CSI Level Three
Eric is definatley not the spiteful type....he is not going to go and start dating someone inorder to get back at Calleigh.
He totally understood what she was saying to him in that scene in the park and his smile really protrayed that. These two understand each other and while he might be upset at why she doesn't want to give them a go he understands.
Yes, Ali it is going to be a long speculation filled summer!!
Midnight..I will let you know the second spoilers hit my spoiler site!!
Unfortunately, it probably won't be for a while.
Has anyone emailed Corey yet? :lol: It is never too early to start!
He totally understood what she was saying to him in that scene in the park and his smile really protrayed that. These two understand each other and while he might be upset at why she doesn't want to give them a go he understands.
Yes, Ali it is going to be a long speculation filled summer!!
Midnight..I will let you know the second spoilers hit my spoiler site!!
Has anyone emailed Corey yet? :lol: It is never too early to start!