Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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Heh. Welcome back, Moriel!

Maybe it's a good thing that Eric and Calleigh haven't hooked up yet. You know that the day they have sex the first time, they'll never get out of the house ever again. God, this ship needs to happen NOW! Then again, I might have a heart attack when they finally kiss. But still, HOT! I'd die happy.
Heehee, thanks Caro! ;)
Yeah on the one hand it's good cuz the anticipation of them hooking up is totally hot! And yeah I totally agree...once they do it, they'll never stop! :devil: Yeah this ship needs to needs to happen like yesterday! And I can guarentee that when they finally kiss I will turn into a total 12-year-old girl freaking out and jumping up and down...but will I care? Not a chance! :lol: :lol:
midnight_tiptoes i guarantee you that half this thread will have a heart attack and die when they kiss lips to lips
my family probably wont know why i died until they find this thread which will be never
oh my this is going to be the longest summer ever...dunno if i can survive it...but yeah...i guess if it were E/C kissing it would be so hoooottt...
that_girl1 can I call you something shorter? :D Yeah my family teases me now about randomly grinning at my computer or grinning and squeeing at various things on tv...but they're used to it! They just roll their eyes and keep going...which works for me, I can't help ships make me happy! :D
that_girl1 said:
midnight_tiptoes i guarantee you that half this thread will have a heart attack and die when they kiss lips to lips
my family probably wont know why i died until they find this thread which will be never

We'd all die. And then newspapers all over the world will run the story, warning people not to watch the episode because they could die as well. Hell, I'm still happy from reading Elicia's fic, and that was only a fic! Imagine if we actually saw something like that. Christ.

I don't know what we're gonna do this summer. We could go out and gets lives... maybe meet a few Erics. Sigh, internet owns our souls.
How could you not love this ship? It's so much fun and it's beautiful!

I can't wait over the summer! I can't wait, I can't wait! Oh my god this ship makes me high! *screams* I don't know what I'd do if Eric and Calleigh kiss. Or when they kiss. ;) I guess I would die.
I read one of Elicia's fics this morning and I swear I passed out for a second or two from the sheer hotness of it all! :devil: (Elicia you are a freakin' amazing smut writer! Seriously!!)

Lol, Caro if only we could meet an Eric of our own...oh my gosh I would die of joy! ;) And yeah babe, sadly I think you're right...the internet totally owns me! :rolleyes:

Lol, like Caro told me a while ago Xane...this ship is the sweetest taste and you're hooked for life! ;) :lol:
Imagine if shipper rehab was real. We'd all be in there, smuggling E/C episodes and writing E/C fanfic for cigarettes.


Eric: What do you mean summer hiatus? You mean I don't get to kiss Calleigh this season? This is bullshit, man!
Wait you mean that "camp" I went to last summer wasn't "shipper rehab"? Man I got gyped! :lol: (Yeah I'm a dork! :rolleyes: )

Hey by the way...I know a few overall spoilers for the finale...but do we know any specific E/C spoilers for the finale? ;)
OKAY! I just saw the TV Guide thingie. I'll do my best to summarize it:

First of all, it had Emily saying that Calleigh is developing 'love' feelings for Eric. LOVE! She actually used the word love. She said that Calleigh is into Eric, but that suddenly Jake comes back and he wants her back, and there's gonna be a triangle. They showed Emily and Johnny doing a scene, and in it, Calleigh was checking Jake's face. And then Jake grabbed her head and kissed her. Then they cut to Adam saying that Eric witnesses the kiss by accident. They also showed some chick talking, saying that Eric has had a rough year and now he's developed a crush on Calleigh, and that when he sees the kiss he's not gonna handle it well.

It is Jake who kisses Calleigh. She's just kinda shocked by it. She doesn't pull back quickly, but the kiss doesn't last very long, at least not in the take they showed. From what Emily said, I don't think Calleigh and Jake are dating. It looks like he kisses her out of the blue or something. She made it sound like Calleigh is falling in love with Eric but then Jake comes back wanting something with her. But she didn't say anything else, and we don't know how Calleigh reacts to the kiss, or Eric, for that matter. My guess is this will go into next season.

I feel much better after hearing what Emily had to say. She said something about the shooting, like Calleigh realized something after Eric almost died. I don't remember the exact wording, though, and I couldn't tape it. In fact, I nearly missed the whole thing. Thank God for my insomnia!

Oh my God! We're gonna die. Seriously. This show is gonna kill us all.
*comes out of lurking* Oh My God! :eek:
This is like killing me :( but in a good way ;)

Well I like drama, and I must say I really like what you just posted Caro. But how the hell are we supposed to survive the summer? This was somehow to be expected. Jake is a jerk and I'm pretty sure he did it on purpose because he probably saw Eric and heard about the rumors. But I'm confident, this will end well for us. And didn't Corey say if we liked the last 2 episodes, we will like the next 2? So it means we won't only get EC angst, we'll also get EC goodness.

I'll have to write like a madwoman to get over the frustration of a EC cliffhanger :lol:
I'm glad some of you liked the last fic. It is the first story in a series, but I don't think I'll post the next ones on, maybe in a LJ. We'll see.

*goes back into lurking*
The drama!

Sorry, I'm just excited... I can't believe I'm this excited actually about CSIM!? What the hell happened?

Damn, I wanna write a good, meaningful post, but all i can say is: Aaahhhhh! The drama! I'm not gonna survive this summer without millions of fic (*hints at Elicia*)... :p

One good thing about jealous Eric: I always wanted to make a fanvid to The Killers' Mr Brightside.... so... that could happen now... we'll see! ;)
I knew everything would be okay, it's just JAKE who has to mess things up. If Calleigh has to be stuck deciding between Eric and Jake, Eric would obviouslly win. And that is so cute that she said Eric is developing a crush on Calleigh. Awwww. :D

Okay, I am writing 4 fics. Two I will post at and the other two are the uncut versions(you know what that means!) that I will pm to you, if you want me to. So when I finish them I'll tell you all.
No lurking, Elicia! Especially not after that last fic you wrote. Because, damn... :D

*headdesk* WHY do I not have the tvguide channel? I want to see that! I'm beyond excited. :D

Y'all remember how Eric acted when Calleigh was dating Hagen, right? And he never really saw anything happen there. So now, if he actually sees Calleigh and Jake kiss... (is it wrong that I'm so excited about that possibly just for the sake of Calleigh finally getting some action? lol :D ) I think the jealousy might be through the roof. That's good. :D I love EC angst.

I also really love that now we've got confirmation about feelings developing on both sides. :D I mean, it's not like we didn't know that before, but now we know that Eric is developing a crush on her (aww!) and Calleigh's developing love-type feelings for him. Aw. So sweet.

I beyond love this ship. :D
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