Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Rashida is really cute and she really does resemble them!

I wouldn't complain about eating Mrs. Delko's food, she must be quite the cook.

If Eric and Calleigh get married, they'd BETTER show their parents or else it would be riduculous. I mean, if their parents care so much(especially Eric's) then why aren't they ever around?
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Yeah but I could totally see Eric's mom trying to fatten Calleigh up and believe me I would enjoy watching it!!

The reason we haven't seen Eric's parents is $$$$$ it probably costs to cast two actors to play his parents for what a couple of scenes? I mean Cal's father really played into the show i the eps he was in and he is the only family member of hers we have met. We met Eric's sister so it is easier to say things about his parents than to actually see them.

I also wouldn't mind though seeing Eric's mother maybe turning to Cal to make sure her only son was ok. More than likely his family knows that the two of them close and it would be nice to some motherly interference and match making.

However, if they did ever get married, the writers better find the money and cast two actors :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Unless they eloped.

Not in a big Hispanic family. A friend of mine just escaped with her boyfriend and got married and when they came back her mom made them have a huge, Catholic wedding :lol:.

I always kinda hoped for some Eric/Papa Delko tension. Boys with daddy issues!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

guys what's this about a flight attendant? can someone write out that whole scene please because I have no idea what's going on!!!

I also would like to see their families. I think it wuld be funny if Calleigh went with Eric to one of his family celebrations or something. I can imagine her feeling ut of place but then Eric's family would be all warm and loving and then she'd start to enjoy herself. It'd be cute! And it would be so funny if they started telling her embarassing stories from Eric's childhood or something. lmao. Eric would be all like 'don't embarass me!' and cal would be laughing her ass off. but then eric wuld be ok coz it made her laugh. lol. anywayz im rambling.

i love this ship. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Okay finally just saw the rest of this Monday's eppy last night and can I just say how totally cute were E/C! Each of there scene's made me totally grin! First though, how insanely HOT did both of them look in this eppy, Oh My Word! Seriously...Cal in all black with the low cut shirt and Eric in his black suit...wowza! :devil: Not quite sure how they managed to keep their hands off eachother! ;) Loved the little flight attendant thing Cal did in the first "food" scene, that was totally cute! :lol: And then all the working together, eye sex scenes...yeah baby! They were practically undressing eachother with their eyes half the time! :D Can't wait to see how they develop this between them and hope they do it fast! :devil: :lol: (And I'm done...totally took that to the gutter! :lol: )
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

And it's only gonna get better from this point on!! *squee*

Calleigh needs a family to sorta take her in. The Delkos are perfect. They'd love her. Eric already loves her. So what are they waiting for? :D

Do any of Eric's other sisters have kids? I just think it would be cute at some sort of family gathering, for one of Eric's baby nieces (given he has any) to crawl up in Calleigh's lap and get Cal to read to her, aww. And Eric slips in and sort of watches from the doorway with a smile on his face, and that's when he really sees just how amazing of a mother Cal would be to their own kids. Aww. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Calleigh would make a great mom. She definately has that motherly instinct which we saw in "Backstabbers" with the little girl Emma.

If Eric saw a scene like you one described Jessica he would probably melt and demand they start procreating as soon as possible. :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I loved E/C on Monday! They were so funny. One of the reasons why I ship them is because they always give each other what they need emotionally. Eric is suffering from the aftershocks of the shooting, but Calleigh is the one who's caring and goes out of her way to make him smile and laugh. Eric does the same whenever Calleigh's down. There's no doubt in my mind that if they hook up they'll end up falling in love and together forever. This pairing is as close to perfection as you can get.

I went to the message boards at and in the E/C thread all these R/C shippers started saying E/C would never work out, that R/C is the best, etc. When I intellectually argued with them why R/C would never work, they got all pissy, accused me of character bashing, and ran away. Real mature.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Mo, Eric and Calleigh looked freaking hot! They are so sexy. *sigh* It was a pretty good episode.

Eric and Calleigh would make wonderful parents. I think we could actually see them having one. I don't know why but I could and I had a dream about them having a baby last night. It was very dramatic and I could tell, but I don't know if you want to hear.

I love this ship, too. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Heh, I've been browsing the forums at work and my mom came in yesterday and saw Jackie's siggie and she was all, "what's that?" but I ignored her. Today she saw it again and she was like, "what IS that? He's been holding her hand since yesterday."

:lol: Oh, mommy.

Didn't Skylar write that story in which Eric has to babysit his niece and Calleigh comes over to help him? You're long overdue for another fic, missy.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Yeah well I'm surprised when my mother is even able to check her email :lol:

Any fic that involves these two and kids is great....whether the kid is theirs or they are working a case that involves children....someone needs to write one ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

My mom doesn't even know how to use a computer.

BTW, you know that picture of Eric, Calleigh, and the crib? I showed it to my dad and he actually thought that Eric and Calleigh were married and had a baby! :D I was like, "Someday..."

Hey who wrote that fic(I forget, it was back before I first joined because I used to lurk here before I actually joined) about Calleigh forgeting to wear a bra, got in the Hummer with Eric, tire goes flat, and Eric makes his move? That was a good one. It has nothing to do with kids(maybe making them ;)) but it was really hot. Do you think the show could do that?
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

^Wow, never read that one, but sound great, is it on and if it is what's the name.
I really hope we get at least one E/C scene next week. I watch the promo in slow motion and (spoiler just in case)
it looks like if Eric is fighting this other guy, mmm? protective Calleigh might come, any ways I'll try to see it again and see if I pick it up again to comfirm
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Hah, my cat is on the floor, chilling and watching CSI. It's so funny. Like he was actually watching the television screen. And then a scene with Catherine came on and he went up to the television and got on his back paws so he could get a closer look at her.

You know, we've never seen Eric dealing with kids on the show. That would be so amusing to see. And hot.

Hey who wrote that fic(I forget, it was back before I first joined because I used to lurk here before I actually joined) about Calleigh forgeting to wear a bra, got in the Hummer with Eric, tire goes flat, and Eric makes his move?

It was either Jessica of Jaffy. Actually, I think it was Jaffy. You could probably find it in her LJ.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

^Yeah, I think it was Jaffy, unless Jessica comes to claim her work... ;)

I think that if they let Eric dealing with a kid, he would surprise himself by how much he really cares. If Eric and Calleigh end up having a lasting relationship then they might put in a storyline dealing with Eric and a kid and maybe he would realize that he wants a family of his own.
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