Well I'm not GSR either (and not only because I used to be a Snickers, I guess I should rid my sig of that past ship). I'm definitely not a romantic person, even my past boyfriends complained about that

(damn for once they should have happy about a girl not wanting flowers and undying love declarations, guys are never satisfied :lol

I definitely don't want that ship to become all sugary and sweet and all...
Having been a Luka/Abby shipper on ER like for ever this is the kind of mature relationship I like best. I remember heated discussions when they hooked up the first time around with people thinking that that ship was just sick, lacked love and was just about sex. When the writers switched to Abby/Carter I exactly saw what I definitely didn't want to see in a relationship on screen and I for a while stopped watching.
Then L/A came back with a vengeance and again I liked the way it was depicted even though it was completely different.
If we would get the same thing here on Miami I honestly wouldn't mind. It perfectly showed how two very good friends became lovers and made it work even though they were colleagues. And we also got a little skin :lol: And that with cute guys is always a good thing
I'm confident... yeah maybe also a little too optimistic :lol: But they never depicted any of them as very romantic, so I just can't see it start now. But then everything is possible. Consistency hasn't always been a quality of this series

Or should I say never? :lol:
I think one of the problems with GSR is that Bill doesn't want any kissing and hugging and bed scenes and all. So the writers have to work around that and of course we get all the cheesy stuff thrown at us to make us understand they care. Personaly when it comes to that I just look away or press the stop button when it's at the end of the episode :lol:
And by the way Happy Birthday
Bullet_Girl !!!!! I hope you're getting spoiled today