.
I don't think they do the kickball anymore, I had not seen anything about it this year. I had found stuff about the previous year but nothing about this year.

Well I know Jorja (and since Eric went last year I assume he will this year) is doing the Animal Acres charity event again this month.

I saw a scene on the news tonight about the Hurricane Gustav where some poor little lost dog had come across these people...he was shaking from broke my heart.
Is that another charity he does then? Hm, sorry not totally up to date with stuff like that.. yeah i think the team is still going... for the life of me I cant remember what its called. Something with an animal. Wildcats? No thats Highschool musical lol.

Ah ok i thought that they was still playing.
Oh I think the team is still playing, I am just saying I do not think Eric and Jorja still play on the team. I could be wrong, but they only played in the Spring season before anyway.
Ahh ok, damn see being English I dont even know whats current or not.

Yeah I've seen the youtube thingie with them playing~ looking hot!

So its like football (soccer) but like rounders? Hm, rounders is baseball! I just wikipeded it. But Kickball never heard of it, maybe cause its an american game only.
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