Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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Yep Hodges is definitely jealous of Greg. I've always thought that. He tries to undercut him if he can, although lately he is not as bad. I've noticed that ever since Fannysmackin' he has been a bit nicer to Greg.
I think when Greg told Hodges to 'Kiss his ass' in Lab rats, he realized the Greg wasn't going to take his crap anymore plus he might get his ass kicked if he keeps messin with Greggo...
^ Yeah that could be true too. Greg was finally fed up with him at that point and just told him off. I still love that moment...Hodges' shocked look on his face. :lol:
I think when Greg told Hodges to 'Kiss his ass' in Lab rats, he realized the Greg wasn't going to take his crap anymore plus he might get his ass kicked if he keeps messin with Greggo...

That line in Labrats was really good- how cute did Eric look? I mean seriously. Very hot.

Aww, yeah Hodges is probably jealous of Greg- but Hodges is also clever and smart etc, and good looking..Just that he seems to lack social skills. :shifty:
Oh yeah, Hodges is so jealous of Greg. Part with "kiss my ass" is really good, today I'll watch it again. Agree that he started to be nicer to Greg after Fannysmackin' but still can't hide his true feelings. I think that Hodges doesn't like Greg's attitude - easy-going, funny, and of course (sorry all Hodges' fans:lol:) that he's so damn hotter than him. But at first place is his lack of problems with contacts with rest of the team. Hodges still is not a part of it in way which he wants.

Greg and Grissom - I always see them like a relation father and son. But... Grissom (like with Nick) had problem with people who are not hiding their character.
Yeah even in the commentaries on some episodes, the writers/directors say how they like to play the Grissom/Greg relationship as a sort of Father/Son one, how Grissom is always trying to guide Greg in the right direction with his decisions.
Yeah that is why I am hoping for one really nice episode with those two working together.
Yeah, good episode with them both will be really great! That's definitely next thing in my wishing list before the next season.
Yeah us fans deserve one, but I do not have much faith in TPTB giving us one before Grissom is gone. :(
No I don't think that'll happen either, the first 3 will be Grissom and Sara, then I guess it'll just build up to him leaving. Maybe Greg will get promoted to CSI 2, and Grissom will tell him, and how proud he is of him in a ncie little scene before he leaves?
I would love for that too happen. That is the one thing they could give us that would probably make us happy.
I'd love for Greg to get a promotion before Griss leaves. That would be awesome. And it would almost (not completely) make up for how much Greg has been neglected and left out.
My wishing list is very long and I know that even a quarter of that won't happen just because of Greg is not favourite TPTB's character. Next season will be GSR season, new characters and that means one thing - going back to the last situation when Greg had lack of screentime. I'm starting to be tired of all wishes which just can't come true. Hard to be optimist when we don't have spoilers, even informations about Eric's contract. Maybe Billy will have something to say about Greg so we're going to have possibilty to see scenes with them together. But well, it's only wishful thinking...
Yeh, I actually think that it says it all that we haven't even heard about Eric's contract. It just says it all. But we can hope, and maybe, just maybe, we'll be surprised in the 2nd half of the season!
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