Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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*whistles* Don't mind me...

I've got a couple of pictures of Eric from the last ep. Kinda hard to get a good one of him whilst he was outside but here:


Hopefully Leela's got a better one. Might as well post these too:



Seriously, how ridiculously cute and smitten was he in that scene? It was a two-way street again too:


There's is a love that doesn't need words.
Aw, those are cute. You can practically see his heart beating wildly. But then he finds out about Jake and it's sad:


Poor baby. Calleigh's gonna have to make it up to him big time. I hope she uses a good conditioner.
^Conditioner, handcuffs, nighties,leather and maybe some whips....Cal is going to have to pull out all the stops in order to make it up to him after that! :lol:

Poor guy looks like he has had his heart ripped out of his chest and is starring at it while it lies beating on the floor in front on of him.

Is it Monday yet? :lol: I can't wait any longer...I am going stir crazy
midnight_tiptoes said:But then he finds out about Jake and it's sad

Honestly, I don't think he was that sad. Neither of them showed much reaction to it. I think that's what threw me off. To me, this was Eric finding out that Calleigh was sort-of seeing somebody else. Shouldn't he have been at least a bit more upset about that? I would have thought Calleigh would have been even less forthcoming with details than she was too, through fear of hurting Eric. Last week removed all doubts from my mind that she's oblivious to his growing feelings.

I've been thinking about that scene quite a bit, and I have a theory I'm going to share. Perhaps it wasn't as emotional or awkward as we thought it should have been because both of them (moreso Eric) largely view the Jake factor as unimportant?

It wouldn't surprise me if Eric was viewing the situation this way. Who could blame him? There's a fair bit of evidence that backs up that idea. Not only have there been some very obvious advances in his and Calleigh's relationship recently, but in that very scene Calleigh was quick to shrug off the phone call and proclaim it 'was nothing'. Also, a season is supposed to take place over how long? A year? It's definately a substancial amount of time, because it's already been months since Eric's shooting. So Jake's been back on the scene for quite a while now, and nothing's happened between him and Calleigh. Although he's been kind of hostile towards Jake, (as with all of Calleigh's former love interests ;)) if I were him, I'd see no reason to be threatened by the guy.

Like I said before, to me, this was Calleigh telling Eric she was already seeing somebody, but from the sounds of things, they haven't even had a proper date yet! I don't think I'd be taking a relationship that had only progressed that far, regardless of past history, very seriously.

It kind of makes sense with what's coming up. From the promos, especially the second one, it looks like Jake is the driving force behind the kiss, and Calleigh looks a bit surprised by it. Regardless of whether or not she's seeing this guy, Calleigh wouldn't initiate a kiss in the middle of the lab. Perhaps this is why Eric's reaction is so strong, because he thinks nothing of it, yet here Calleigh and Jake are making out in the hallway. If you think about it, it'd be kind of hard to believe he'd have that strong a reaction if he already thought something was going on between them. He knows about Jake, and seemingly the history between him and Cal too.

So, that's why I'm thinking this is all going to be a spur of the moment thing from Jake, and why Eric looks so taken aback and upset.
Yeah, that's a good point. It could also be them trying to appear nonchalant and cool, Eric not wanting to give his jealousy away and Calleigh trying to ignore her feelings. To me it looked like Eric trying his darnest to be a good girlfriend, even though it was probably killing him inside. The smile he gave her before he walked into the room wasn't "oh, there's Calleigh talking to her boyfriend. I'm so happy for her," it was more like, "sigh, omg she's so cute."

Calleigh seemed more nervous than Eric, seeing as she changed the topic so quickly. I think at this point they're both aware of how they feel, but I'm not sure they're aware of the fact that their feelings are reciprocated. But I think we'll probably have to wait till next week to get a clear picture of what's going on, cause we're all confused as hell. If it weren't for Adam and Emily I wouldn't be sure what the hell's going on.
Well, that was my only other theory, that they were both so awkward that they were just using smiles and such to cover it up. It's definately feasible, but Eric's never been all that good at hiding his emotions, and it baffles me why the writers would be working that angle after two weeks of very obvious tension that I'm certain both were aware of.

Yeah, I'm as confused as hell. :)
I think it is obvious that they are both using smiles to cover their feelings. The way they look into each others eyes tells you that they mean so much more on the inside but just can't spill it out. They have been doing this for so long and it is finally getting the attention it needs.
Oh well. Que sera sera. Like I said, I'm not worried about the outcome. Unless Calleigh turns Eric down next week, but Corey said there won't be a resolution to this until next season, so I'm expecting we'll still be confused after the season ends. It's starting to become a familiar feeling. Way better than hopelessness, though.

Let's try to figure out what the hell's going on here:

What you are guys are saying all goes back to the fact that the scene just didn't fit. It would have if we had had some mention of J/C before then.

Eric's line about "nice to see that smile again" or something sort of tells me he probably knew she was on the phone with Jake and that is why Cal was sooo quick to say it was nothing. They both seem like they felt they were caught with their hands in the cookie jar and changed the subject quickly.

I too, am very confused at the moment!! And it really is b/c of this scene that felt like it was just tossed into the middle of the fray!

Is it Monday yet? :lol:
Look what I found:


Eric's favorite butt. Ask him what Calleigh was saying in that scene, I bet he has no idea. One of these days he should just reach over and touch him. Calleigh would slap him. And then she'd push him against a wall and rape him.
Thanks for the link delkolover!!!

COME ON MONDAY!!!!!!!! I'm going crazy waiting for it!! I can't imagine how I'm going to make it through the summer. Well at least I have the CSIM boxset dvds.
Calleigh's all, "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard..." and Eric's all, "helllooooo, baby."

These two really need to jump each other already.

I'm watching the Office and Jim and Pam always remind me of Eric/Calleigh. It's uncanny sometimes, except Calleigh isn't as wishy washy as Pam. And Jake = Roy.
Hiyaa, everyone. =D New here (and to this forum)!

To add my personal opinion, I'm all for Jake showing up. Okay, now before you start throwing things at me, hear me out! I hear that Jake isn't particularly popular after the episode "Internal Affairs" (I missed this episode, so I can't comment). Not that I ship Cake or anything (bleugh!), but the idea of a love triangle always amuses and engrosses me. Some brief Cake-ness will be good because we will get to see jealous/angsty Delko. But they'll overcome that little speedbump quickly and get together with feelings stronger than ever. Because after all, makeup sex is the best kind there is. ;D

Not sure how much I can say without having to put that in a spoiler box...

Btw, LOVE that cap above! The way Calleigh is holding her arms looks like she's shaking her booty just for Eric (who seems to be enjoying it very much). ;D
Welcome, killerBEE. Love your username.

I don't mind the whole Jake thing per se, what I hate is that it's happening in the season finale, meaning we'll have to wait 3 freaking months to see a resolution. AH! But otherwise, both Eric and Calleigh need a little push and Jake might be it.

Wouldn't it be surprising if Calleigh broke up with him in the finale? Probably not, but man, we need something to get us through the summer.
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