Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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I know what you mean. I've only seen it three times and it's driving me batty, I can't imagine watching it more than that! :)
I don't understand. Are you all not wanting to watch it but it is tempting? Is it making you guys go craxy with questions or something?

I'm not going to worry about it so much because obviously Eric will be involved in this. I just hope he doesn't take it too seriously.
i couldn't sleep last night either like most of you
maybe it was my braces but i dunno
does anyone remember that song by N'Sync called "It Makes Me Ill"
yea it reminded me of Eric and how i think that maybe he hastes seeing Calleigh talking to Jake or doing anything with Jake:rolleyes:
Such pessimism!

I don't think Calleigh's gonna turn Eric down. Corey Miller said there won't be a resolution to this storyline until next season. So my guess is quite the opposite: Team Hip Huggers will score one point and Team Cake might lose one. I mean, if the writers want us to believe there is a triangle, they have to give E/C something in the finale. Otherwise it won't be a triangle, just Jake/Calleigh.

I'm not too worried. How long before Jake screws up again? And who's gonna be there to offer Calleigh a shoulder to lean on? That's right, our Cuban sensation.
Okay I seriously hope it's Eric that Calleigh says the trust line to...and that she doesn't want that kiss from Jake! We need something E/C in this eppy...heck we need a heck of alot of E/C in this eppy, but I'll settle for something good! :D
I'll settle for full frontal nudity, but somehow I don't think we'll get it. Oh well. I have an imagination.

This just in: 5 out of 5 dentists agree - Cake rots your teeth.
Lol, now wouldn't that be nice Skylar! :lol: I vote for that, and yeah that's an imagination...but what a good one! :devil:

Cake totally rots your teeth and gives one a stomachache and the flu! :p :lol: Whereas E/C, makes it alllllll better! ;)
Too much Cake will keep you from fitting into your Hip Huggers.


Yeah. Lame. :rolleyes: :lol:

That said...I still like both. *hides* Gah, stupid multishipping. Mostly I'm just glad Calleigh's getting some action. :D It's about time. And it's all the better if that action possibly leads to us getting some Jealous Eric. And Guilty-Conscience Calleigh, like we saw last night. :D

Was it Moriel that said something about them maybe using Calleigh for bait or something? What if that did happen? We'd get lots of worried Eric. :D Angry Eric too, probably. :devil: But seriously; maybe the trust line is to Eric somewhere near the beginning of the episode - maybe he's the one that actually has to put her out there as bait, and he doesn't trust himself. Calleigh trusts him with her life, and then we have both of them going through the rest of the episode thinking about each other. Okay. So it's the end of the episode. Calleigh's fine. Eric just wants to go make sure she's really fine. Only, he gets there just in time to see Jake jump at her, because he too is glad that Calleigh's okay, and the possibility of something happening to her bothered him too. Then that's it. We end on Calleigh confused, Eric hurt, and Jake seemingly the winner. The end until September. That...would probably kill me. :lol:

Somebody take that damn promo away from me. :lol:
Jessica237 said:
Too much Cake will keep you from fitting into your Hip Huggers.

Brilliant! I wonder if that could be a thread title. Or "Let 'Em Eat Cake."

I'm all for Calleigh getting some action, but I don't like that she's getting it from a jerk that's gonna end up hurting her. I just don't wanna see Calleigh unhappy anymore, and I can't see anything good coming out of this whole Jake thing.

Plus, she knows Eric would treat her like a queen.
OMG...Jess if that is how our finale ends, I will stage a revolt and storm the gates of CBS myself...torches and pitchforks in hand! (Don't think I'm kidding either! ;) )

Too much Cake will keep you from fitting into your Hip Huggers.
Lol, brilliant! And SOO true! :lol:
it was me that said I thought Call was gonna be used as bait and I still think she's gonna makes sense, Sicko Psycho killer favors girls and if the dead girl we saw is any indication, pretty blonde type ones...(ring any bells?!) not that I want her used as bait, but it'd make for a good storyline! :D
If you guys get the TV Guide channel, tune in right now! The Eric/Calleigh segment is coming up.

I think it's Jake who gets hurt. In the clip, you see Calleigh checking his face like he hurt it. And then he grabs her and kisses her. Ugh. All I gotta say is: we better get something good with E/C or I'll be so pissed. They can't just end the season by dashing our hopes. I couldn't take it! I need to know that everything's gonna be okay in the end. I know it will be, but I need some visual confirmation.
Ohhh Jake hurt....okay! Lol, wait is that mean? Eh I don't care! I want Jake hurt, Cal not into his kiss, and some E/C action for I'm gonna be pissed after this finale is done! :p After all this E/C chemistry dang it we need us some fulfillment! :devil:
Hello....I'm a big CSI Miami fan, and a super duper huge fan of Eric and Calleigh. I just love these two they are so adorable and so perfect for each other, the last two episode has been great so far. I just hope the finale will be good and will get some good EC scene other wise I'll be upset if we don't. Can't believe were already in the finale will at at least will have a another good season to look forward. I really hope Eric and Calleigh ends up together. I'm not really a huge fan of Jake.

Its Eric Delko all the way baby!!!
Wow, two new people! Welcome, guys. You each get a pair of Hip Hugger jeans. Don't lose them.

Honestly? I don't know what to think of the finale anymore, and I'm all out of speculation. So I guess I'm just gonna wait and see. I didn't think Calleigh was gonna be dating Jake, and look how that turned out. So whatever. Donahue's writing the finale. Lord help us all.
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