Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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No problem. I find myself listening a lot to the erockster stream lately at home, so I am on the site a lot and see the updates. :)
"oh by the way Greg is lvl 2, we just didn't bother to mention when or how it happened".

That would be great!:D

I really hope that in next season Greg will CSI level 2. He's the way too long on level 1. Of course more screentime and nice scenes with Grissom before he will leave the lab.

Thanks so much Dizzney for the interview. Sometimes friendship with my lappy is really hard so I'll check it later.
Thanks Dizzney. I'll check it out later :) (why is everything so mad around here that i can't just sit all night :( )
And CSI 2 Greg is just what should happen. Do we reckon it will? I actually do, i'm optimistic for once.
Well I think maybe before the actual series ends he will be a Level 2, but I am really hoping it happens this season.
Yes Greg needs to make level 2 this year. Statistically speaking they've now got 2 level 1's and two level 3's, not sure about the new character!

Yepers Greg for level 2.

Thanks for the link, wow.. sweet interview.

Dont know if I actuarly said this before, but here goes. I read an interview (might be from here!) when Greg was in the lab- Eric shot all of his scenes in one day.

Now thought being in the field he shoots more. How beautiful is that man?

Oh yeah, I am sure with him being a CSI and having to be on location shoots he tapes more than just one day.

Yeah I think they need a mid-level (Level 2) CSI on the team now and Greg fits that perfectly.
Yup he does. With Cath and Nick higher, and then the newbies being 1's, it just seems natural for Greggo to be a 2 now
Wow, Greg was actually mentioned by Carol M. in an article in the spoilers thread. Amazing! Okay he was only mentioned as being already on the show, but at least she mentioned he existed. :lol: Maybe progress is being made. :p

BL***Y HELL!!!! I am completely floored! Break out the balloons!

I've decided to adopt a different tactic than the one I was going to adopt. The old one was to write to the writers and rant. The new one is to write to the writers and praise Eric, praise Greg, praise THEM for writing particular episodes or scenes where Eric/Greg has been exceptional. I'm hoping the positive, encouraging method will work.

On a side note, I saw Lab Rats recently and LOVED how Greg/Eric (this is confusing, let's just call him Greric) reacted to Hodges. I don't think I've ever seen him acting like that before, not just the "kiss my ass" line, but the way he delivered the entire piece. Do you know what I mean? As though he was too tired to mess about or deal with the lab rats and just wanted to get the hell out of there.
^ ^. That's kinda what I did, but mixed the two together. Along the lines of Eric/Greg or as you say Greric ;) is awesome, his acting is great, etc etc and then, kind of like he seems to be lacking screentime, storylines, scenes, anything after. Why is he never on anymore? It seems he's underused etc etc/

I wrote it sounding a lot better than that though.

I loved lab Rats. I think he just wanted to get out of there really. And hodges, well, he could do that to anyone really. I know what you mean though.
Yeah in Lab Rats his attitude was more of a fed up one and he just wanted to take a shower and get home. I did love that about his scene in that episode.

Edited way later to add that we see a bit of Greg in the Season 9 promo commercial. I posted a screen cap on the Greg pics thread.
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LOL, I don't know what you've seen but I saw Greg. For a second only but always something. He was there. And looks hot like always... (yay, short hair!)
I do hope we get to see more Eric this year. Love the character Greg but the last season...well, not much Greg so hope this season are a bit better :)
I just want to see Greg have equal screen time in every episode and none of these silly 20 second scenes that he has at least 2-3 times a season.
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