Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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If you're not in Grey's Anatomy, Heros or Lost, you'd get overlooked for sure, methinks. My fingers are crossed though. Eric has been brilliant this season.
The Emmys are actually in September usually.
Knowing the Emmys they will snub CSI on all the submissions again. They tend to go for the newer shows usually.
Dizzney said:
The Emmys are actually in September usually.
Knowing the Emmys they will snub CSI on all the submissions again. They tend to go for the newer shows usually.

OK I was thinking of the People's choice and the SAG awards I guess. They air at the beginning of the year.

CSI is known as a procedual show, which is the main reason it is snubbed. I hope they take into account how diffrent this season has been.

At least we know that TPTB are thinking of Eric and want to give him some recognition. He deserves it, not just for FannySmakin, but for Post Mortem, Big Shots, and Leapin Lizards. IMO (but FannySamackin was the only submission)
Hang on, I just saw that there is a new secret fun time? Can someone link me, I haven't seen it!

NEVERMIND! Just found it. Ohhh Eric in a suit!
*Dani pops in and waves to everybody*

Wow, I only had heard about Billy's and Marg's submissions for the Emmys...Anyway, and even though I haven't seen FannySmackin's yet, I trust you when you say that, and mostly I believe in Eric's good work, and I am sure he did it great :) My fingers are crossed for them. I haven't quite understood what you explained about why CSI is overlooked in awards *makes stupid face* Oh, well, anyway, they deserve it, IMO...

Back to our lovely and adorable main subject, I just saw A Bullet Runs Trough It 1, where Greg has all that work to do, alone :( Poor him. I wanted to jump into the screen and go help him :p He sure deserved some help there. But he managed well, isn't he amazing?! :rolleyes: *drools* It was so cute when he asked Grissom about extra hours, and when Grissom said everyone else hadn't gone home yet, he was like "Good". Can't remember the exact line, but it was cute :rolleyes: *loves little Greg moments*

He does deserve more screentime. We want it! But being honest, if it was always mostly Greg, I would miss other people, so this is never fair enough. Can't we have more episodes, or bigger ones? Hey, TPTB, manage to balance storylines and screentime between all these awesome actors, please :rolleyes:

About Greg suffering so much, well, I must admit that I just love it! because I am an angst whore. I'm especially angst whore between characters that are not bosses, aka Grissom. I am more afected by everyone else's than for him, i don't know why, maybe because he seems stronger (but, when in the computer's game he was trapped in that garage, I was feeling worried about him, and then all proud when I actually saved him :p Yay for Catherine and me :p Sorry, for the OT). Anyway, Yeah, Greg is one of those who suffered more, but Nick also had enough. And so did Catherine, and Sara...I just think Greg seems more vulnerable, because he's all that sweet guy, then we care so much for him, because he seems to need more care than everyone else. Am I making any sense? :lol:
OOOH ahhh!! Very nice find, indeed, Wojo!! Gets my morning off to a good start!!

I love that he that he has a photo of R2-D2 and Yoda in his bathroom. :lol:
*saves that amazing photo in pc files* Thank you for the interview. It's not that big, but it's worth it, especially because of that photo *faints* Loved it!
He's such a cute guy, isn't he? And funny! We understand why he does it as well, and I am so glad he does it, because that way, and as it says in the article, it gives him some more attention from the public, other than CSI. Apart from that, fans can see him more times :) Thank you!
I saw the article in the USA Today newspaper version too today. Same exact article, photo just in black and white. I think it is great publicity for his website. Today's new video was pretty funny, even though Eric is not in it this week.
Eric likes Star Wars? *looks at massive Star Wars collection, posters, books, fics, backgrounds, DVDs... grins* I'm a very happy girl right now. Nice to know Eric has taste! *dodges things thrown by Trek Fans*

You know, it really doesn't surprise me to read that Eric started SFT because he didn't have the outlet on CSI anymore. Greg has been toned down a lot, and I'm actually kinda glad if that's what led to SFT. Not to mention, love the picture. :D
Yeah I am a Star Wars fan too. I got a mini Yoda and R2-D2 on my top of my computer monitor...along with my Lord of the Rings minis. :lol:

Yeah it is not surprising he started it. Glad he is able to have that outlet now. :D
NikkyJamez said:
Now come on, you have to admit that the comment that he gave after he was bitten was funny :rolleyes: Am I the only person that found it funny?
Hahahah, the first time I saw that my friends and I were dying. It was the funniest thing ever. We still quote it from time to time ... heheh. :lol:

CSI_Dani said:
About Greg suffering so much, well, I must admit that I just love it! because I am an angst whore. I'm especially angst whore between characters that are not bosses, aka Grissom. I am more afected by everyone else's than for him, i don't know why, maybe because he seems stronger (but, when in the computer's game he was trapped in that garage, I was feeling worried about him, and then all proud when I actually saved him Yay for Catherine and me Sorry, for the OT).
Oooh, I remember that! With the maggots or whatever ... correct? Heh, sorry. :p But that is a good point. I too love angst, but maybe he can get screentime without getting hurt. =/

Thanks soo much for the article Wojo! That picture is gorgeous, and is now my desktop. :D

About Eric smoking... last time I checked he still does. Idk. But I do know a lot of the cast smokes ... well, that's what I recall anyway.

And I'm so syked to hear that Eric is a Star Wars fan! I love Star Wars ! ! :D :D
Hello again! *waves*
About Eric smoking... last time I checked he still does. Idk. But I do know a lot of the cast smokes ... well, that's what I recall anyway.
I agree he is a bit of an Idk in that sense but at least Greg does not smoke! some1 should tell him to quit!
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