Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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My thing is why would TPTB neogtiate with Eric if they are not going to use him to his fullest potential. I am tired of Sara and GSR always on my screen, give me more Greg, and more Greg and Nick scenes.

Well Sara as far as I know is only supposed to be in 3 episodes and after the 10th Grissom is gone too, So no more GSR!! But I don't think TPTB dislikes Eric, they just don't use Greg like they should, maybe because they don't know what to do with him. If Eric wanted out he would be out,and if the producers wanted him out he would be. Eric has always said in interviews he has a good relationship with the producers.
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Yeah I agree with Wojo. I think TPTB are just at a loss of how to deal with Greg anymore. They made him a CSI and he became more serious and they do not know how to carry over his old personality over into the CSI field work. We see it sometimes but I think they could do better.

The new girl getting more screen time is the only thing I am worried about happening.
I think that TPTB don't actually see him as a 'main' character, which is why he doesn't get as much coverage as the others, and that's where the main problems start.

I don't like the idea of the famous person replacing Grissom, it'll just shove Greg further down the pecking order, which sucks, seeing as he has been there from the beginning, and has been loyal to the show, not just coming in at season 9 and getting all the screentime.

I agree with you Dizzney, they don't know what to do with his personality, how to fit it into the CSI rather than lab rat style. It's strange really..
Agree that TPTB don't know what to do with CSI Greg. He as a lab tech was much easier for them.

And also I'm agree with you bubbles. They still not see Greg as a main character what is really wrong. TPTB have him for years and still don't know what to do.

When I said that Greg is not a pupil of TPTB I didn't mean that they don't like him. They just have more important (for them only od course) things like GSR, arghhh. But it will be out...

Yeah, Dizzney, I'm afraid that too. New girl and more screentime for her. No, that would be really bad.
Well it is also depressing when they keep talking about how Wendy and Hodges will get more screen time, but what they do not realize is we want Greg to have more...not those two necessarily. I mean I like them too but Greg has been around since the Pilot. He deserves some respect. I mean he has even done promotion for the show when the board game came out, they sent him to go places. Why can't they see he should get close to the same amount of screen time now as Nick with Warrick and then when Grissom goes. It should not go to newbies...I do not care who they are or what they have done. This is CSI not the "Who's the next big star we can find to replace Grissom show."

Putting down the bat now

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I know yeh, I actually don't think that they realise how little screentime Greg has. Or they just forget about him. I like Wendy, and can take Hodges in small doses, he's funny in his way, for a couple of minutes an episode, but there's Greg, in it since the beginning, with others taking all the screentime. It just doesn't really seem that fair.
You're both right. I like Wendy, even Hodges in some way but when TPTB is talking that they will have more screentime and silence about Greg... That's really stupid situation. They know that Greg has many fans around the world. That means something. TPTB really should start to respect Eric and his character.

And bubbles, I think they know how little time he has.
Well the thing is he may actually film more scenes but some might get cut. I remember from a dvd commentary...for the season 3 episode, Lady Heather's Box, they said Greg had been in it more but most of his scenes ended up on the cutting room floor. He had only two very small scenes in that episode. And also in another episode in season 1 or 2 I read in the CSI Companion that there had been another scene that William Peterson liked between him and Greg, sort of arguing that got cut. He said something that it was cut due to running time but in the scene supposedly Greg had yet again stood up to Grissom and defended himself to him. So he might film more but his scenes get cut...which is just as bad.
Truly it's even worse than forgetting. I don't like thought that they cut so much scenes. I don't want to know how much. That would be painful. It's really bad...
The only way they are gonna know our feelings is to write them. So if anyone still hasn't done so I suggest you do. What can it hurt? here is the address again for those who still want to write. If you already wrote, doing so again can't hurt either.

Carol Mendelsohn
Executive Producer, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
c/o CSI
100 Universal City Plaza
Bldg. 2128 Suite B
Universal City, CA 91608
Well it is also depressing when they keep talking about how Wendy and Hodges will get more screen time, but what they do not realize is we want Greg to have more...not those two necessarily. I mean I like them too but Greg has been around since the Pilot. He deserves some respect. I mean he has even done promotion for the show when the board game came out, they sent him to go places. Why can't they see he should get close to the same amount of screen time now as Nick with Warrick and then when Grissom goes. It should not go to newbies...I do not care who they are or what they have done. This is CSI not the "Who's the next big star we can find to replace Grissom show."

Putting down the bat now


*picks up the bat*

The Evil Ones won't know what's hit 'em :D
Haha, they've got us all with the bat.

It is worse if they know how little he has, and don't even try to give him more, and having scenes ending up on the cutting room floor just sucks...
Well maybe with the new spoilers out maybe we do have some hope that we will see more Greg. I mean he was not mentioned but maybe we really should not stress until we see at the least the first couple of episodes of the season. I think I'm going to try to hold onto that faith. :)
Again no mentions about Greg but I agree with you Dizzney that we can have some hope. Faith now is important;) Oh, please, I want to see in first epis so many Greg scenes.
Wow, Greg was actually mentioned by Carol M. in an article in the spoilers thread. Amazing! Okay he was only mentioned as being already on the show, but at least she mentioned he existed. :lol: Maybe progress is being made. :p
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