Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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What episode is this scene you all are referring too? Just curious b/c I really don't remember it.

I too always thought they had something going back then. Sometimes it was just way too obvious with the looks and smirks. And while it has been a long 4 years it is nice to see that the writers are taking their time with this and not rushing it since it had been 4 yrs since we last saw any possible shippyness between these two.
does any one remember in the episode 'Grand Prix' there were a lot of E/C moments
i saw the episode for the first time yesterday and when Calleigh is looking at the race car and Eric says something like "Calleigh you can stop admiring the wax job on the car now" or something like that
and then when Eric couldnt get the oil samples from the pit stops and Calleigh was like "Well maybe you just haven't been asking the right way!" and Eric has that lol look on his face:lol:
Yeah! that look that say's she's got it going on. I also remember when "H", Yelina and Calleigh go into the Grand Prix party, and if you watch closely at "H"s face, you'll see him watching Calleigh's ass as she walks in front of him. :devil:

Sorry off topic.
I love in that ep how Cal feels the need to lean in close and tell him that he has been asking wrong and then saunters over to the driver and asks in her sweetest voice for help. Then, after the guy is done drooling, she looks back at Eric and gives him this flirty look like "look what I can do and what you are missing out on" :lol:

I love these two and this ship :lol:
i read that theres gonna be a love triangle on csi: miami!!!! who do u think its gonna be?? my bets are on eric / calleigh/ natalia, but well see how it goes!!
Hi, I'm new to this thread, but I got to say, I'm thrilled that it looks like Eric and Calleigh are going to start something. I've read a lot of fics, and always enjoyed pairings of them the best. To be honest, I think I seen Calleigh with Speed first, but since that's not going to happen, I think Calleigh and Eric are a terrific pairing. Can't wait to see where they go with this, I think they could do a great job, the two have a lot of chemistry together.
welcome to the thread, catey :D

You're right, they have one hell of a sizzling hot chemistry about them, it makes me wanna come back for more....and more and even more! :D I was a S/C before I came over here too :) :p

I have to say, I dont think it'll be those three at all. I think it'll be something to do wih one of Cals past romances.. *cough* Jake! *cough* :p Although I used to like E/N, I can't stand the pairing anymore, just like I can't stand GSR :lol:

Also, I think you should avoid the double posting thing, I got in trouble for it a while ago :) Dont want that to happen to you too :D

EDIT: I love "Grand Prix" it's full of some of my most favorite E/C moments! :D I was smiling all the way through the episode and Lauren Holly, who now plays Jenny Shepherd on NCIS was in it :p Ahhh....I now have this urge to go to my DVD player, pop the DVD in, lock all my doors and windows and watch it up so loud the wall behind the TV vibrates! :p Should I or Shouldn't I? hmmm... :rolleyes: :lol:

Also, I loved the small moment in 'Broken' where Calleigh asked Eric for his ridge building lotion....Aww....I must use that in my next music video :p
My sig is from Man Down when Cal places the cross in Eric's hand while he is unconscious in the hospital.

Leela made it ;)

Yeah Stellarscience you have up to 24 hours to edit your post if you want to add or delete things in it. Would'nt want to see ya get into trouble ;)
Lol, y'all and the conditioner! :devil: You crack me up! But then's SO true! ;)
Also, I loved the small moment in 'Broken' where Calleigh asked Eric for his ridge building lotion....Aww....
Minion! hi hon! Lol, yeah I loved that moment! It totally showed just how hot Cal can be when she puts the charm on...I loved it when Eric said they needed that guys prints and Cal's reaction was to take her hair down and "primp" a minute! Go Cal!! :D

*pinches self* aww, crap! it was only a dream! :lol:

Yeah, go Cal!

To be honest with you, that is something I'd do. I'm terrible I tells ya. I threaten guys with nipple cripples when they wont leave me alone (and as a result many of them wont go near me :p) and then I go all cute and flirty when I want something.... :lol: I told this one guy, Kane, that I wouldn't hesitate but he didn't listen soo... :rolleyes: :p
Lol, we women do have a certain "power" over guys...and I for one gotta say I love it! I mean come on, if you got it flaunt it, right! If you can make it work for you then the why the heck not! So I say go for it Cal, and besides you know E uses his muscles and that drop dead sexy grin of his to work on getting what he wants from Cal, so I'd say they're about even! :devil:
I agree....I'm all for power.. And I'm sure Calleigh is too... :devil: :lol: :p Once they reach the bedroom, it's all horizontal from there, baby.. :devil:

Now I have to make a music video to TV Rocks 'Flaunt it' grr... :lol:

I am sure going to have some dreams tonight :lol:

EDIT: I changed a word in my first sentence, because it made more sense.... :p
Speaking of 'Grand Prix'....


We really need a thought bubble here! Such intensity.

'Grand Prix' was great for looks between both E/C and H/Y (yep, sorry, wrong thread) but for me, the show was at it's best when there were lots of little glances going on like this between my two favourite pairings. Anyone would think that's all I watch for and they would probably be right! ;)

I'm so pleased that the show seems to be potentially returning to that Season 2 vibe. After Season 4, I had all but given up.
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