Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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I have!! That's why I find it so hilarious that I have no idea what you're talking about.

On a side note, I don't want to get too personal, but I've been looking at the promo (nearly typed porno ;)) pic of Eric on his own again. I know the guy is slim, and black is a slimming colour, but doesn't he look a bit, well, TOO thin? I worry about the boy, you know!
Well if you need refresher, go here for a bunch of screencaps from that ep. maybe they will trigger your memory.

Well, I've thought that in the last couple of years he has seemed slimmer than before. I think he could use a few more donuts. :lol:
Another thing that might jog the memory is Bull was about - well Bull riding! It was all around a great/fun episode.

I also liked TCotCDC - Greg's eagerness and excitement was so adorable as was his scenes with Cath's mom. I love A La Cart, and LDWD as well. Another great Greg ep was 'The theory of everything' he had some real good screen time in that one. I also liked the one where Greg, Nick, and Grissom were all sick, it was funny.
PMSL!!! I have *NO* idea what you're talking about!! LOL!! I haven't got a clue about any guy being shot in the bath in season 8! Lady who does weddings?! Scene with Wendy?! It means absolutely nothing to me! Did I watch the right show?! PMSL!

OMG and PMSL! Szmile, I think that I don't need to repeat myself that I love you, right?:lol:

And yeah, he looked so skinny in promo. But like Dizzney said, he looked like that for last couple of years. Hmmm, maybe donuts are a good idea?:lol:
Ohhhhhhhhh!! I remember that thing... that vibrator/sex aid thingy for bulls! LOL! How come that's the only part of the episode I do remember? ROFL!

I remember the woman, but not what she said... and I remember that Wendy was saying something that was weirding Greg and Nick out... which surprised me at the time because Greg used to come out with things like that himself (remember when he told Grissom about a "different" way to take heroin?)

Thanks for those caps, they've helped a lot. Still have no idea about the guy in the bath though.

Another great Greg ep was 'The theory of everything' he had some real good screen time in that one. I also liked the one where Greg, Nick, and Grissom were all sick, it was funny.

Now you see, I didn't think Greg got enough screentime in The Theory of Everything (I hated the episode too). I did, however, LOVE the line in Grissom's Divine Comedy: "Leave me alone. I have a cold".

See, I did remember SOMETHING! :lol:

OMG and PMSL! Szmile, I think that I don't need to repeat myself that I love you, right?:lol:

And yeah, he looked so skinny in promo. But like Dizzney said, he looked like that for last couple of years. Hmmm, maybe donuts are a good idea?:lol:

Awww you know I love you too :)

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and I remember that Wendy was saying something that was weirding Greg and Nick out... which surprised me at the time because Greg used to come out with things like that himself (remember when he told Grissom about a "different" way to take heroin?)

Thanks for those caps, they've helped a lot. Still have no idea about the guy in the bath though.

Yeah Greg use to get those good lines. Now it seems they go to Hodges or Wendy or even Henry. :(

Not in the the bathroom stall, Szmile! :lol:
Not in the the bathroom stall, Szmile! :lol:

OMG I think I'm going to crack my ribs laughing! I swear you're inventing this as you go along! :guffaw:

Okay, so I saw the word "bathroom" and only read "bath". Lol just shoot me now and put me out of my misery!
I can't help it that you cannot remember the episode worth a darn. If you did you would know what I am talking about. :lol:

He had a lot of screen time in "The Theory of Everything". I think you need to study your CSI episodes better when you watch them. :lol:
My oh my you eric/greg fans how much have you all posted?

Seen 100 girls yesturday and it was really funny. I liked that film- Eric is in it for a few minutes, but much much better than that film- rules of attraction.

Season eight was the best for me, regarding Eric. Bull and A La Cart is the best for me. The case of cross- was just not a good episode, and was it trying to deal with transgender or not?

Very weak episode if you ask me. Talking about that episode its on right now.
Okay, so which is the episode with the rubbish lorry that I mentioned above? I *KNOW* that happened, because I remember being impressed with the length of Eric's legs as he stepped over the crime tape :D

EDIT: In my defence... I HATED season 8 with a passion. If I'd enjoyed it I would have remembered it more. That is my excuse and I shall stick to it :)
Thanks also for the screen caps lol. I thought he was in it only once, but twice!!!

Now i know why you all are breaking out the party!!!:rommie:

Ahh and an interesting fact, did you know that Eric's dog is named after a bisexual character on Star trek deep space nice, Dax. And George's dog is named after a westen....

Sorry thought i'd add it in!
Szmile! That episode was Cockroaches that had him walking over the crime scene tape. And yes his legs did look very long and well skinny. :lol:
Noooo, I want to post and I can't:lol: SLOW DOWN!

Szmile, you mean epi number 10 or 9, don't rememeber title.

Yeah, Dizzney said it before me, LOL.

We need chat, not forum! ROFL

And Eric's legs are sooooooo long.
Ahh and an interesting fact, did you know that Eric's dog is named after a bisexual character on Star trek deep space nice, Dax.

Noooo wrong on both counts ;)

Jadzia (as she was then) Dax was not bisexual. Basically, her body is the host body to a symbiotic life form (in this case, Dax). When the host body dies the symbiont is transferred to a new host body. The memories of the old host reside in the symbiont, and the combined lives and experiences of the old host and the symbiont join with the life and experience of the new host to create a new personality.

One of the hosts Dax was residing in (a male, Torias) got married to another host (a female) with another symbiont inside her (Kahn). Torias died and the Dax symbiont was transferred to another host. The female host also eventually died, and the Kahn symbiont was transferred into another host.

After about a couple of new hosts each, the Dax symbiont ended up inside a female host, Jadzia. The Kahn symbiont also ended up inside a female host, Lenara.

One of the rules of Trill society was that reassociation was taboo, meaning that a symbiont could not restart a former relationship once it was in a new host. Therefore, for Lenara and Jadzia to have romantic feelings for each other was strictly against Trill social norms, and to pursue their relationship would mean being cast out of their society. It was a great analogy to same sex relationships. But, in a nutshell, Dax was not bisexual ;)

Also, Eric has said that Dax was not named after the Dax in Star Trek.

I might not pay attention to Season 8 of CSI but I do know Star Trek! Hehe!

EDIT: I realise that explanation may have been confusing, but since you all know I'm confused anyway, this is the best you're going to get ;)

Thanks for telling me the episode :) I'm having a closer look at Eric's legs (tough job, but someone's gotta do it). I don't think he has skinny legs... I think they're perfectly in proportion to the rest of him ;)
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:guffaw: Wow, are you a Star Trek fan or what? :lol: Too bad Eric was not on that show for you. :)
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