Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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*Has urge to open the door during a CSI writer's meeting, yell "YOU'RE A BUNCH OF STUPID IDIOTS" in a singsong voice, and run like hell ;)*
Yeah but you have to be more specific why they are a bunch of stupid idiots, because they are so stupid they will not know why. :lol:

Okay enough about them...more about Eric.

I'm glad he started these erockster interviews. We are getting to see him at even if he is not on CSI as much we get these little treats, where he truly smiles too. :D
Yeah, I just wish we learned more about him though.

And why was he clutching his foot so much? Did he need the toilet and was trying to stop himself from running off? :D
He is just fidgety, nerves probably. I mean they say he is sort of shy so probably doing the interviews he is still a bit nervous. Heck when I go for job interviews I am fidgety and nervous as heck but if you just talked to me normally, I would be fine.
I didn't have a chance to watch the erockster interview until now, I agree he does seem rather nervous. But he did say he was a big fan of theirs. Its cute that Eric gets starstruck just like the rest of us. Adorable as ever too!

I agree, Oct 9 cannot get here fast enough!
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I like the back of him too... however, as you all know, there was one rather large mistake that the producers made in 4x4, so every time I see that clip it just annoys me. Even though I AM seeing Eric in the shower.
^What is that mistake? I am still in season 3 re-runs, maybe you could save me from jumping over episodes and tell me what is it? I only remember him and sara in the shower and nothing particular in body parts.

So who among you here (USA) will be able to watch on the premiere (Oct. 9)? Because in this side of my globe, definitely I will be seasons behind. Pray it will be available on youtube, my hope lies in there.

Good day to all! Take care.
I think the mistake was that in the shower scene, Greg didn't have any scars from when the lab exploded, burning him.
I was totally confused the first time I saw the shower scene becuase of the lack of scars too.:confused:

Now I just pretend that he got some really good skin grafts and the perimedics were exaggerating when they said "full thickness burns" That way I can still enjoy the showering-ness of the scene
He is just fidgety, nerves probably. I mean they say he is sort of shy so probably doing the interviews he is still a bit nervous. Heck when I go for job interviews I am fidgety and nervous as heck but if you just talked to me normally, I would be fine.

That's really cute and let us know that he's very natural in that what he's doing. I love his interviews in eRockster.

And scars. What scars??? When he's in the shower I totally forget that he should have some on the back. After that I think - hmmm... I forgot about something. Yeah, writers are bunch of idiots (stupid idiots, lol). But also they gave us Eric in the shower. So what to think now?:lol:
You and Dizzney are both number 1 on my List of Favourite People :D

Dizzney, you have such a talent for manips (or whatever you call them). You always seem to pick exactly the right headshot for that particular moment.

I'd also like to congratulate Eric for having such a lovely head ;)

*Dizzney you can do more manips! The Eric board manips/Greg.. Can you put him in a star fleet uniform? With him captain and say Nick/Geroge as his second in command. lol.*

Haha, that just tickled me. Eric has a lovely head, haha. I actually don't know why that made me laugh so much.....:D

Eric just generally looks nice all over ;)

I agree with you both, Wojo and candygirl, Eric is beautiful- his goodwill work, to his personality, and including his looks he's beautiful inside and out. He's just fantastic.

About his scars, he should have had some that we saw, but maybe we didn't see 'the right light' (yeh I know I know that's just stupid of me to even think) but I can't believe it was forgotten. I really really can't. Well actually i guess I can but it's a pretty big thing to forget that he got blown up...

P.s I helped myself to a piece of your cake Deirdre ;)

Oh lots of posting today.

Yeah I am co-#1 on Szmile! favorite person list. :lol:

Yep he is a beautiful man, in every way.

Can I just say that I adore his smile? In that interview, he just kept smiling and when he smiles it makes me smile.

Yeah that bugged me that they did not have scars on his back in that scene. Stupid idiots. :lol:

*Yeah i noticed that too, he moves alot~ but its cute. See when he was talking about a sandwhch lol, bless him did he blush? Why blush over a sandwhich? *Ok mind out of the mayo!*

He is just fidgety, nerves probably. I mean they say he is sort of shy so probably doing the interviews he is still a bit nervous. Heck when I go for job interviews I am fidgety and nervous as heck but if you just talked to me normally, I would be fine.

That's really cute and let us know that he's very natural in that what he's doing. I love his interviews in eRockster.

And scars. What scars??? When he's in the shower I totally forget that he should have some on the back. After that I think - hmmm... I forgot about something. Yeah, writers are bunch of idiots (stupid idiots, lol). But also they gave us Eric in the shower. So what to think now?:lol:

*Yes, Greg should have scars on his back or side. Lets be honest for a second, the skin maybe tought but its not invinsable nor does it have rechargable devices, soo, yeah his skin would blister and leave scars. Heavens knows what type of chemicals was actuarly in that blust. If the blust was strong enought to break glass, then its defo strong enought to hurt human skin.

Once again CSIs' good continuity lol

Thanks Wojo I'll get right on to it!

I was gonna say something rather prolific and something un me~ but instead I can't so I just say what i normally say.

It just shows you the character of Eric Szmanda really, he is famous to us, and yet he gets all shy and flustered around people he admires. Which is a very good and honourable (sp?) quality that some higher earning stars- could take a leaf out of Erics book.

Ahhh, I remember what else is it possible to have all of erocksters inverviews but only with Eric in... I think that is a must for all Eric's fans. Why cant he just sit infront of a camera and just talk~ and call it Eric's weekly updates. A video blog lets say.*
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Now I just pretend that he got some really good skin grafts and the perimedics were exaggerating when they said "full thickness burns" That way I can still enjoy the showering-ness of the scene

I agree, I think that the paramedics were wrong about how bad his burns were. So he has no scars, do we really wanna see Greg all scarred up anyway? I don't. And I also agree with Deirdre, at least we got a shower scene to enjoy!
Well Eric is famous to us, but really in Hollywood he is not that big of a name which is probably good for him because he does not have paparazzi following him everywhere.

Yeah we did get to see him we should not complain. Now if they can only get him shirtless one more time. :D
If they did that Dizzney, I'm sure we'd all be happy :D

I think the fact that he was nervous and fidgety is just so sweet, it shows he's just a normal kinda guy, not like a lot of actors who are too big for their boots. He is just so unbelievably cute in the fact that he was nervous
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