Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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Hi, I'm new to the Eric/Calleigh ship. Why are they called HipHuggers?

Anyway I always loved the chemistry between EP and AR (but never really hardcore shipped them until this season) So I'm glad that it's finally going somewhere.
*gives up lurker mode*

Well I had sworn I would ignore further previews and of course Leela's post made me run to and watch it :rolleyes: But I behaved and I only watched it 3 times (I'm stil at work but I'm currently all alone in the building so who cares :lol:)

Now of course I'm completely restless... And my head is spinning... And I want so badly to watch it again... But I won't. On the good side it inspired me to write what I'm supposed to write ;) So I can only hope that porn will be ready soon.
But then there is also chapter 6 of my first porn fic. I should check it again. If I remember well where I had left them, they were almost finished :devil:
Coconut said:
Hi, I'm new to the Eric/Calleigh ship. Why are they called HipHuggers?

Welcome! We're called Hip Huggers because of this scene:


A ship was born.

I'm not gonna watch the promo again cause seriously. Que sera sera.

Elicia, I don't remember if I heard your first porn fic. Is it at
Um wow. New promo. *will not analyze it...will not analyze it...* UGH!

Okay, wow, so this one really hyped up the Jake/Cal kiss. And the killer is going after Calleigh?! This is like, straight out of fanfic land, lol. But God, Eric's face? He looks like he wants to cry. :( I feel so bad for him. After all that's happened with him and Calleigh in the last couple episodes, you know he's feeling so betrayed. Poor thing. :(
I'm hoping that...

Eric gets at least a little bit of hope after the kiss. Because otherwise that boy will be miserable all summer and dammit, his life really, really sucks. He's been so happy ever since Calleigh kissed him. I'd hate to see him all depressed again.

Countdown to Jake messing up again...
Yeah the first one is there too. It's called "Why didn't we do that before?". I think you've already read it...

Okay so even while I'm writing and working (or at least trying ;)) I can't help thinking about that damn promo :lol:

I for one think that Eric and Cal have their little discussion after he has witnessed the kiss. Maybe he is wondering about his position in her life so to say. Calleigh telling that she trusts him with her life is probably the closest she has ever come to profess love. And I'm positive about that discussion, because we also see Calleigh with a bright smile and to me it looks like this happens while she is talking with him. So everything is cool ;)
What's up guys I'm new. I've actually been lurking around her for a while now and I just decided to join. I'm a HUGE EC fan and I'm beyond glad that they going some where with them. *screaming* THERE'S A NEW PROMO?? UH OH I gotta go check it out!!
that new promo looks hot!! And while it looks like the killer is talking about going after Cal...the promos can be deceiving but I hope the killer is going after her!! That kiss with Jake was pretty intense and poor Eric...I can't believe they make him see it. She sooo trusts Eric more than Jake though; it is very obvious.

Now I really can't wait for this frickin ep to air!!!!! :lol:
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And welcome!
I can't believe it!!! It looks like they're making Cal one of the killer targets. I knew she said that line to Eric who else could it have been. Poor Eric though!! The expression on his face was just hurt when he saw Jerk I mean Jake and Calleigh kiss. :( Grrrr to you Jake grrrr!!!
Wow, just wow. So much is going on! But I feel oddly calm about the whole thing, it's like, they've finally gotten past the point where we were left wondering whether something was ever going to happen. It has, and more is sure to come in the future, so I am no longer worried.

Nor can I even bring myself to speculate, probably through fear my head will finally explode from all the possibilities. :lol: That promo is extremly exciting, and I'm very much looking forward to watching the episode. How is it possible that I've done such a complete 180 in my absence?

Caro's right, when you've lasted 5 years (Dear God, I can't believe it's been that long) the summer wait looks like a breeze. :cool:
Hey, Ali. You keep abandoning us. What's up with that?

Welcome, Hip_hugga_lovah! Pair of Hip Huggers for you. Christ, we've had like a billion new people in the last couple of days. I love it. Do you guys write?

The whole Calleigh thing might be misleading. Or the killer might think about going after her but he won't. We'll see. I just don't see how they'll be able to pack that storyline into an already heavy handed episode. Unless, of course, the whole Horatio thing has been a crock of shit and it's actually Calleigh the one who gets hurt, but I doubt it. We'll see.

Still not entirely sure that the trust line is to Eric now. Looking at it again, the person Eric is looking at is wearing beige, and Calleigh is wearing white. Looks like Eric is talking to Alexx. But it still doesn't mean Calleigh doesn't say it to him, I just think they're two different scenes. Or maybe Alexx is there while Calleigh tells him that. Who knows.

Pass the Wellbutrin.
Hey, we have four new Hip Huggers! Welcome at all! :)

I’ve just seen the promo.

Calleigh is afraid of the killer and Eric wants to protect her. Maybe Calleigh says “I trust you with my life” when he tries to reassure her telling that she’s safe with him. About her relationship with Jake, I think that Calleigh hates losing control and she tries to avoid this, even if the result is that Eric has his heart broken. She doesn’t love Jake and with him her feelings can’t have the upper hand. About Eric... his face is meaningful. He’s really upset…poor guy!
Ok where are you guys seeing this new promo because when I go to I see the old one. It's starting to drive me batty. :) LOL especially the more I read about it.
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