Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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Yeh, I guess we won't know whether it really was just to fill until the new season? Maybe the newbies will have the little time that Greg's so used to having, and Greg will get more? (ok maybe not, but still)

Yeah, that was my first (very optimistc) thought. But now when is a possibilty that a big star will be in CSI... just no comments.

I do like the book arc, I really do, but as mentioned, it won't give him that much more screentime. Yeh, a story arc, possibly mentioned in passing, but probably not much more.

Exactly! This storyline is another way to keep us quiet, but c'mon, we're not stupid!

Right Deirdre, I'm sharing out the e-cake now. A piece for everyone. Chocolate? Fruit? Sponge?

Definitely chocolate one! Yummy!:)

Szmile, I always knew (from few days, lol) that you love me 'cause I love you too;)

And of course we gonna WRITE... yes, write... ok... to The Evil Ones. But, damn, where are my bombs?:lol::devil::evil::p

Yessss, we gonna rule and rock the world! I hope they're ready for that! MUHAHAHAHA
Yes we all agreed that GSR was Carol M's - baby pet project.

The fact that Eric didnt feel like a proper cast member speaks volumes to me. When she talks about them she dont even mention Eric. I wonder if theres a conspiracy at CBS and CSI?

I mean Greg's been there for 9 years nearly, and you would think that somewhere he'd have at least 5 story lines which was good.

Sometimes I wonder if the pull for him to stay at CSI has something personal and private. Because it cant be the lack of character development. Its as if CSI and CBS dont know what to do with him... as if he's a spare part just brought in for something- or someone's insistance.
Well when all you hear about for CSI is talk of every other character but Greg, it really makes it hard to stay optimistic.

The Evil Ones, you all are too funny. I think we give the first 5 episodes of the season and if we go not see much Greg, we do another write in.

It's called a steady paycheck that keeps him there. It is too risky as an actor like him who has not done much else to leave a good thing. Plus he once said he would stay with the show until the end.
Well when all you hear about for CSI is talk of every other character but Greg, it really makes it hard to stay optimistic.

The Evil Ones, you all are too funny. I think we give the first 5 episodes of the season and if we go not see much Greg, we do another write in.

It's called a steady paycheck that keeps him there. It is too risky as an actor like him who has not done much else to leave a good thing. Plus he once said he would stay with the show until the end.

Gaud yeah a steady pay check for anyone is good but yeah especialy so for the actors... But I have my private thoughts, that could mean why he is staying around....
Well let's face it, he gets a paycheck even when it is only on for like 30 seconds, so it is actually a pretty good gig for him, because actors get paid per episode. It has allowed him to do his SFT and now erockster. Plus since he is Executive Producer of those two things he needs his regular steady income to support those ventures. That is why I think he really sticks around.
Well let's face it, he gets a paycheck even when it is only on for like 30 seconds, so it is actually a pretty good gig for him, because actors get paid per episode. It has allowed him to do his SFT and now erockster. Plus since he is Executive Producer of those two things he needs his regular steady income to support those ventures. That is why I think he really sticks around.

Maybe, lol, or maybe theres other reasons. :censored: Reasons that we as the fans are not prior to. Still thought its not good for his image though is it? Only to be seen for a few minutes at the most... just... not
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That's a little bit dangerous area...

Honestly, we just know nothing, we can only imagine some things. Anyway, I think that Eric has more than his paycheck. He's a part of the two projects so he just must have more than that what he can earn in CSI. But well, it's all about money and I don't want to theorize about it. Better is leaving this subject...
Yeah I think we just drop that overall subject and just still hope Greg's storyline (the book one) gives him some good scenes...maybe some funny ones down the way.
Moving on then... :) I just watched who and what, and was actually quite surprised Greg had more than his usual one 30 second scene. I was quite impressed, and Sara is still there.

I hope they continue with the book storyline, and as I've said before, I'd like them to go into why Greg doesn't carry a gun, and maybe go into that. Also maybe a bit more into his past would be good.
Oh that was a pretty good episode. Yeah Greg was in a bit in the beginning but then he disappeared. That seems to happen a lot. He starts the show off then you never see him for the rest of it.

Bubbles, I agree with everything you want to see them do for Greg's character. I think it would be interesting if he just decided to start carrying a gun and going through that process. Although a gun really does not solve everything and I guess that is his viewpoint. I mean Nick, Sara, and Warrick all carry guns and bad things still happened to them. So I could see his point of not carrying one.
Yeh, I can see why he wouldn't want one. It's just that the rest of the team carry/carried, and it'd be good to see the writer's go into why Greg doesn't, if he actually doesn't want to, and maybe his thoughts about maybe deciding to.

Yeh, he does just seem to disappear in the middle of episodes. But seeing him a bit at the beginning is more than what's happened recently in the eps I've been watching!
Well in Season 8 he did seem to appear a lot in the beginning minutes of the episodes but then you do not see much of him throughout except for a few episodes. I know Drop's Out he was on in the beginning like 15 minutes portion then you did not see him anymore. I do say that overall, once Sara was gone, he had better screen time except for one episode where he was on for like 20 seconds.
True. It what I hate most about his screentime, I was watching lying down with dogs from last season and it started as Nick and Greg's case but all of a sudden Greg was gone and Catherine and Nick were investigating, he turned up later to break the case (Greg is good at finding that key piece of evidence).
I have noticed that, that he does seem to find the key piece of pun intended when it comes to Lying down with dogs... but he often does find the thing that breaks a case...but his scenes are so short it is hardly noticeable that he did. It's almost like he sits back in the lab researching the evidence while the others are out in the field, but in the meantime he cracks the case.
And he doesn't get the recognition the others would for breaking the case either. He does have a knack for finding the main piece of evidence, or main bit.
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