Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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Wasn't there was a period in his life when he actually worked over here? How annoying is that, to know that he once actually lived among us and we didn't even know it?!

Did you even know that he existed when he did work over there? :guffaw:
Wasn't there was a period in his life when he actually worked over here? How annoying is that, to know that he once actually lived among us and we didn't even know it?!

Did you even know that he existed when he did work over there? :guffaw:

LOL my friend!!! :guffaw: personally I didnt even know what CSI was a few years back. Yes I discover things in my own time. Like ooh another great show but a mini series called "The Tenth Kingdom" I was sooo obsessed about that mini series- I took the dvd to work for everyone to see it lol.

Like I said before the only things that we can actuarly get is The Net the tv series, but not really any of his other work. Unless its 100 girls but you need to rent it. None of George Eads stuff either.

When I got into CSI and Eric/Greg my friends was like see i told you about CSI. Now if they mention Eric/Greg or even Nick/Greg I give them a lecture and they just stare at me!
Well that is like me then. I grew up around the same area he did and I am only 2 years older than him. Who knows if I ever passed him in a mall or something when I was young? :lol:
Haha, I have got my brother's girlfiend into CSI, I kept saying Greg this Greg that, so she had to watch, and now we keep watching. But apart from her, my brother, my mom, nobody watches that I know. And I say I watch, and they just shake their head. :( And I only got into CSI around last July, so just over a year.
*Walks in* Hey folks gotta ask that the posting slow down just a touch remember the chatting rule, and remember to look at the time stamps on the left side of each post. Thank you. ;) *Walks out*
That is true, I mean, Kate Moss the model came from my area. She's one year older than me. We could've bumpted into each other as well... Stuff like that happens all the time.

But Dizzney if that does happen to you- smile and be nice!

I need to start collecting things again, does anyone know if the CBS ships internationally, I wanna get a CSI (real deal) t-shirt for my bedware.

Yeah Bubbles I totally agree with you there, and as we all share the same ships we all know what its like if we mention Greg.

My friends now have learned not to lol.
Exactly!! He could have walked RIGHT past us!! I will have sleepless nights over this!

Hang on, I've just re-read Deirdre's post... why do you think he's coming over here next year?

Candygirl - SALT 'N' PEPPER?! Dear Lord!

Yep, it's alright for those in the UK who can actually SEE Channel 5! Where I live (Dorset) we can't get Channel 5, and we can't get Freeview either. I can only watch the DVDs :(

The only CSI poster I've ever seen (online) has Eric positioned - guess where - RIGHT at the back. A miniscule dot, he is. But a cute miniscule dot :p

I'm going to study Forensic Science in 11 days and about 9 out of 10 people I've told about it have all said that they watch CSI :) (They don't live near me so they can all receive Channel 5. Meanies ;))


EDIT: Oh Dizzney. I can't tell you how gutted I am for you! How absolutely infuriating!
Hey I am always nice. :D I've been told I have a friendly face. :lol:

Sorry you all have such limited access to CSI but well you have shows and people over there we never see at all. At least these days you can buy DVD's of the shows. I guess you cannot play them online over there either, huh?
Sorry you all have such limited access to CSI but well you have shows and people over there we never see at all. At least these days you can buy DVD's of the shows. I guess you cannot play them online over there either, huh?

I think you'll find that none of the people we have over here are as hot as Mr Szmanda ;) If you can find one show that the UK makes which is better than CSI, I will eat Eric's hat.

Let's face it, UKers, we're crap :guffaw:

Ahhhh, but we CAN see the episodes online... but the picture quality is nowhere near as good *pouts*

Oh well, let us be cheerful.

Actually, forget cheerful - you guys get CSI in just over a month and we have to wait until February! I'm going to Lincoln uni in 11 days and I'll be able to get Channel 5 - but I'm you're still going to have Eric all to yourselves for 4 months before we do :(

AND we don't get eRockster! AND Eric had to cancel his performance of Hyenas! AND he didn't come over to promote the board game! :guffaw:Ever get the feeling you're unloved? :p
Well it is an American show. :lol: You have to face that fact.

And I have to say I've seen some hot English men...John Borrowman from Torchwood. Yummy! Monty Python was great as a show!! :lol:
Well it is an American show. :lol: You have to face that fact.

Meh :p

On the bright side... at least we get to watch the videos on eRockster :) Wish Eric sat closer to the camera, though. Whose idea was it to sit him right down at the end?! Anyone would think it was the people he was interviewing who everyone wanted to see ;)

Ah well. I shall stick by him nevertheless.
Thanks Dizz. Next eRockster interview is really great. Eric is still a little bit shy and in some way (not much) insecure but I must admit that he's a really good host. His interviews are so natural and nice. It's so easy to see that he's enjoying it. I really like his natural way of talking. Very often when I see interviews with musicians/artist hosts are laughing too much, or just speaking too loud. But Eric with his natural attitiude fits just perfect in this role:)
Thanks Dizz. Next eRockster interview is really great. Eric is still a little bit shy and in some way (not much) insecure but I must admit that he's a really good host. His interviews are so natural and nice. It's so easy to see that he's enjoying it. I really like his natural way of talking. Very often when I see interviews with musicians/artist hosts are laughing too much, or just speaking too loud. But Eric with his natural attitiude fits just perfect in this role:)

True, I agree, Eric is more confident. His laugh, when the man with the book says that he likes to read his own press~ Did you all hear how Eric laughed. That's soo telling of course he does as well!
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