Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

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Well yeah it did not exactly say that but it did say he would be tested physically and emotionally. (I found the article in my archive-it was in TV Guide) "Put in the line of fire against the 'monsters' of Sin City, Greg's life will be on the line," according to Carol Mendelsohn. "The question is, will Greg endure and become a stronger field expert, or fade back into the lab?"

Well he stayed in the field but he faded somewhere in the lab in some eps since we hardly saw him on a few.
Whole idea with Fannysmackin' and Post Mortem was really good and really like it. It was really giving hope that Greg would be more important character than before. But now I see that was a some kind of false start. Giving us a big opportunity to know about him more and then just stop. It's like "ok, we give more Greg for his fans, maybe after that they'll shut up." I know, this idea is brutal, but not so far from reality I think.
Well it sounds rather accurate from my viewpoint too. They gave him a nice storyline once and that should make up for it.

Hey Deirdre, I saw it was your Birthday today. Happy Birthday!!

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Yeah, but well, we're not blind. It's impossible to please fans with only one good storyline. I really think that we don't want much. Just more screentime 'cause Greg deserves it. Eight years it's quite long time. And TPTPB, anyone who is connected with CSI know that Greg is really popular. And c'mon - he's one of the eye candies in the show. So why they're wasting him? Character with big potential, attractive. Ignoring him is just illogical from the every point - producers', viewers' etc.

Thanks for the wishes, Dizzney! *hug* :)
It's because the writers had a one track mind...GSR and find it hard to look outside the box.
I'm not a fan of GSR (I would never call myself hater too). Agree that is a big concentration on that ship and it's taking time from individual characters. Lack of balance in the show is just a big mistake. I really like all team and 'cause of that I want to see them all, without ignoring any of members. Also I think that not all is GSR's fault... But well, writers etc. want to entertain themselves not viewers and Greg's fans.
You all with your DAW ringtones are cracking me up. I would love to be around you when it goes off and someone asks "What the *&^% is that?" :lol: But then it would be fun explaining what it is.

You just made me giggle out loud, and not many people on the internet can do that. Congratulations ;)

I have been imagining the reactions I'll get when my phone rings. That's part of the fun ;) It will mean I'll get the chance to talk about Eric and let people know he's more than just a CSI actor; hopefully the people I talk to about DAW will go and watch it, realise how great he is, watch more Eric appearances, realise how underused he is on CSI and will join our campaign to blow up - eerrrr, I mean write to - Carol etc.

Well.... that's the best case scenario. Worst case scenario - people will just think I'm weird.

I'm avoiding the spoilers like the plague because I want everything to be a surprise. Any Greg appearances will be even more sweet to me because I'm not expecting him. I wish he had something big coming up (note to self - mind OUT of the gutter! :guffaw:) but I don't think S9 can be worse then S8. Or at least, that's what I'm telling myself.

Remind me never to ring the ladies... DAW indeed! :guffaw:

Ohhhh, you spoilsport! LOL!

I mean I know Eric's spent a lot of time and effort getting to where he is.. Ie having his own radio station, his internet blog, also has a production company, doop, which combines the worlds of acting and music.

You think he'll be happy with just saying "Hey" each episode?

Very well said. I've been thinking of printing out select posts from this and the old "Leggo" thread and sending it off to The Evil Ones (as I'm calling them)

Could be worse- we could just see Eric's profile on the set- as it vanshies around the corner.

LOL!! I was worrying about that too, to be honest. What can we do?!

Aww Deidre and Szmile!- you know I'm talking sense. He is as cute as a puppy dog that needs to be patted. Or as cute as a baby that needs his cheeks squashed- Althougth lol... If i did that,- can you imagine what he would say...

"Security, get this freak away from me!" :scream:


I guess each of us is strange in our own, wonderful way. Mine is perverted, yours appears to be what I can only describe as "smushy" ;)

Or maybe an infermercal- are you fed up by the lack of Eric Szmanda on CSI?.... Then rub the Szmanda dog! Gauranteed good luck and no fannysmackin involved. Price does not include Tax. This advert only applies to American and Canada.. Sorry no international shipping aloud- but check ebay there bound to have them.

Okay, now I really DO have to take issue with myself and Deirdre being thought of as the mad ones on this board!!! LOL! Szmanda dog?! What the hell?! ;) Does it say "woof woof"?

Can't... keep... up.... with... posts....
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Szmile I love the way that your ringtone can get you to talk about eric to people. Now I need a plan to be ableto do the same ;)

I was kind of hoping that there weren't many spoilers before Fannysmackin', then it would have given us some hope that something could be in the pipeline for Greg in season 9. But no... I agree Deirdre that they might have thought we'd settle for lack of Greg with that 'big' storyline... but of course we won't.

