Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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I really really really hope you are right Caro! ;) Cuz I swear if the PTB screw this ship up...I am going to stalk their asses until they cannot stand me! :p

And we here on the edge of the world (also known as the West Coast) see the eppy in 17 minutes...finally!! :lol:
Next season I'll be in the west coast, too. Man, that's gonna SUCK BALLS! But then, if TPTB piss me off, I'll just be a car ride away from the studio. It's go time.

I just noticed something else...

When Calleigh told Eric they work together and it would be inappropriate, did anybody else notice that Eric just smiled and seemed... content? Like, he didn't care about her excuses, all he cared about was the fact that she actually confirmed she DOES have feelings for him. Poor guy. But understandable - that was one point for him. He knows eventually she'll come around. It's still hard seeing her with Jake, but now she knows she has feelings for him.
I realize I'll probably be able to answer my question in a few minutes...but does Eric ask Calleigh out or something that she gives him reasons why it wouldn't work for them? Cuz if so, YAY that he asked!
Lol, I'm crackin' myself up, asking a question I'll be able to answer myself in a few minutes...yay for it finally being on here! Took stinkin' forever! :lol:

*Mo skips off to watch...* :D
Why is everyone commenting is spoiler code? Are we waiting for the West coast to see it before we get rid of the
? It's frustrating. Anyway, I'm going to watch the episode again.
Yeah, we have to wait till the west coast sees it.

No, she tells him that because Eric makes a snappy comment about Jake and Calleigh realizes Eric is jealous. But don't worry, Eric and Cal don't have any screen time until the second half hour.

Hurry up, west coast! I wanna post screen caps.
Lol, yeah I love the West Coast, except when it comes to finale time...although at the same time, I do get to find out what happens 3 hours earlier cuz you lovely folks on the East Coast post it for me! ;) Which can be good or really sad! :lol:

Ahhh gotcha Caro....ohhh screen caps? We're hurrying! :lol:
Wait, you already have the screencaps? Damn you work fast. I've been replying over and over the C/E & C/J scenes. If I keep doing this I have a feeling I'll break TiVo. lol
I don't like being spoiled, so I'm afraid I would have to wait that long. Rats! Waiting for the season premiere is gonna drive me nuts. You all are gonna be talking and squealing over it and Mo and I will be in the corner, crying. Woe is us!

But at least we have a kick ass surf. Suck on that, East Coast!
Caro you freakin' rock! :lol: *Mo tackles her soon to be West Coast buddy, and laughs!* :lol:

Lol, see and I love to be spoiled...well love it and hate it, cuz if it's good then it's totally fun and if it sucks then it makes it worse...ya know! :p And yeah I'm totally with you...the waiting for the premiere is going to drive me batty! :p
At least we have each other. Plus, we're closer to Adam thant he rest of the time zones. Oh yeah!

Let me know when the E/C scene airs so I can post the screen caps.
We do have eachother...oh and Adam is in this time zone...rock on...we should so road trip and find him! That would rock...summer vacation! :devil: Catch Adam sunbathing...ohhhh, the drooling would never stop! :devil: :lol:

Okay I'm back...I think the scene should be pretty soon! ;)

ETA: Okay first scene just aired...and can I just say, I've dubbed it "denial"! Lol, it almost made me laugh how quick Cal was to jump on Eric's jealousy...they are SO hot for eachother...they should just jump eachother already! :devil:

LOVED her "I trust you with my life" line, that was awesome! :D :D

ETA again: E's "family psychology" line...anyone else think that totally had something to do with E/C...and maybe why she thinks they can't be together! ;)
That scene was great, but so complex. I love the way Eric says "it was different." It WAS different. Calleigh went to see Eric and cried by his bedside, and yet Jake was badly hurt and she didn't went to see him. She merely called the ER. So kudos to Eric for rubbing that one on her face. It was like him telling her, "you like ME, you don't like him, so why aren't we together."

Eeek, these two! They're gonna be the death of me.



The heartache! The angst! I can't take it!


Poor bebe :(
Gah...I SOOOO love them! They love eachother dang it! Why can't they freakin' see that! :rolleyes:

And OMG, Eric just picked up that little girl...she is SOOO cute and Eric holding biological clock just went into overdrive! :devil:
The money shot:


Must. Get. Pregnant. Now.

That is the most adorable thing EVER! And I'm sorry, but that kid looks suspiciously like a little Eric/Calleigh. Coincidence? I really don't think so! Except for the curly hair, cause I don't think their daughter would have curly hair, but everything else is dead on.

I'm sorry, but if Calleigh had seen that, no way would she'd chosen Jake. No way. Weren't we asking for a scene between Eric and a little kid last week? We asked for it and got it! Awesome. And it was better than I thought it would be.
Happy Birthday, Caro! I know I'm late but since all my friends forgot mine I'd rather be late than never :D

Holy Gods Calleigh was so frakking HOT tonight!!! But I still want to kick her ass. She'd shoot me, I know, but she hurt him so badly and for no good reason. She's not malicious, she's scared, but it's coming off as just mean and he just damn. She got pissed at the hospital comment because he's right.

I am not gonna live until September. This week is the run to festival so I'm not gonna have time to think. But on Monday I'm gonna die.

[Anyone who is in Maryland or the DC area should come to the Maryland Faerie Festival this weekend. It kicks ass. And I'm staff so I should know :D ]
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