Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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Ah yeah it works, but need to becareful as i hapen to see something that might not be suitable for minors lol. Other than that mmmmmm picture.
???!!! What on earth was it?!

Didn't you just LOVE the bit at the end of that video?! Loved seeing the real him - not a character he portrays/interviewer guy for, just Eric being Eric. Would love to know that guy.
???!!! What on earth was it?!

Didn't you just LOVE the bit at the end of that video?! Loved seeing the real him - not a character he portrays/interviewer guy for, just Eric being Eric. Would love to know that guy.

Yeah i know what you mean. Yeah for we all play a different person everytime we leave the house, for our true self is always hidding.

Yeah the ending of that video is soo cool. Looks like eric is a fun man. A decent man. A man of ethics and morals. Damn wheres are these men??
LA, Mukwanago... damn I should really learn how to spell Mukwanago...

EDIT: Anyone else get slightly... tingly when his hand reaches out? :p

EDIT 2: Ah ha! It's M-U-K-W-O-N-A-G-O :p
If you mean the biiiiiiiig one...

Here then type the name of our beloved in the search box on the left, which should take you to a Google search, the first one listed should be "The Eric Szmanda Picture Pages", click on that, scroll down to his bio, click on "Picture 01 (20)" on the left, and click on whichever picture you fancy. My favourite was the first one. Click on that, click on "view image only", then use your magnifying glass icon thingy to make the picture bigger.

He's biiiiiiiiiiig!
???!!! What on earth was it?!

Didn't you just LOVE the bit at the end of that video?! Loved seeing the real him - not a character he portrays/interviewer guy for, just Eric being Eric. Would love to know that guy.

Yeah i know what you mean. Yeah for we all play a different person everytime we leave the house, for our true self is always hidding.

Yeah the ending of that video is soo cool. Looks like eric is a fun man. A decent man. A man of ethics and morals. Damn wheres are these men??

I love the ending of this vid. We really can see him natural.
If you mean the biiiiiiiig one...

Here then type the name of our beloved in the search box on the left, which should take you to a Google search, the first one listed should be "The Eric Szmanda Picture Pages", click on that, scroll down to his bio, click on "Picture 01 (20)" on the left, and click on whichever picture you fancy. My favourite was the first one. Click on that, click on "view image only", then use your magnifying glass icon thingy to make the picture bigger.

He's biiiiiiiiiiig!

Yay thank you :D I'm so stupid :rolleyes: he is biiiiiiig lol. I like them all :) the 4th one i like a lot :) the jacket..

thanks szmile :)
Totally. I love the end of the video to death. Still gives me shivers :p

EDIT: aww, you're not stupid! That was a really complicated, convoluted set of hoops I just made you jump through! I'm sure there must be an easier way of getting you guys to see that picture! Lol!!
All that stuff is old to me. :lol: But glad it is new for some of you.

That video shows how well Jorja and him get along. They like have a brother/sister relationship it seems like.
I love the relationship Eric and Jorja appear to have. It's like a friendship that doens't come around very often. I mean they seem so relaxed around each other, and have a laugh. I really love it.
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