Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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Ooo great observation, Lefty!

I think it's a mixture of both. Warrick is sinking and Greg is being a sponge and absorbing his lessons.
I agree, it's both. Warrick is on a downward spiral while Greg is climbing the ladder (hopefully to a promotion). BTW I have some caps posted on the picture thread.
I still really hope that one of these days we hear him become a CSI Level 2. I really think he has been one long enough to be it.
It's quite over due. Considering he's surpassing his co-workers in many showing up early or on time to a scene.
I was watching Spike today and they showed the ep with the bus crash and how Greg felt larger than life when he was out helping.

And then thought about how he's advancing so quickly in the field now that he should be given more responsibilites. It would be nice that Grissom recognizes that Greg is showing the most potential at this point.
Yeah it seems like Grissom hardly just talks to Greg anymore. Anytime they do it is all business. I wish they would have them working on a case they did in Spellbound. They are funny when they work together like that. Now we get maybe a scene or two of them working.
Exactly. Or we get hard words from Greg to Grissom and no explination for the sudden onslaught of PMS.

I love that Greg's in the field but there is a point that he's hit that things need to go up, not out.
Greggo deserves a promotion.

He's always the one finding whatever it that breaks the case and Grissom never seems to notice.

Which reminds of the scene in Who and What when he found the empty jewlery box as he, Nick, and Warrick where searching an apartment. They both said that he did a good job in finding it, but does Grissom say things like that? :rolleyes:

Greg needs some kind recognition from him, and he should've been promoted long ago.
Well you know how Grissom is, he's not good with people. I am sure he is proud of Greg, he just doesn't show it. I agree I also like to see the two of them work together.
I do think they need to give Greg some more life back. Lately he seems sort of dull, I hate to say, except in A La Carte and the Case of the Cross-dressing Carp. He was more back to his fun-loving funny self in those eps.
He was getting back to himself a bit more in the past ep, especially mentioning the book writing. But I do agree that the happy Lab Rat Greg needs to be let out again and revived into the CSI Greg.
Well maybe with this writers strike the writers can think of some better stuff to do with the show...including making Greg happier and a little goofier again.
You know what would be kind of fun to see?

Greg Scuba diving and finding some important piece of evidence at the bottom of Lake Mead. (they have underwater scenes in Miami and NY, plus his interest in diving has been mentioned before.

And certainly seems a lot happier this season but I would love to see something like Spellbound or Kiss Kiss, Bye Bye.
Yeah Season 6 had three great Greg episodes...those you mentioned and Rashomama. He was very entertaining in all of those episodes.
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