Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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Definitely I want a big surprise in the second half of the next season. It's still wishful thinking but sometimes even me (very complaining person from the middle of Europe:devil:) need some hope. Small hope and I'm still realistic but... All these things with new characters and etc. That's a way too much for me. We can only wait.
My wishing list is very long and I know that even a quarter of that won't happen just because of Greg is not favourite TPTB's character. Next season will be GSR season, new characters and that means one thing - going back to the last situation when Greg had lack of screentime. I'm starting to be tired of all wishes which just can't come true. Hard to be optimist when we don't have spoilers, even informations about Eric's contract. Maybe Billy will have something to say about Greg so we're going to have possibilty to see scenes with them together. But well, it's only wishful thinking...

I think your post has said it all, I can't put it any better than that. Totally agree.

Yeh, I actually think that it says it all that we haven't even heard about Eric's contract. It just says it all. But we can hope, and maybe, just maybe, we'll be surprised in the 2nd half of the season!

I think "surprised" will be an understatement!! Bl**dy GOBSMACKED more like!
Well truly we did not even know Eric had re-signed until he wrote in his last fan letters to people that he had. We had to hear it from him to know. That is a sad sign for what the TPTB think he means to the fans.

I want an episode like I am watching now on Spike..."Kiss, kiss, bye, bye". He had a lot of scenes with Grissom and was totally adorable in it. Of course with Warrick's "death" and Grissom leaving I have a feeling this season will be short on light hearted episodes.
Plus he's working so much on eRockster that it's not looking likely that he'll be in many scenes.

I feel like banging people's heads together.
Well being that eRockster is online...truly he can work on a lot of that (I know not all of it like interviews) from his trailer...on his laptop I am sure.

I'm still just hoping TPTB realize we still want to see the original cast members a lot after all these changes.
I'm agree with Dizzney here. I think that eRockster is not taking so much time.

I think TPTB won't understand the most simple things. How I wrote in other post in other thread. All is business and they want to earn more money. Big changes means exactly that. Caring about original cast, especially Greg, is not their problem.

BTW, I made 666th post here! Hmmm...:devil::devil::devil:
OOh no, the devil is herrreeee!! :lol:

Well like I said before, I am not a fan of CM overall. I do not think she cares for the Greg character that much. She may have in the past but now all she cares about is her precious GSR. I think some of the other writers do and they were the ones who came up with his storyline in Season 7.
666, lol, scary...

I think they do know how important it is to keep scenes and keep growing the original cast, and, with Cath and Nicky I think they'll continue to do that. I just think, that, to TPTB, Greg isn't seen as anywhere near as important as the others. Which is a shame. But as I said before, we never know, and, szmile, maybe we will be gobsmacked!
Now your thread devil will say something:devil:

My words about that they're not caring about original cast was a little bit too tough. Of course writers and producers can't forget about Marg or George 'cause they were always the most popular characters in the show. Concentration on new characters must be with "older ones". But the worst is option when Greg will be back to his lack of screentime. I still can't shake off the feeling that in 8th season he was for the fill some time. Definitely that's not making me optimist. Of course I want to be gobsmacked. Probably you don't know how much I want to;) I'll be really really happy when my all dark thoughts not coming true.
I'm not so sure about Greg being just a filler, he got plenty of screentime while Sara was still on the show as a regular, even with Ronnie in the mix. However I am not feeling good about S9 just the same mostly because of the big named star replacing WP.

As far as lack of spoilers, that is normal when it comes to Greg (S7 was exception).
See its not only me is it that has no real good feelings about season nine?

Overal i think that Eric's character has been overlooked.

He's a multi talented person with more fingers in more pots than Winne the pooh's hand in the jar of honey. ~ Does that make sence?

eRockster shouldn't be his only avenue of interest~ considering he has been on CSI since the first episode.

BTW- Deirdre~ Loving your new icon lol.
See its not only me is it that has no real good feelings about season nine?

Overal i think that Eric's character has been overlooked.

It's hard to not have bad feelings before next season. And definitely Eric's character has been overlooked. That's really sad when he has here so much fans and we want to see him more. But of course no one is listening us.

He's a multi talented person with more fingers in more pots than Winne the pooh's hand in the jar of honey. ~ Does that make sence?

You mean that part with Winnie The Pooh's hand in the jar of honey? lol. I don't know but sounds funny. Especially when we know that Eric has ten fingers and Winnie The Pooh only two paws. So yeah, now it makes sense!:lol:

eRockster shouldn't be his only avenue of interest~ considering he has been on CSI since the first episode.


BTW- Deirdre~ Loving your new icon lol.

Thanks. I found new hobby, making GIF things:lol:
Although erockster and SFT are Eric's side projects, remember that CSI is as of now his main job. I'm going to try and remain hopeful....
My thing is why would TPTB neogtiate with Eric if they are not going to use him to his fullest potential. I am tired of sara and GSR always on my screen, give me more greg, and more greg and nick scenes.
Although erockster and SFT are Eric's side projects, remember that CSI is as of now his main job. I'm going to try and remain hopeful....

Yeah, that's true Wojo. CSI is his main job for years. I think that eRockster and SFT as his side projects are something more like a passion. It's great that Eric wants to develope his interests. But sadly Eric as the actor can't have so much just because he's not the pupil of TPTB.
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