Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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midnight_tiptoes said:
Hey, Ali. You keep abandoning us. What's up with that?

I've been having major internet problems for ages now. That mixed with it being exam season means I'm not as active as I'd like to be. :(

I've only seen one promo too, there's another? And someone please tell me Valera will make an appearance in the finale!
^ I had to play through the old one about four times before it would give me the new promo. Then I watched the new promo, and wanted to look at it again, and oddly, it gave me the promo for the episode where the dude was scalped or whatever. Uh, what? :confused: :lol:
I can't even get the first one up now. For some reason it gave me the PSA about the missing women instead. :confused: I hate the CBS website. Probably a good thing anyway, watching the promos too much sends me into overdrive.

Does the scene where Calleigh kisses Jake (or vice versa) make anybody else feel, I'm not sure if this is the exact word I'm looking for, but does it make anybody else feel sort of uncomfortable? I know it's hard to say based on a few seconds of footage, but the whole thing feels such the opposite of a Calleigh scene. The whole Jake storyline just feels like it kinda contradicts Calleigh and the things we know about her. Perhaps I'm just overreacting. I'll have to wait and see how it plays out.

On a lighter note, one thing I did notice is that an earlier scene in the promo, where the guy's voiceover is talking about Calleigh appears that it might be from the same scene with the trust line. So if that scene is her talking to Eric, there might be some smiley happiness involved. It's kinda hard to tell, you can't really compare the background because of the black and white effect they put on it, but the outfit and camera angle are identical. Could just be my mind conjouring up nice little scenes for us again though. God, I hate trying to deduce things from the promos. I swear I start seeing things that aren't there.

If I thought Eric seriously needed a hug in February sweeps, he's gonna need a whole lot more after Monday. Look at that sad little face! I doubt a hug from any of us would really suffice though. Calleigh needs to give him one of her special hugs, or at least allow Eric is bury his face into her 'chest' during a conventional one. :p

I really hope Donahue doesn't decide to smite us on this one. I'd appreciate it if she allowed me to leave my 'just sucked a lemon' face at home during the summer hols.
Eric is gonna need more than just hugs!
he'll need some hot chocolate and other comforting things
scratch out the chocolate and make it Cafe Cubano;)
the new promo is soooo exciting...though it can be misleading besides valera's blonde right i mean her hair color is blonde...dunno there tons of blonds in miami...
OMG....i just wannna hug him.....he looked sooo sad and kinda depressed :(...i also think its him who cal tells the whole trust line....
Wow! Hello to the other new newbies! We have so many! I thought people backed out just a year ago. :rolleyes:

Ali I'm glad you're back. Stay with us, please. :D

And yeah, where are you guys seeing this other promo?
Monday is taking too long to get here!!!!!:eek: And Midnight I don't write but from I've read of other post Elicia writes the best fanfics. Where can I go to read some of them?
Elicia's fics can be found at under the pen name Elicia1.

Eric is going to need more than hugs!! Hopefully Cal will snap out of it and give it to him :devil:
delkolover said:Hopefully Cal will snap out of it and give it to him

Yes, hard and fast!

Also, I'm not talking about that promo anymore, because - like I said somewhere else - CBS are playing with our heads... And I decided NOW to stop letting them *lol* (after watching that stupid clip all evening...)

Instead, another look back at 'Kill Switch'... so most of us say that this scene was kinda weird, rushed, whatever.
But look at her face again - like she knows that she's already hurt him:

Go, kiss him better! *shoves Cal*
I finally got to see the new promo... so I'm cool.

I can't remember who said that the person Eric is talking to is wearing beige, but it looks to me like blonde hair, like Calleigh. So I think it's Calleigh saying that to Eric. As for the rest of it, I'm going to wait til Monday to squee and squirm. lol

Yeah, that's a telling look. I think she knows there too. Our poor little ship needs some help. LOL
it's at but like someone said you have to let the old one play a few times. I don't know what's up with the site, it's wonky. :)
Calleigh needs to make it up to Eric. And we all know how. Sexy party!


I wonder what Calleigh would do/say if Eric told her right now how he felt. Though I think it would scare her, I'd hate for Eric to stay in the sidelines forever. Eventually one or the other will have to make a move, because the way these two are? They've waited 5 years. Somebody needs to take their clothes off and throw them in a closet.
Okay so I saw it and all I have to say is that it was completely obvious she was talking to Eric and that that guy wants to kill her.
Eeekeeekeeek...I just went to the CBS site and watched the new preview and I absolutely CAN NOT wait til next Monday!! It's killing me not know what's gonna happen and how it's all gonna play out!

Oh...thanks for the welcome and the hip-huggers, I promise to guard it with all I got, hehe!!

Love, love, love this ship!!
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