Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Oh no, that definitely wasn't one of mine. :lol: Like I've come anywhere close to writing porn. :lol: It was Jaffy's. The title had something to do with rain, I think. Or maybe it was just raining in the fic. I know it had sneaky Eric in it. :devil:

Why doesn't anybody write those fics anymore? *glare* :lol:

Eric with kids would be adorable, aww. But Eric and Calleigh with a baby? Aww! I think I would melt. Calleigh holding the baby, talking to it softly, and Eric coming up and standing oh-so-close to Calleigh while he tickles it or something, and then they slowly look up and into each other's eyes and decide, yeah, they need a few of their own now. :D :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Yeah, Jaffy always wrote the weirdest stuff, lol. It was good, though. I love the fic she wrote where Calleigh catches Eric singing Shakira.

I hate that Horatio has a claim on all desolate children on this show. I'd kill to see how Eric is around kids. He probably goes down to their level, too - making faces, giggling at the back of Calleigh's head, making them paper airplanes...
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Jessica237 said:
Eric with kids would be adorable, aww. But Eric and Calleigh with a baby? Aww! I think I would melt. Calleigh holding the baby, talking to it softly, and Eric coming up and standing oh-so-close to Calleigh while he tickles it or something, and then they slowly look up and into each other's eyes and decide, yeah, they need a few of their own now. :D :lol:

I have so thought about a something like that. Calleigh is holding the baby and Eric is standing close behind her and the baby looks into both of their eyes realizing trust and his mommy and daddy and then Eric and Calleigh look into each other's eyes all proud. :D Either one would be beautiful. *sniff*
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

We should get something like this:


I'd melt.

If Eric ever got a kid case, I think he'd probably break down. He can be so sensitive sometimes. Like if he had to investigate a case in which a child is killed. That'd mess him up.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Melt....I wouldn't melt; I would die! :lol: It would be te cutest sight in the world to see Eric hand a baby off to Cal. I could picture Eric being all nervous and out of his element for a moment and Cal taking the baby and cooing over it. Too cute ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

If Eric ever got a kid case, I think he'd probably break down. He can be so sensitive sometimes. Like if he had to investigate a case in which a child is killed. That'd mess him up.

That would be hard on him. Poor baby. :( Eric does wear his heart on his sleeve; if he had to investigate a case like that, I don't know if he could do it. Season one, maybe. Not after losing Speed and Marisol and everything else that's happened to him. We saw how much all that broke him; what if it was just an innocent little kid that was killed? :(

I think it'd be sweet though if Calleigh found him, all alone in a dark room somewhere, and just sat down with him and stayed with him for awhile, rubbing his back or something. Who else could do that and it not seem forced? Ryan? Uh, no. Horatio? I don't think he could relate. Natalia? I feel like she would want to talk to him, and Eric wouldn't really want to talk right then. But Calleigh...Calleigh would know what he needed. She always does.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Jessica237 said:
Natalia? I feel like she would want to talk to him, and Eric wouldn't really want to talk right then.
I think if something like that were to happen, Nat would definetly go talk to him. She always does that and I'm sure Eric would probably think of it nicely, but might not want to talk either.

I would love to see Calleigh hug him or something. I think she would understand him a lot because first off they are good friends and Calleigh understands him too well. If something was wrong she'd know about it off the top of her head.

Don't you ever think that Eric thinks Calleigh is just so darn cute? ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I think Calleigh would be the only person he'd open up to. He always wants to impress Horatio, so he wouldn't with him. Besides, Horatio never wants to talk to anyone about their feelings, and he makes everything about himself.

Calleigh IS cute! And Eric thinks her jokes are cute. And every time he looks at her, his cheeks blush. She's like his little widdle bunny.

Look who's here!


Our cuddly killer duck is excited about the spoilers. He looks like he's ready to take another victim.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S


Calleigh would totally know if something was bothering Eric. And he would open up to her before opening up to anyone else. I think that is why these two are perfect for eachother cux no matter what they *know* each other like no other characters on the show.

Ever notice how when one of them smiles the other has to look away and then a small grin or smile appears on their face? These *want* each other soooooo bad it is even difficult for them to smile at one another w/o jumping each other's bones :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

delkolover said:

Ever notice how when one of them smiles the other has to look away and then a small grin or smile appears on their face? These *want* each other soooooo bad it is even difficult for them to smile at one another w/o jumping each other's bones :lol:

That's true! And when they don't, this happens:


HEAT! Man, that's hot. That was definitely Adam and Emily making each other blush, though. I doubt it was in the script. The best actor in the world couldn't blush on cue.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Killer Duck! Yay! :D

Anybody that tries to come between Eric and Calleigh now would never stand a chance! :lol: The duck'll rip 'em to shreds. :D

Aww, Calleigh's so cute when she blushes. :D And Eric blushing...them making each other blush... :D They're so hot. I love it. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Yeah but the duck needs some fangs or is too cute :lol: Especially if it is going to defend our couple in a fight.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Yeah but the duck needs some fangs or is too cute

That's how he gets you!

That duck is like our guardian dog. Don't mess with the duck, man. Just don't mess with him. By the way, we really need to give him a name.

Even Adam's ears are red. Can't blame him, though. Emily's hot!

Also, I bet this was all Adam, too:


There's no way in hell that was in the script. And I love that they kept it. Heh.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

There is no way that was in the script and there is no way he is staring at anything other than her ASS!!!! :lol:

Yes, don't mess with the duck...he may look cute but he can turn on you in a second....quack quack :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Of course she's hot! Like any of you wouldn't be looking. :D

What's wrong with Ducky? I suck at names.

I don't think it takes much to make them blush. They probably blushed the first time they met.
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