Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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I like the pic. And yeah.. (even though I ship Sandle) I also like it if Greg/Catherine flirt. Greg is so darn cute when he flirts. I also love it when he flirted with that lab tach in Random Acts of Violence (I think...) Her giggle did irritate me though. :lol:

About him smoking, I do hope it's true that he quitted. I will really love him more if he did quit. :D
I agree that Greg needs more screen time, next season I am sure will be better, afterall he will have negaotiated a new contract. (plus if the rumors about Jorja Fox is true, she won't be there)

Greg has had one major on going story line that a lot of us forget. His transition out of the lab and into the field, it spawned over several seasons.

I do think Nick and Catherine have been tortured the most but did you all realize that Warrick is the only one who's life has not been on the line?

I am also a closet Catherine and Greg shipper, I love the way they flirt. Of course my main ship is slash (check out my banner) and it's Greg & Nick.

I hope that Eric has quit smoking, I read in a interview that both Jorja Fox and George Eads both quit. Maybe the threee of them did it together?

I just saw the SFT video and it was as silly as I expected, gotta love Eric! I posted a screen cap of it on the pic thread.
I actually just read a recent interview somewhere about George and it said something about him smoking, so maybe he was not so successful in his quitting.

Saw the screen cap...very nice indeed. :D

Yeah I have a feeling we will get a bit more Greg next season.

And very true, he has had the ongoing storyline of his transition from lab rat to csi-->(see my banner) :lol: I also think his character, due to that has grown the most on the show.
well erm...i think i need to change my avatar then.. :D well i can he really need more time in the show since he is a CSI now...and he is the one of the main character so...he should be appear more in the show....seriously :cool:
I actually just read a recent interview somewhere about George and it said something about him smoking, so maybe he was not so successful in his quitting.
Whoah! :eek: Not good. Wow, that made me frown. :( I hope he tries to quit from smoking.. again? As I said before, I will really, I repeat, really love him more if he does quit from smoking.

Naz, I do love that "Yes!" Greg avatar of yours. Do you remember that? :D ;)

Edited: I just saw your avatar and it's cute.. :D
Too bad it's too big. :D It's okay.. I like the new one. Very cute!

I think I've noticed in Swapmeet (or was it just my imagination again). When he said something to Hodges, (I think it was somewhere in the "Funtain Water" scene.) he kind of shook his head while he did that. Well, i thought that was cute. :) It's okay if you guys are confuse.. I am too. :D :lol:
ouh ya...he told hodges his ppl spelt it that way and its cute to see his serious face...but i miss his crazy...especially in cats in cradle..its so crazy and fun... :D i love him....and so do yall :D
I read on another forum that TPTB have submitted Eric for an Emmy award. In the cathegory of Supporting Actor for Fannysmackin!

Keep in mind though the Emmy's are known to snub CSI so this does NOT mean he's been nominated, as of now it's just a submission. But we can hope! :D
I do hope so. He was incredible in the epi, he made a lot of people cry. (including me.. :D) And he desreves it, I mean, he got beaten up. :D
I read somewhere else that only Billy and Marg have been nominated. I guess we won't know for sure until the offical nominations are announced in the next couple of months, but I really am hoping Eric is nominated for either Fannysmackin' or Post Mortem.

I also saw SFT. Gotta love Eric in a suit, taking charge.

And lastly, on the list of bad things that have happened to characters, you forgot Grissom - he's been attacked on more than one occasion, almost blown up, suspended, and investigated. He's also had a number of mind games pulled on him...
What I read is that Robert David Hall and Jorja Fox were submitted for nomination as well as Eric.
when is Emmy?? i really want to see it on Starworld...i believe he will be handsome, cute and smoking hot!! :eek: :eek: :eek: i am very happy right nw...i dunno why?? maybe its him that make me very happy :D
I think the Emmys are in Jan/Feb but as I said before this is JUST A SUBMISSION, he has NOT been nominated as of yet.

Personally I expect to be disapointed, he will most likly be overlooked. I hope I'm wrong though.
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