Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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Haha, that just tickled me. Eric has a lovely head, haha. I actually don't know why that made me laugh so much.....:D

Eric just generally looks nice all over ;)
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*OMG* Szmile! About what are you thinking?:guffaw:

All Eric is just gorgeous;) Not only head or, for example, legs.
I knew someone would laugh when I said "head" :D

I do love his legs, I must admit. I never look at his ass, I'm not interested in that, I just love his lovely long legs. And fingers. And... feet :p
Oh, Szmile, Szmile, Szmile...:lol:

I do love all Eric;) But those long legs and feet, and fingers, hands (I have one nice cap of hands).
tehe, he has got nice long legs. Where's this hand cap then Deirdre? ;)

Basically, we just think he's hot?? :D I love his cheeky smile :D

ETA: Can I share too? :D
I'm useless at these things, but can anyone on here manipulate images so that we can superimpose Eric's head on Tim Curry (as Dr Frank)'s body? That would be... well, my wildest fantasy, really!

You ask and I can shamelessly grant your wish...
The new Dr Frank N Furter

That might be the scariest manip I ever did. :guffaw:

Yeah I am hoping for more funny Greg too, maybe after Grissom is gone and with all the new changes his humor will return.

Edited to add: There is a new video interview by Eric on

Aww thanks, that is just odd, but should have Eric's body!!! Tut

Wojo- so what do i do just write to marg and then what? plus im from england many miles away!

I like everything about Eric... I cant say what i dont. Even the back of him is cute.
I like the back of him too... however, as you all know, there was one rather large mistake that the producers made in 4x4, so every time I see that clip it just annoys me. Even though I AM seeing Eric in the shower.
I like everything about Eric... I cant say what i dont. Even the back of him is cute.

Amen, candygirl! Even his thumb is the cuttest (ok, that sounds a little bit strange:lol:)

And in pic thread you I posted for you his beautiful hands;)

I like the back of him too... however, as you all know, there was one rather large mistake that the producers made in 4x4, so every time I see that clip it just annoys me. Even though I AM seeing Eric in the shower.

Yes Deirdre, his hands are rather beautiful arent they? So delicate and lovely....:drool:. Eric is beautiful, I never, ever, ever use that to describe a man before but Erick if fits him. Its not only the beauty of his skin, etc, or his looks, its his personality~ ie, doing good will work. That scores many many points in my book. Someone famous, takes time out to do important work like that.

Yeah im with you there Szmile! its called continuity, it sucks. Poor Greggo should have scars but he dont thank god!

I might've asked before, but does anyone know how many different wrist bands Eric wears and what do they all mean?
Okay, so I couldn't find cookies, BUT I shall offer you a box of choccies and a cake instead :D




EDIT: I'd like to see his scars, actually. I wouldn't be so ashamed to share mine with him if he had a few of his own to share.

Deirdre - THUMBS?!

Re bracelets - it means he's unique, quirky and odd :p Quirky Ercy, I call him :D
Okay, so I couldn't find cookies, BUT I shall offer you a box of choccies and a cake instead :D





EDIT: I'd like to see his scars, actually. I wouldn't be so ashamed to share mine with him if he had a few of his own to share.

Oh, Szmile, lol.

Deirdre - THUMBS?!

For example:p

Yes Deirdre, his hands are rather beautiful arent they? So delicate and lovely....:drool:. Eric is beautiful, I never, ever, ever use that to describe a man before but Erick if fits him. Its not only the beauty of his skin, etc, or his looks, its his personality~ ie, doing good will work. That scores many many points in my book. Someone famous, takes time out to do important work like that.

Today we have some time for confiding;)
Yeah, Eric is definitely beautiful person thanks to look and much more;)
Wojo- so what do i do just write to marg and then what? plus im from england many miles away!

Its not Marg's personal email, its her publicist's. All you have to do is email them and ask for an autographed photo, be sure to give your name and address as well. That's it.

And I agree, Eric is beautiful (inside and out) and I too never used that word describing a man before but it fits him. I like his hands too!

Dizzney - that manip was good but scary!
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I agree with you both, Wojo and candygirl, Eric is beautiful- his goodwill work, to his personality, and including his looks he's beautiful inside and out. He's just fantastic.

About his scars, he should have had some that we saw, but maybe we didn't see 'the right light' (yeh I know I know that's just stupid of me to even think) but I can't believe it was forgotten. I really really can't. Well actually i guess I can but it's a pretty big thing to forget that he got blown up...

P.s I helped myself to a piece of your cake Deirdre ;)
Oh lots of posting today.

Yeah I am co-#1 on Szmile! favorite person list. :lol:

Yep he is a beautiful man, in every way.

Can I just say that I adore his smile? In that interview, he just kept smiling and when he smiles it makes me smile.

Yeah that bugged me that they did not have scars on his back in that scene. Stupid idiots. :lol:
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