Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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^^He probably doesn't need nobody to tell him that. I'm sure he is perfectly aware of that, that he should quit, because it's bad for health. But I haven't seen many photos of him smoking. Maybe he avoids doing it when he is in front of cameras or something...Or maybe he doesn't smoke a lot. Anyway, wheter he does or not, if he had quit already that's great, if he couldn't do it yet, well, good luck if he tries ;) That's all I can say.

Just for you to know me a bit better, and my culture(or lack of it, anyway), I have heard a lot about Star Wars, but if someone asked me to tell what it is, I couldn't do it...because I don't really know :confused: yeah, I'm all that ignorant :p
I would have figured Eric for a Star Trek kind of guy, after-all he named his dog DAX after a charactor on Star Trek:deep space 9, according to what I've read. I personally perfer Star Trek over Star Wars, but it's cool he's into Sci-fi.

I just made a banner using that USAToday pic! like it?
Wojo said:
Dizzney said:
The Emmys are actually in September usually.
Knowing the Emmys they will snub CSI on all the submissions again. They tend to go for the newer shows usually.

OK I was thinking of the People's choice and the SAG awards I guess. They air at the beginning of the year.

CSI is known as a procedual show, which is the main reason it is snubbed. I hope they take into account how diffrent this season has been.

At least we know that TPTB are thinking of Eric and want to give him some recognition. He deserves it, not just for FannySmakin, but for Post Mortem, Big Shots, and Leapin Lizards. IMO (but FannySamackin was the only submission)

Well, the "Law & Order" series are also procedurals, but they have won some Emmys, most recently Mariska Hargitay last year for "SVU."
I put up a link to pictures of Eric arriving at the CMA awards over in the pictures thread if anyone is interested.
I saw the pictures, they're great. :D

Nice banner Wojo. I love that picture, he's gorgeous.

I didn't know Dax was named after someone from Star Trek, but then again i'm not really a Trekey ... err well ... a Treker. That's what my dad said anyway, he loves Star Trek. He went to conventions and everything. :lol: Hahah, imagine Eric at a Star Trek, or Star Wars convention. *giggles* :lol:
*Wonders if he has ever attended the Star Wars Weekends at Disney MGM Studios here?* I know some celebs have a few times. :lol:
Unfortunately, I had a feeling we were hardly going to get any Greg time in this episode. I had hope for more than we got though. *grumbles* :mad:
They never put Greg in the season finale. I think they do it because most viewers will be watching him rather than what TPTB deem 'important'. But come on! He is the important one!

Greg with a large part in a season finale. That's what I want. *heads for Wishes thread*
Yeah and even in Season 3...he got blown up in the ep prior, but only had one real scene in the last ep touching on what happened in the prior ep and that was it.
In Australia they actually ran PWF as the last episode of the season, and hate to say it but it actually worked better. And I loved the promos for PWF here...
The did the following year as the first episode of season 4. The only season they didn't do this was season 6, and only because of fan complaints. They do it with everything on that network.
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