I agree that GSR was the main thing on the writer's minds. Like Deirdre said, I don't like GSR, but I wouldn't say I hate it, but it is annoying how it takes up a lot of time, potential screen time to explore other characters, i.e. Greg.

although, until seasno 9 is finished filming, we still have hope, small, but it's there.

and Happy Birthday Deirdre (again :D, I was early wishing you happy birthday for today last night wasn't i?:D)
Happy Birthday!! Let's share some cake :)
Oh my, bubbles! You want to join our exclusive club of DAW ringtone owners?

Szmile, we're weird. But remember - being weird is good especially when you want to rock the world with the coolest ringtone ever. Not all people will understand it, but I'm sure you'll find few and tell about Eric. And then we'll have an army who will blow... ekhem... write thousand of letters to Carol M.
And don't tell me that's your mind is out of gutter 'cause I still see my toes!:guffaw:

And about the dog... He's not barking in German "woof, woof" but in Polish "hau hau"!:guffaw:

And thanks again bubbles for wishes! Yes, you sent them yesterday but for me never enough;):D And yes, share the cake:) E-cake of course:lol:
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I wish he had something big coming up (note to self - mind OUT of the gutter! :guffaw:)

This cracked me up!

And about the dog... He's not barking in German "woof, woof" but in Polish "hau hau"!:guffaw:


I can't believe they'd think one big storyline would be enough to appease us for the rest of the show's run. Maybe for the rest of that particular season. :lol: And it's not like we're asking for him to get a big storyline in every ep. We just want him to have more airtime than five minutes (or less) every episode. I mean, really... is that too much to ask? :D
Greg has been given the book story line, its not as in your face as FannySmackin was but its there, I hope they are planning to continue this arc.

Season 8 was not that bad screentime-wise for Greg, we had some very good moments like; Cross dressing carp, Bull, and The theory of everything, to name a few.

I agree that TPTB could not focus on anything except GSR and I personally hate GSR with every fiber of my being and I hate that it will continue next season until Grissom leaves. I also hate that they are bringing in some big named star to replace Grissom (possibly Laurance Fishburn) and then he will get all the focus.
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Yeah, we have the book arc. This storyline can be really good and interesting but... it can be in one episode for a few minutes (hope not seconds). I'm afraid that's not a material for a more than one episode, especially when we know how writers care about Greg.

8th season of course was quite good for the Greg's screen time, but... how candy said and then I agreed few posts back - it was just to fill. Sad but true. And now when is possible that Fishburne going to be a part CSI. Definitely he'll be the main character and take a lot of time.
I personally hope Fishburne turns it down cause I don't think he'd fit with the rest of the cast. Hopefully the screentime for each character will be more balanced from now on.
Yeh, I guess we won't know whether it really was just to fill until the new season? Maybe the newbies will have the little time that Greg's so used to having, and Greg will get more? (ok maybe not, but still)

I do like the book arc, I really do, but as mentioned, it won't give him that much more screentime. Yeh, a story arc, possibly mentioned in passing, but probably not much more.

I just watched 2x09, and Greg has at least 4/5 good length scenes in that. I miss those days.

As with GSR, it irritates me that it takes so much screentime, I could see myself really hating it like you Wojo. But at the moment, I can just tolerate it.(I try to think the fanfics are real and the real isn't ;)) So I'd prefer it not to be there, and for Greg to have some of the GSR screentime, but oh well. It's just something that I've come to realise is there! The screentime could be better used, especially in the new season when both characters are leaving. it'd be better to focus on those staying i.e. Greg.

Right Deirdre, I'm sharing out the e-cake now. A piece for everyone. Chocolate? Fruit? Sponge?
Oh my, bubbles! You want to join our exclusive club of DAW ringtone owners?

Szmile, we're weird. But remember - being weird is good especially when you want to rock the world with the coolest ringtone ever. Not all people will understand it, but I'm sure you'll find few and tell about Eric. And then we'll have an army who will blow... ekhem... write thousand of letters to Carol M.
And don't tell me that's your mind is out of gutter 'cause I still see my toes!:guffaw:

And about the dog... He's not barking in German "woof, woof" but in Polish "hau hau"!:guffaw:

I hope you realise how much I absolutely love you ;)

I love your idea of recruiting an army to blow up.... dammit, I mean WRITE TO The Evil Ones.

Together my friend, you and I shall rule and rock the world. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!

In regards to Eric's screentime, I think I'm probably a lot more optimistic than the rest of you ;) Probably because I avoid all the spoilers and don't know how much screentime everyone else is getting.
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