Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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Yup definately Greg.

I'm just getting to mid way through season 8 now, so I'm hoping to see the improved Greg time :) Sara's just left where I've got to, I've seen to 8x09 8x10 I can't remember lol

And now we have all:lol:

True that Greg was more often after Sara's leaving. But I can't generalise 'cause for example in A La Cart he had quite much time (I think, my memory sometimes really sucks:lol:). But change is easy to see after Goodbye and Goodluck.

And with 7th season. One good storyline and then silence, ehh...
I thought Greg had good screentime in season 8 before and after Sara left...and Bubbles if you haven't seen episode 11 yet -'Bull' you are in for a treat. It was my fave ep of season 8. Not only lots of Greg but he worked the case with Nick! Bonus.
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My favorite episode from Season 8 was "The Case of the Cross Dressing Carp" just because Greg was so darn cute and funny in it with this excitement over the mob stuff. Plus that was when we first heard about the book. I really hope they do not forget about the book after all the Warrick stuff is done with. I think it would be cute if by the end of the season they have a big book release party for him.
I like epi "The Case Of Cross Dressing Carp" only 'cause of Greg. His excitement and this book thing. Like with you Wojo, Bull is also on the top. I think I don't need to explain why. Another my favourite epi is "Lying Down With The Dogs". I just love the beginning where Nick and Greg are at the crime scene. It's also one of my favourites in general.
My favorite episode from Season 8 was "The Case of the Cross Dressing Carp" just because Greg was so darn cute and funny in it with this excitement over the mob stuff. Plus that was when we first heard about the book. I really hope they do not forget about the book after all the Warrick stuff is done with. I think it would be cute if by the end of the season they have a big book release party for him.

Awww I LOVE the book release party idea! Even if they don't throw one for him, WE can ;)

I've never understood why Greric fans talk about TCofCDC so much. When I watched it I didn't really see anything to get excited about. Did I sleep through the good bits?! What did I miss?
What? Didn't you see how excited he got about the Rampart scene? And how even though it was not his case he was willing to work on it in his off time? Plus how cute he was with Lily (Catherine's mom)? I just loved that.
Awww I LOVE the book release party idea! Even if they don't throw one for him, WE can ;)

I've never understood why Greric fans talk about TCofCDC so much. When I watched it I didn't really see anything to get excited about. Did I sleep through the good bits?! What did I miss?

Honestly, it's not my favourite epi at all. For a long part it's for me boring. Bits with Greg are great 'cause of book etc. And he was just great like always.

Greric, I love it!

Dizzney, I forgot that we're talking only about Greg's bits. Who cares about rest of epi? LOL (but quite much Nick was there, but that's other discussion)
Well it is not my favorite episode overall of the season, but it has my favorite Greg scenes in it pretty much. I think A La Cart and Bull are a tie for my all around favorite episodes from the season.
Oh no, I really should write faster:lol: I edited and you posted in the same time, lol.

But anyway, "A La Cart" and "Bull" are also my favourites from the last season. And of course "Lying Down With The Dogs" which I meantioned earlier.
Ahh I remember the Lily bit. LOVE it when he wears a fedora (unless I'm stupid and that's not what the hat is called).

I just remember how excited he used to get in the "old" days, which is why his excitement doesn't really register with me in that episode. I've seen him more excited than that *requires help to extract mind from gutter* :D

Okay, I definitely don't remember anything happening in Bull either. Was that the one with the rubbish lorry, and Greg stepped over the crime scene tape to pick up a bullet... gun... knife... something?

I only watched the episodes once! I'm not going to see them again until the DVDs come out so I'll have to commit them to memory then :)
Nope, Bull is the one with Nick and Greg at the crime scene with the girl hit and run victim and then later on they are in the bar with the guy who was shot in the bathroom. But then there is the scene with them talking to the lady who does weddings. It has to do with the dead bull rider. Oh and of course the scene with Wendy. :lol:
PMSL!!! I have *NO* idea what you're talking about!! LOL!! I haven't got a clue about any guy being shot in the bath in season 8! Lady who does weddings?! Scene with Wendy?! It means absolutely nothing to me! Did I watch the right show?! PMSL!
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