Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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No he does not get credit for much anymore, unfortunately. I was watching "Gum Drops" last night and have always loved that episode and realized that CSI can be great without Grissom being in an episode. That was a nice team ep with the not main characters hardly on it. Catherine was on it very little too. Greg had good screentime and some funny scenes in it too. The "It's a ganja graveyard" scene and the "Yoko Ono" comment. :lol: So maybe there is still hope after Grissom is gone that the writer's will refocus on the original exisiting characters.
I've just read this on wiki:

"He also mentions his Nana Olaf in season 6, episode 19 ("Spellbound"). She apparently possessed psychic powers, and his family believes that Greg may have inherited this ability from her. This is humorously referenced on several occasions, with Greg making a seemingly innocuous comment, which later either occurs or is referenced. Ironically, Greg is never present when these discoveries are made, and nobody ever seems to notice as well."

Well, I've not noticed it either! Can anyone think of something he's said that's later turned out to be true?

BTW I also checked out what Wiki had to say about Eric. They have practically no info on him at all.

OEDIT: OOOH! I'm a Prime Suspect now ;) Just noticed. Wahoo.
:lol: I'm gonna have to watch Spellbound as soon as I get my Season 6 DVD set. I don't remember the "psychic power" thing. That's interesting. I don't think Greg inherited it though. If he had, he surely would have known that Nick was in danger in "grave danger" before everyone else considering how close friends he is with Nick. And Sara as well when Natalie kidnapped her. He definitely would have known about that given his crush on Sara. :D
He also should have known what would happen to him in FannySmackin, unless he did know and he didn't care because he wanted to save a life.
Yeh, I don't think he inherited Nanna Olof's psychic powers, unless only in terms of getting key pieces of evidence, not in terms of knowing when his friends and himself are in trouble. But I believe that, as you sai Wojo he'd have saved that life anyway in Fannysmackin', he's got to have known it was dangerous.
Well Grissom right away makes a joke of it when Greg mentioned he was psychic.
GRISSOM: Okay. What am I thinking?

GREG: That I'm due for a promotion?

GRISSOM: I'm thinking you should focus on your other five senses.

So obviously Grissom did not fall for him being psychic either.

I never trust Wiki sites...they can be edited by anybody online.
I don't think Grissom puts Greg down at all. I think he's a bit tougher on both Greg and Nick because he sees so much potential in both of them. Now Hodges, yeah, he puts Hodges down a lot. :lol: always making a comment about his brown-nosing. :lol:
Maybe it is because he sees potential in them, but I do think he puts him down a bit, more than Nick, especially in the mid seasons (I wish I could think of an example lol). I do agree abotu Hodges though, but that's because he doesn't like Hodges' brown nosing erghness lol
I agree with you GNRF. I think Grissom sees their potential and is tougher on them. Also he knows Greg will stand up for himself, which is another reason I love Greg. He is not afraid to speak his word. I always think back to "Harvest" in Season 5 when Greg stood up to Grissom and defended Mia to him. Grissom seemed impressed. I think Grissom just likes to test him.
He is more harsh on Greg though. Maybe he's like that with all new CSI's, just to get them to fulfil their potential, I mean we didn't see the others when they were starting out. I've just thought of that. I agree it could be to test them, but I still think he's harsh on Greg. I love the fact that Greg stands up for himself too though.
But that is why I think he is harder on Greg because he knows Greg can take it and learn from it. He has always learned from his mistakes.
I think he knows Greg can take constructive criticism better than most. When Nick said that thing about birds and Grissom said "oh, Animal planet"... Nick was really kind of hurt by the comment and wondered why everyone assumed he watched too much tv when he says something smart. :lol: If that had been Greg, Greg would have had some snappy comeback. :lol: But then again, everyone knows Greg is a genius, so it's unlikely that anyone would say anything like that to him.

I think that Grissom sees a little bit of himself in Greg. He tends to act sometimes kind of "fatherly" towards Greg. I guess that's cause he's the youngest in the lab and all, but... I loved his conversation with Greg in the hospital in "Fannysmackin'". He was telling Greg his mom would be proud that he saved a guy's life.

Does anyone else get the impression that Hodges is extremely jealous of Greg? :lol: He's always making some snide comment about Greg or to Greg. Like that time he said something to someone about Greg not washing his hands... which I doubt it true anyway. I mean how many DNA anaylists or former DNA anaylists don't wash their hands? :lol:
I guess he knows that Greg will learn from his mistakes and become better because of them.

I think Hodges is extremely jealous of Greg. Kind of like he wants to be a bit like Greg was when he was in the lab, everyone knew that Greg was very good at his job, and a genius, whereas Hodges goes looking for peopl to say 'good work hodges' kind of thing.
I agree, I've always thought Hodges was jealous of Greg, because Greg is everything he's not, good looking, popular, genius, and has a better sense of humor.
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