Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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I'm quite excited for the new season now, I'm intrigued as to how Greg's going to fit in the 'new' team. I hope he gets a bit more responsibility.

I'm sure he will have more responsibility. Especially when he gets level 2. And I think that he won't have problem with fitting in the 'new' team. We know quite well his character.
Yeh I think he'll fit well in the team. I guess I kinda meant I wonder how I see the dynamic of the group? with Greg no longer the newest CSI, I just wonder if that will make him even more serious than he has been the past couple of seasons. i don't know.

I just think it'll be interesting to see. Also, it'll be good to see him with more responsibilty, being Primary on a couple of cases would be good too.
Hmm... It's really possible that Greg will be even more serious. But I hope not. I want Greg's making jokes, and funny person like few seasons back. Work can be harder but being optimistic and funny will help to bare it.

Wow, Primary! It was so close in Fannysmackin'... but we know how it ended. He should be Primary in next season. Everyone knows that he's one of the best CSIs;)
yeh, and with him being bascially 3rd in line it could happen too, which would be awesome, as long as it doens't end in the same way as fannysmackin!!

Also, I hope we see some of the funny Greg we used to see :)
I'm useless at these things, but can anyone on here manipulate images so that we can superimpose Eric's head on Tim Curry (as Dr Frank)'s body? That would be... well, my wildest fantasy, really!

You ask and I can shamelessly grant your wish...
The new Dr Frank N Furter

That might be the scariest manip I ever did. :guffaw:

Yeah I am hoping for more funny Greg too, maybe after Grissom is gone and with all the new changes his humor will return.

Edited to add: There is a new video interview by Eric on
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I'm useless at these things, but can anyone on here manipulate images so that we can superimpose Eric's head on Tim Curry (as Dr Frank)'s body? That would be... well, my wildest fantasy, really!

You ask and I can shamelessly grant your wish...
The new Dr Frank N Furter

BL**DY HELL! That almost made me scream out loud! That's PERFECT!! That is the best headshot of him to go with the rest of the body! You are officially number 1 on my List of Favourite People! Thank you!!
Glad I could oblige. :D I've done other manips before of him but that has to be my most interesting. :lol:
:lol: I could probably actually watch RHPS then.

For some odd reason, I got a picture in my head of the CSIs as Star Wars characters. Greg as Luke, Nick as Han, Sara as Leia and Gil as Obi-Wan. Don't know who could be Yoda. :lol: Hodges maybe? LMAO!
You know, I think you (or whoever it was) is right about Eric wearing a lot of black. I like those black jeans...

...aaaaannnndd here I go again... *drool*
:lol: I could probably actually watch RHPS then.

For some odd reason, I got a picture in my head of the CSIs as Star Wars characters. Greg as Luke, Nick as Han, Sara as Leia and Gil as Obi-Wan. Don't know who could be Yoda. :lol: Hodges maybe? LMAO!

Hmm funny you should say that...Anakin and Obi Wan?
Or Anakin and his love?

:lol: Those are ones I did awhile ago.

Yes, I was the one who said he wore a lot of black, but now I am getting use to it and yes... :drool:

Just listening to erockster and they are playing the song used in the CSI promo, Band of Horses, Funeral. Makes me wonder if Eric has not had some additional influence on their music choices on the show.
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Man this thread moves soo fast. 2 days away and I'm two pages down nearly lol. hey x3nity
Welcome x3nity!
I wrote to Eric and he replied twice, I also wrote Jorja. With Marg there is an email where you can write to her publicist to get an autographed photo.

^ THANK YOU Wojo. It’s nice to know, really he replied? He is thoughtful to his fans, so admirable. I am Jorja fan too.
^ Hi bubbles, thanks.

Hello x3nity! Hmm... I think I know you...;)
Great that Szmile gave you links to Dope Ass Warrior. I hope you enjoyed;)
x3nity, you're really welcome and enjoy your stay here. But remember, don't take my thunder

Yep, I think you know me. I am stalking you, he he he….
Thanks too to Szmile.

We’ll give me some time to familiarize your ways of things here so that I can keep up. Pretend I’m a rookie so I’m gonna be on the sideline studying my lessons and will be asking here and there to learn of your language, so to speak.
Hey, what’s thunder you’re talking about? :cool:

^ Dizzney – you are good with your hands…. Can you do some Chewbacca for me? :) He’s one of my SW fav. He portrays a beast but he cared like a human.:p

I'm off to go. Have a great day everyone.

You ask and I can shamelessly grant your wish...
The new Dr Frank N Furter

BL**DY HELL! That almost made me scream out loud! That's PERFECT!! That is the best headshot of him to go with the rest of the body! You are officially number 1 on my List of Favourite People! Thank you!!


Szmile! I thought that I'm officially number 1 on your List of Favourite People. What now? Now I'm number 2? Or maybe I'm number 1 on your your unofficially List? I hope so 'cause when not... we'll have a small chat:devil::lol:

Dizzney, thanks for the info about interview. I'll go and check it;)

We know that Eric often had influence on music which was in CSI. I really hope that this song from promo is also his idea.

x3nity, about the thunder. I'm the slowest typist here, lol. And very often when I wanted to post something, Dizzney was first. So then I needed to edit post:lol:
Oh no, I have stalker... I hope you're not Crane:guffaw:
You and Dizzney are both number 1 on my List of Favourite People :D

Dizzney, you have such a talent for manips (or whatever you call them). You always seem to pick exactly the right headshot for that particular moment.

I'd also like to congratulate Eric for having such a lovely head ;)
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