Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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All that stuff is old to me. :lol: But glad it is new for some of you.

That video shows how well Jorja and him get along. They like have a brother/sister relationship it seems like.

True, yeah seen them alll before. I agree regarding erc/jorja, they do seem to have a good relationship build on trust and compaionship, but thats how friends should be right?

Dizzney you are of course the voice of reason. I'm just a fun loving old person. With a twisted sence of humor. (sp) sorry!
The voice of wisdom? :lol: Hey I am a fun loving old person too, but I am young at heart, where it matters :)
I remember that Jorja interview when It first aired on The Insider, it was the night 'Iced' aired in season 5. I agree Eric was so cute at the end when he said "I think your done" reaching out to grab the camera. Greg and Sara's friendship is the only thing I miss about Sara leaving CSI, otherwise the GSR thing really turned me against her.
Yeah I loved their relationship on the show. Season 5 was great with featuring that. Then it was all downhill once they went full force on GSR. I really pray they give us a really good Greg/Sara moment in one of her return episodes.
Agree that would be great to see a nice scene with Greg and Sara. But I'm afraid that writers were/are busy with GSR so they don't have time to add something else what non-GSR fans want to see.
Aww people! I'm not too sure what the ship is called, but I know someone will set me straight? Sandler sounds like a law firm on Will and Grace.. Sandler and Sandler how can we help you?:guffaw:

Yes I too see the closesness of Greg and Sara. *Note to self nooooooot going to say about GSR*, although I do at one point see Greg/Sara/Nick.

~But hey ho that is me open minded individual that I am.

Yeah I hope we see Greg and Sara have a few tender moments. Of the sisterly/brotherly kind.

Dizzney~ aww I'm sure that you are.

How old is people here that is either a Greg/Eric fan.

I'm 33 going on 108.
Aww people! I'm not too sure what the ship is called, but I know someone will set me straight? Sandler sounds like a law firm on Will and Grace.. Sandler and Sandler how can we help you?:guffaw:

Sandle...a cross between Sanders and Sidle. I think ship names are kinda dumb myself...Glad my ship doesn't need one.

What were we talking about again? Eric's eyes, what about his luscious lips!:adore:

*felt the need to change my avi and sig again*
What were we talking about again? Eric's eyes, what about his luscious lips!:adore:

*felt the need to change my avi and sig again*

Lips! Oh, when I see guy's face I always look at first at cheeks and lips. What can I say about Eric's lips? I have no words, just... love them...

No, Wojo, no! Don't change avi and banner! I like them so much;)
Hmmm, lips. Yes very nice. How about just his hair...that he can style it so many different ways and still look hot. I am actually amazed he is going on year 2 for the same must be a record for him. :lol:

I've been changing my avi more often lately. I need to make a new banner. I wanted to use my old one, but it will not take on the new board system :(
You're right Dizzney, two years is a record. No matter what hair he has he still looks hot. I have few favourites hairstyles, like everyone here I think, but honestly I never thought that in some he looked bad.
Haha everything comes back to the hair. Going back up the page lol, I love the Greg/Sara friendship, she really helped him when he was just starting out as a CSI, giving him encouragement and stuff, it was great to watch.

I love his hair at the moment though, I know it's not crazily cool like before, but I still think it's really nice.
Agree with you bubbles. I also think that his shorter hair is really nice, but sometimes I really miss some crazy ideas. Now we can't wait for a surprise cause not much he can do when his hair is shorter. Maybe we need to wait for a next year? Or maybe Eric decided to stay with short one for much longer?
Oh I love the crazy hair too :D and do miss it sometimes. I guess there's not that much he can do with the shorter hair, but i do love it. Maybe it's his long term style I agree, or maybe we'll be surprised again next season? But i think the shorter hair may be here for a while :D
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