Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I'm not ashamed to say I check Emily out all the time. More so than Adam. He's a guy, he's just... bleh. Girls are so pretty. I wish I was gay :(

Heh, what if Eric and Calleigh are investigating a case and Calleigh gets hit on... by a woman? Would Eric be jealous or turned on?

Calleigh would flirt with the girl just to drive him crazy.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Whether a man or woman were to hit on Calleigh, I would love to see Eric's reaction. If it was a man, he'd be real jealous, if it was a chick he'd either be a little jealous if Cal was flirting back to a girl or he'd be like "What was that about?" It would be cool, though. What would Calleigh do? Do you think she is predictable?
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Oh please it is like every man's dream to see girl on girl action!! So of course Eric, being a male would probably be turned on by it :lol:

Although, I think that if Cal got tooo into it he would put a stop cuz no one pleases Cal but him :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Calleigh would probably flirt back just to drive Eric crazy. But then she'd pull him aside and kiss him and tell him he's the only one for her. I bet Eric wold get a little insecure sometimes.

Then again, I could see Calleigh being a little insecure, too, considering Eric is the ladies man.

EDIT: You guys need to go check out the spoiler thread in the Miami board now. NOW!!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S


Was that three lines of good posting?

Holy shit Caro! Holy shit! It's 8am here and I just got up for work and do you know what those two pics just did to my heart? I think it stopped for an entire minute! (But other parts of my body felt very alive during that...
Shit and I have to go to work now.... I've got a few more minutes though, so I'm thinking about printing that second pic out and sticking it to the wall at the shop so I can stare at it the whole day....
Holy SHIT!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

LOL! Leela, I knew you'd be the first one to see them.

My heart stopped when I got them. And then I just went, "HOLY SHIT!" AAAAAHHHHHH!

You should print them and tape them to the dashboard of your car and just look at it as you drive to work, safety be dammed.

Is it April 23rd yet? PLEASE?!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I've just seen the pics too and commented in the Miami Spoiler Lab. Thanks Carol - they are, well, you know me, reserved Brit and all that (yeah, right), squeeworthy in the extreme! :D

I know I don't post here much, but you know my feelings about E/C. I keep mentioning them uncontrollably in my posts. Can't help it. ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S


Jesus Christ, do you guys realize I've been here for like 3 years? And at fanforum like 4? This is the least they could do. Give me back my life, CSI!

I can't stop staring at the pictures. And I'm sorry, but the look on Eric's face in the second one,

He's relishing every single second of it. He looks like he's just savoring her. Clueless my ass, that guy's falling in love.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I'm at work now and my boss just had to leave for a short time. So I started the laptop, printed out those two pictures and attached them to the magnetic baord in front of my place.
Now I can stare at the love all day!
When my boss came back he gave me a weird frown. That was all *lol*. He's already used to my obsessive habits. He even knows I bought the Emilicious pants. (And I think he's a latent Emily lover as well.... can't blame him...)
I'm gonna take a pic of my hiphuggy workplace later, teheee!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S


AM I DREAMING? DID I DIE AND GO TO HEAVEN?! Holy crap! I seriously nearly died of happiness just then... those pictures... HOLY CRAP!

Omg... SHE KISSES HIS CHEEK? WHY? wait... I don't care! Did he cut his cheek and is she kissing it better? I bet she's all like 'Oh no... poor baby... let me kiss it better!' and he'd just go grab some glass and slice all over! HOLY SHIT... sorry about the excessive swearing but I seriously can't get over the pictures! SOOO CUTE!

*content sigh* :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I was all like, "Well today is going to be a horrible boring day" and then I went to the Spoiler Lab thread. All I can say is that it was beautiful. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S


:D <- I need about fifty billion of these to match the stupid grin on my face right now. :lol:

This is so what we've been waiting years for!!! In fact...

midnight_tiptoes said:

I can't stop staring at the pictures. And I'm sorry, but the look on Eric's face in the second one,

He's relishing every single second of it. He looks like he's just savoring her. Clueless my ass, that guy's falling in love.

He looks like he's been waiting for it for years. Aww. Imagine if he'd done the sneaky thing, as he's apt to do ( :devil: ) and tilted his head slightly (to the left? right? It's early and I'm squee-ful...I can't tell directions!! :lol:) and instead of his cheek, she caught his lips. Aww. Either know, I don't really care. It's HER LIPS!! ON HIM!! *dies* :D :D

God, those are some beautiful pictures. :D

*supersupersupersuperhappy sigh* :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Glad you guys love them. I think this is the episode where Eric is put on desk duty. Kinda looks like he comes back at the end of it, though. My theory is that Calleigh finds out that he's back, she goes into the lab to find him and is so happy to see him that she kisses him.

But that's just mine. What are your theories?
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I don't care about the WHY! As long as it happens! ;)

Anyway, took a photo of my workplace with the PICS! I'm gonna show you (just to prove that I'm indeed that crazy).

Spoilery: Leela's weird!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

That's awesome, Leela! And I looooove your Futurama calendar. Are you excited about the 13 new episodes? I can't wait.

You know, the look on Calleigh's face in the first picture is telling as well.
it doesn't look like a, "hey, welcome back! Kiss for you!" The whole thing looks very romantic, and soft. And I LOVE the fact that she grabs his face. Sigh.

Is it April 23rd already?
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