Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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midnight...i love stewie....aaawww...these two really need someone to get them a room and lock them there for like a whole day for something to happen i mean come on they're not getting any younger....
Aw, the Burned review is up. I love it:

Something that has been building for a while is the sexual tension between Calleigh and Delko, which smolders in this episode. Even Natalia, who herself had a fling with Delko, notices the sparks between the two and comments on the kiss she saw Calleigh give Eric earlier (in "Just Murdered"). Eric's reaction is one of bashful befuddlement, something no one would have expected from the formerly smooth Eric Delko.

The two appear equally smitten when Calleigh gets a piece of glass stuck in her finger at the crime scene and Delko gently removes it. No words are necessary--the air practically crackles with the powerful attraction between the two. It's a sweet scene that doesn't need words or awkward conversation to underscore what the characters are clearly feeling. The only question that remains is who is going to take the next step and suggest taking their friendship to the next level?

So who WILL make the next move? For some reason I'm thinking Calleigh now, especially if Jake turns out to be an ass again.
OMG, Caro that review is SOOO awesome and SOOO dead on! That describes the scenes perfectly!
the air practically crackles with the powerful attraction between the two.
Thank you!! That is SO totally what we've all been saying! Exactly! Love it!!
It's a sweet scene that doesn't need words or awkward conversation to underscore what the characters are clearly feeling.
Again...perfect! They are in love and that is plain as day! Yay!!

Mmmm as for the next move...on the one hand I want to say Eric, cuz I think he'll see it as his move to make...but on the other hand I could totally see it being Call, that either Jake is an ass like you said, or she just finally decides this really is what she wants and goes for it! Either way though, I know this...I will be dancing around my living room! :lol:
I really can't get this second promo for some reason.:mad:

As for making the next move, I'd now move towards it being Calleigh. I always said that if Eric was going to make the first real move, she'd have to do something that at least proved she be receptive to it. Even with his former attitude, there's no way Eric would just go and try to put the moves on Cal. He'd never treat her like one of his usual 'conquests'.

However, even with his change in attitude after the shooting, I still thought he'd be the one to make the first move. Although he is pretty unsure of himself now, it would be hard for him to believe the obvious tension between them wasn't there, getting stronger than ever. It was clear Calleigh felt it too, and she wasn't objecting.

The reason I now think Calleigh's is going to have to make the move is this Jake business. Like I already said, Eric's confidence in anything is pretty low right now, and Calleigh is really the only person supplimenting it. It's all going to be completly crushed when he sees her cavorting with Jake. He's probably going to feel more unsure of himself than before, because her actions led him to believe things were finally getting going between them, only to pull the rug out from under him.

Poor guy, his confidence is going to be shot to pieces (how fitting!). So yeah, basically, I think the events in the finale are going to affect him so much that the first move is going to have to fall on Calleigh. For some reason, I like it so much better that way. :D

I just finished watching 'Kill Switch'. Their scene completly threw me off-guard. I don't know what to make of it. :confused:
Yeah, that review is great. Their chemistry was "smoldering" and so was their looks. :lol:

I know, that scene was strange. I was just glad that they were around each other and that Eric loved her smile. I don't know what to say about it either.
Having limited time to watch TV over the year, I sort of gave up on CSI Miami and Hiphuggers. But once classes ended... I was eager for 'ships! And this is one of the few that are delivering, if a little... painfully. But delivering! It's always hard to tell from promos what is really going on, but I don't think TBTB would screw around with fans too too much... there's enough of that going on on more soapy shows. I just hope the Hip Hugger momentum keeps going to the end of the season and well into next season... and the season after that, too!
Ali yeah I think I agree with you now...I like the idea of Eric making the first move just because I tend to be traditional and like the guy to move first...but like you said, his confidence is pretty low at the moment anyway and then to see Call with Jake ( :p ) won't help him any...what I would love to see is Call push Jake away and run after Eric and kiss him as her first move! That would make my summer and leave me very happy!! :D :D
That would be awesome Moriel. Plant a nice big wet one on Delko but one can only hope. Caro that review is dead on. I agree with everything. They are SO in love with each other. But what I do know is that they bet not try to screw us over in this finale or I just might have to show up to the studio with fire and pitch forks!! hehe

The scene from Monday was indeed odd. I really only liked the part where he came from out of the elevator and saw her and stood there to watch her. It was cute!! Oh yeah and the smile comment.
Personally, I think it'd be more significant if Calleigh made the first move. Of course, it would be significant either way -- we'd finally be getting something! -- but I think having calm, in control of her emotions Calleigh make the first move says more than having wears-his-emotions-on-his-sleeve Eric make the first move. Regardless of the Jake situation, regardless of Eric's low confidence. I think Calleigh making the first move would say everything.

I think it'd almost have to happen that way, because they know each other just that well. Eric's going to respect her boundaries and wait until she's ready, and Calleigh's not going to jump into anything (with Eric, at least) until she knows it's going to be real. Until she knows for a fact that she's not going to get hurt.
Man I really don't know what I'm going to do over the summer ya kno! It's gonna drive me crazy! I'm gonna try to tape the finale so I got it for later! :D

Somebody out there can you tell me how to post a forum like a fanfic about E/C? :D

I got some good ones please if you have info pm me or on this thread! :D
patluver144 there's a fanfic forum here, and you can always post them at, too.

I'd love it if Calleigh made the first move and I totally think she will. Before, I thought it would be Eric but I think now it'll have to be Calleigh, for the reasons Ali posted plus, when Calleigh breaks up with Jake Eric will be too weary about her emotional situation and won't really know when to make a move.

Plus, it fits with this ship's theme that Eric is the damsel in distress and Calleigh is his knight in shining armor. I looooove it. Calleigh wears the pants in this relationship. I'd love to see her make the first move. I'd love to see her plant one on him out of the blue. That would be awesome.

I don't want her to think it too much, though. I don't want it to be a calculated move. Calleigh is all emotions when it comes to Eric, and her kiss in JM wasn't calculated, either. I think she surprised herself as much as she surprised him.
i think that if Eric makes the first move then it will show that he has more confidence
and i agree that the scene in 'Kill Switch' was pretty weird and Calleigh was acting weird when she was talking to Eric but it was cute how Eric was looking at her while she was talking on the phone
Does anyone have a screen cap of that, by the way? Not when Eric walked into the room, but when he was outside looking at her and smiling. LEELA!
Okay people I've just started to get into fanfics now and I REALLY like them but I've been having a problem finding Elicia's. Can someone PM a link to any? It'll be pretty nice if someone would!

4 days till Monday!!!!
I think Cal will make the first move b/c Eric knows that she is sort of with Jake and how topsy turvy she is with her emotions I think he will wait for her to make the first move.

Although I think if he feels like he might lose her or if he can't take it anymore he may make a move. Eric is a man who goes after what he wants!
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