Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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You are correct, Dizzney. My mom kindly taped it for me, so we can hope they might repeat it this Christmas season. Might have to do some checking on or on
Snow Wonder was soooo boring! It was really uninteresting, but it was great to see Eric. He looked really cute. I thought Mary Tyler Moore overacted, and was on the verge of annoying. I don't even remember what the other plots were like it was so bad.
I've only seen the clips of it on a website. I did not get a chance to see it when it first aired. Eric was cute in it and nice to see him playing a different character.
Toots said:
Snow Wonder was soooo boring! It was really uninteresting, but it was great to see Eric. He looked really cute. I thought Mary Tyler Moore overacted, and was on the verge of annoying. I don't even remember what the other plots were like it was so bad.

Please don't bash Mary Tyler Moore's preformance, she was doing what the script called for.

If the movie was so bad then why did you continue to watch it? It seems you only watched it for Eric, and if that is the case then it's hard to understand the premise of the whole film.

But I do disagree and find that is was a creative movie that held attention with the differences and the similarities that the characters had. they each wanted something to happen and the snow caused them to grow up, get some courage, and try something new.
Please remember we all have the right to our opinions, I too only watched the movie because Eric was in it. Although the premise of the movie was good it was not the type of movie I would normally watch. I enjoyed the interaction between Eric and Mary but at the same time I consider it a cheezy holiday movie.
There's opnions and then there is bashing, bashing has no place here, and I believe that is started in the rules.

How is a movie that teaches a lesson cheesy?

All the characters, including Eric's, found they had something inside them that they didn't know. I think that's a good thing to have on tv, better than all those reality shows that have strangers fall in love.
There's opnions and then there is bashing, bashing has no place here, and I believe that is started in the rules.

Then stop bashing me, wolfesgamegirl!

Last I heard, television and movie criticism comes under the heading of free speech, and I've a perfect right to say what I think about an actor and/or movie. And yes, I watched "Snow Wonder" solely to ogle Eric, and that's my right too. He's a great looking guy, and sometimes I get my jollies just staring at him. Okay? Is that all right with you? If not, I'm sorry you don't get it.

FYI, I love Mary Tyler Moore, and I'll wager that I've watched her performances far longer than you've been alive. Just because she's the great Mary Tyler Moore doesn't mean she's incapable of giving a bad performance. In my judgement, she phoned it in for her role in "Snow Wonder", which was once again a subpar show.

And that's my final say on this, unless you verbally assault me again.
Okay now, I have read through and its all based on how comments are intended and interepted. The best solution is to find out why they didn't like something, instead of automatically going on the defensive about the comment, you might find out more and then understand further what they are trying to say. You never know maybe the person likes MTM, maybe they don't, but they are entitled to their opinion, as anyone is entitled to disagree with the opinion. If you feel yourself getting upset by a comment then you might want to kick back from the computer and relax, until you feel more able to discuss the matter. ;)

Well gee this is going so well, but while I have this fuzzy happy feeling at the moment :) let me add this in, attacking each other a big no-no, I don't care who started what either deal with it (perferrably via pm) or just plain agree to disagree and move on. *thinks Fuzzy happy thoughts*. :p :D
I did ask but it seems the question was ignored.

I'm not upset, but it's been sited on other parts of this board that bashing actors and actresses is not allowed. I've been prefectly ready to have a healthy debate, but no one seems to want to have one.
*Mod points to the ETA in the post above*.

Healthy debates are fine and true enough you are not allowed to bash the stars of the shows, but if a person says they think someone stinks and then backs it up thats considered and opinion. Now a bash would be like someone jumping into this thread and maligning the actor for no reason other then to be mean.

As to asking why, we are all on different time zones, sometimes they only come in once a day, sometimes more, and sometimes they don't feel like answering, either way, its their choice. ;) *Thinks Fuzzy happy thoughts*
*following Destiny's fuzzy happy thoughts line* Who's ready to see a new CSI on Thursday and hopefully some decent Greg scenes? *raises hand* Me! Me!! :)
Oh, me, me, me! I am even ditching my office Christmas party to see it! “You know; something more important came up.” Yes, I am evil. :)
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