Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Yes she would...cuz she has plenty of guns around to do it with!! :lol:

I think if her brothers showed up Cal would probably end up protecting them for some reason the same way she protects her father. I don't see her brothers as being deadbeats but not quite as all together as Cal is.

I would like to see if Eric would react the same way Cal did to Marisol before she knew she was Eric's sister. I don't think Eric would handle it with as much grace as Calleigh did. A jealous Eric is a HOT Eric :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

The troubled brother card is always a good one. Worked for ER. And yes, I've always imagined Calleigh's brothers as trouble makers. Maybe not all of them, but one is all the show needs.

Of course, Eric would be there for her afterwards. I know Calleigh hates protection, but everyone needs a strong pillar and I think Eric is Calleigh's.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

all brothers are trouble makers!!
trust me i live with one and its enough with him!
but anyways back on calleigh and her killing eric!!:lol:
she is a strong woman and i remember int he episode 'Going Under' that she arrested Jake(Jerk) becasue he was harrasing her
i was so proud of her!! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I don't mean trouble makers in the sense that they're rambunctious, more like dead beats, alcoholics and the like. Children with addict parents are more likely to fall into the same tendencies. Calleigh got out, but maybe some of the others didn't.

Calleigh kicks ass, but as Emily said, she needs to relax. She needs to get laid. Badly.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

oo yea now i know what you mean:eek:

maybe calleigh started shooting to get away from her dad being drunk
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Emily does need to relax. I can actually see her brothers getting over-protective of her when she introduces them to her boyfriend, Eric... but I bet that once that they get to know him--they'll love him and will be so happy for E/C! Because they know what a great guy Eric is and how perfect he is for Calleigh!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

That is a very good...whatever you call it. :lol:

Calleigh probably did find ballistics as a way to express her emotions and feel comfortable. For all we know she could be pretending to be shooting all of her exes every time she shoots. And her parents did get married shotgun style, right? :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Lol, shooting guns is cathartic that's for's like Cal's own personal version of therapy! Well that and her personal time with Eric! :devil: That's a nice bit of therapy too! ;) Heehee! Better not share that part with her brothers though...or they may want to hurt E for doing stuff to their lovely sister! :lol:

Can't wait for Monday night...yay, yay, yay! :D :D

ETA: Oh and just so y'all know...I'm actually gonna be gone for the weekend...I'm leaving with my friend in the morning to go check out more wedding stuff...and I'll be gone until Monday...but in time for our hot E/C on Monday night! :devil: Yay!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Bye Mo! At least you'll be back in time for Monday! :D

Remember when I told you guys about those pictures that Eric and Calleigh were looking at each other hungrily and I know they look that way all the time but this time it was just obvious? Well I found them while going over some old threads and I think Ali posted them and here they are.



I hope their not too big. :rolleyes:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I hope their not too big.

What? Cal's boobs? Nah, they're not!
*slaps self*

Those pics are awesome though...
Got one as well:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

The first two are said to be from Big Brother.

Leela :lol:, no matter what, Eric will enjoy them :devil: and what episode is your pic from? Btw, go drunk Leela! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

If i'm not mistaken Leela's pic is from Evidence of Things Unseen.

In your pics Xanessa, they look like they are ready to devour eachother :lol: :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Thank you. :D I love how close Eric is to Calleigh in that pic. (Leela's)

I told you they were looking at each other like they were hungry! (For each other :devil:)

And don't forget about this pic. :D

Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

it looks like she's ready to tear off that wetsuit! :devil:
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