Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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I remember in an old interview with Marg, that she said that Eric was very down to earth and sort of shy. Jorja has said the same thing about him. I think it always comes through in the interviews I have seen where he is being interviewed or now when he is the interviewer.
If they did that Dizzney, I'm sure we'd all be happy :D

I think the fact that he was nervous and fidgety is just so sweet, it shows he's just a normal kinda guy, not like a lot of actors who are too big for their boots. He is just so unbelievably cute in the fact that he was nervous

I remember in an old interview with Marg, that she said that Eric was very down to earth and sort of shy. Jorja has said the same thing about him. I think it always comes through in the interviews I have seen where he is being interviewed or now when he is the interviewer.

Exactly and thats why i find Eric really enduring, and beautiful. His reality is grounded onto earth~ and not where normal tv stars reality is set/kept... Does that make sense?
If they did that Dizzney, I'm sure we'd all be happy :D

I think the fact that he was nervous and fidgety is just so sweet, it shows he's just a normal kinda guy, not like a lot of actors who are too big for their boots. He is just so unbelievably cute in the fact that he was nervous

I remember in an old interview with Marg, that she said that Eric was very down to earth and sort of shy. Jorja has said the same thing about him. I think it always comes through in the interviews I have seen where he is being interviewed or now when he is the interviewer.

Exactly and thats why i find Eric really enduring, and beautiful. His reality is grounded onto earth~ and not where normal tv stars reality is set/kept... Does that make sense?

Totally agree with bubbles. That has so much sense. What can I say now? He's just beautiful.
*Dizzney you can do more manips! The Eric board manips/Greg.. Can you put him in a star fleet uniform? With him captain and say Nick/Geroge as his second in command. lol.*

Holy smegging hell!!! Eric in a Starfleet uniform!! WHY did that not occur to me!! WOW!!!

*Yeah i noticed that too, he moves alot~ but its cute. See when he was talking about a sandwhch lol, bless him did he blush? Why blush over a sandwhich? *Ok mind out of the mayo!*

Whaaaattt..!? I watched it with the sound off, must turn the sound on and watch it again. Lol perhaps he was thinking of a, um, "different" sandwich :p

Heavens knows what type of chemicals was actuarly in that blust. If the blust was strong enought to break glass, then its defo strong enought to hurt human skin.

Do you know, I never once gave a thought to how the chemicals themselves affected him. I always only ever thought of the fire itself. Ouch. Now I have even more sympathy for the poor man. No wonder his hands shook when he got back to the lab.

Ahhh, I remember what else is it possible to have all of erocksters inverviews but only with Eric in... I think that is a must for all Eric's fans. Why cant he just sit infront of a camera and just talk~ and call it Eric's weekly updates. A video blog lets say.*

You are full of awesome ideas. I was hoping someone was going to capture Eric, and only Eric. I don't have a clue how to do these things :(

Someone please pounce on that man and tell him to get his own official website!! is available as a domain name. That way, people on SFT wouldn't get so annoyed that all people do on there is talk about him, because there's really nowhere else connected with him personally for his fans to go.

So he has no scars, do we really wanna see Greg all scarred up anyway? I don't.

Hmmm, I don't agree. Scars (emotional and physical) make people who they are. For me, people's imperfections are what make them perfect, and I want to see all of Greg, his flaws included. If you can call scars "flaws".
Szmile! See I like your reasoning. Yeah Eric needs his own website... which then would free SFT and Erockster for their own purpose. Its cause its the only thing that we've got that has eric attached to.

LOL ~Szmile! yeah interesting sandwhich huh?

Why dont Eric Szmanda have his own fansite, an offical one? Sure it wouldnt cost that much to maintain, or uphold. Fans would i know pay for subscription which will then pay for the running of the website. Then we the fans would have a proper medium to contact Eric by and vicea versa with competitions and meet and greets.

~ Not that I've thought about at all. or .net, or whatever else u can have lol. Then if fans are seeking pictures etc, they can wrote to the site etc, as well, which then would stop people buying knocked off photos from ebay!

See Eric your photo is on my wall with the letter over my bed. Told ya i wouldnt sell it on ebay!
*See I could do that sorta job, contact me at my addie lol.... *
I'm still really cynical about whether or not he actually reads his fanmail.

Yes he does he really does! Szmile! :scream:~ behave, yep he does... he does...he does... he does! LOL

I'm seriously all for it. Wojo where do we write to? Dont want to write to CSI.
Lots of stars do not have official fan sites because they want to keep their personal lives more private and I think Eric is that type. I mean at least he still responds to his fan mail. I think he rather keep the focus on his business sites and not on him.

I know a lot of celebs have their own MySpace pages that people can talk to them via that. Another one of my faves has one, but Eric has his set to private, so that is why I think he would not do a fansite.
I'm not saying he should tell us what he's had for breakfast, but it would be nice if he'd tell us the stuff he's currently involved in - ie, if he has any new acting roles coming up, new stuff on SFT etc.

Hmm you've seen his myspace thingy too? It was a bit obvious it was him, if you saw the one that I saw.
I'm seriously all for it. Wojo where do we write to? Dont want to write to CSI.

Here is his publicists address: I think its still current, I've never sent any mail there.

Eric Szmanda
c/o Krista Himelson
B/W/R Public Relations
9100 Wilshire Blvd.
6th Floor, West Tower
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Or you can try writing Eric at the same address I gave for writing Carol M.
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