Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

You know, when you think about it, Emily was right. All of Calleigh's boyfriends end up getting shot: Hagen, Peter, and now Eric. Heh.

It would be rather ridiculous if they broke up. Like Adam said, I think they'll fall in love.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Yeah, it would be ridiculous, but doesn't the show sometimes get that way? When was the last time they took a storyline serious anyways? Maybe all of the ones for Horatio but the others seemed rushed. I hope that they are gonna take this slowly, in a good way of course. It should if it is already gonna last a few episodes though.

I think they'll fall in love, too. They've kept it in for so long. ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

New episode is tonight? YAAAAY! The goddamn wait is over! I pretty much banned myself from the internet to stop me from going crazy.

Looks like I have fic to go and read too. You guys are freaking awesome. :)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Our ship is freaking awesome. :D

When you look at their relationship in the past, I think it's gonna be hard for them not to fall in love. They've always been so connected; they're such a part of each other anyway. They can't have a casual fling. (I mean, the writers can make them have a casual fling, but would that even work with Eric and Cal? No way.) I don't think they can be together and not fall for each other. Aww.

Besides. Adam wants them to fall in love. :D How sweet is that? He so loves this ship. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I think a fling would cheapen both characters. I don't think it would work with these two. Besides, look how emotional Calleigh got when he was shot. He means way more to her than a couple of one night stands.

And if the glass shard scene doesn't get cut, then there'll be no doubt in my mind that she's already started to fall in love with him.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

This ship definately is like chocolate....once you've had some you want MORE!! :lol:

I am sooo excited that we are getting a new ep and hopefully the beginning of something big with these two. I mean I love readng the spoilers and posting them but I have a hard time believing anything in them until I SEE the stuff in action. Mainly b/c the writers like to cut things and rework the character WHO say the lines.

I'm glad Adam is on our side b/c if the wirters decide to change their minds and have nothing come of any of this at least we know Adam and probably Emily will fight for our cause; this ship has been in the making since season 1 and it is time for it to go way beyond just flirting. It is one thing to rekindle their friendship after his shooting but these two have *always* skirted that fine line and if you bring that back ( which it looks that is how it will start)it is time to move it along to the next leve; anything else will be boring and redundant.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I like how you say fight for our cause. It's like fighting the starvation of Eric and Calleigh hotness on Miami. :lol:

You know, if we get that Eric and Nat scene about how Calleigh takes an interest in him, then that means that Cal had to have shown some interest before, right?
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Reminds me of that interview where J Togo was all, "there's sexual tension with Ryan and Calleigh," and Emily and Adam were all, "um, no, it's Eric and Calleigh."


Honestly, I think it's the most realistic. If the writers want to do a relationship, Eric/Calleigh is the only one that makes sense. Horatio and Calleigh haven't had a scene together since the Bible was written, there's never been an iota of an indication that Ryan and Calleigh are into each other, and Eric doesn't seem interested in anyone else (though the options are limited). E/C is the ship that's sailed closest to canon.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Well, I really do understand what other ships see. I really do. To me I think Eric and Calleigh would be logical. I mean, I can think another ship is cute or something, but my heart lies where it is. As long as I see Eric and Calleigh canon I'll be fine, but even though(at least I hope) this show wouldn't turn into a Grey's Anatomy, the writers seem to make changes rapidly. I mean you heard how Adam said that one day he was walking next to Ann and so casually she told him that Eric was going to get shot but he'd be okay? I would have been like "WHAT?!" So, as long as I get to see my Eric and Calleigh kiss, I'll be fine, but I'd loooooooooooooove to see it go way further and I think it will.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I multiship the entire world. Everybody knows that. :lol:

And even for me, Eric and Calleigh is the one that really makes the most sense. It's really the only one that, at this point in time, would make sense going canon. Except for the little dry spell we had in S4 (which Jealous Calleigh in Nailed totally made up for), this ship has been consistent since the beginning. I feel like putting Eric or Calleigh with anybody else right now would be just like E/N in that there would be little to no thought there, and it would feel completely out of the blue.

You can't just throw a couple into canon overnight. Not only is that abrupt, but it feels abrupt, and that might possibly be worse than simply being abrupt, lol. Eric and Calleigh has been hinted at since the beginning; Adam and Emily say so. And they've made it that way in their scenes together. :D

Oh. And E/C is hot. Even more reason for them to be together. And all the more reason for a kiss, because damn, that kiss would be hot. :D I want it. :lol:

I don't want this show to be Grey's Anatomy. :lol: I multiship, but I really *don't* want Calleigh sleeping with everybody. :lol: Just Eric would be more than enough. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

You know what? I think Calleigh would fit that role better than Meredith, because(no offense to Ellen Pompeo, 'cause she's okay) I don't understand what the guys see in her. :rolleyes: I mean their all just after her. I don't get it.

Enough about that show...was it Ann Donahue who gave the spoilers about E/N last year? Because she was like "two favorites" and I didn't think anybody paid attention then. She just wanted attention. :lol: Were the ratings low? :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I think that since Adam and Emily are with us, this ship will last even if they break up, in the end they will make up. Can't wait to see what's going to happen E/C related in this episode, and in the shard of glass ep in three weeks, I'm even more excited!!!

I am getting really disappointed and sad of how other ships are trashing this ship in other threads, I mean we've been waiting for this to happen since episode 1 season 1.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

^I know what you saw, hun. :( I know what you mean. It's like it's all starting just right now. I mean I wouldn't say some of the things I've heard others say if it was the other way around.

If I met Adam and Emily the one thing I would tell them is that no matter what happends on the show, FLIRT ON. :D Is it okay to talk about this here? To ask what would you do if you met them? If so, I'd like to know because I don't see a Adam and Emily thread. :D

OMG! New episode tonight! I know, that was late. :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Well, if I met them I would go crazy, of course, I guess I would just like to hand out with them and talk. I would also tell them to keep up the E/C flirting too till the end.
Gosh, I would also just wouldn't believe my eyes if I met them, well that's me.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I they are all just mad b/c now there is or will be solid proof that E/C exists. They could always ignore it in the past b/c nothing was ever said or done about it but now that something may happen thay are mad b/c the window for their ship has either dwindled or closed.

If R/C or H/C were ever to get together there is no way I would bash them or be mean....I would say I really wish the writers would get our ship together but that would be as far as it goes.

This ship does and has made sense since the beiginning b/c lets face it they (the writers) planted the flirting and obvious attraction between these two characters since the beginning. To play devils advocate if R/C'ers got a scene like the "no midnight tiptoe" or "I trust you with every fiber" lines then maybe and I stress maybe I could see how those characters would have a chemistry that could lead them down a road towards a relationship; but they didn't and don't. The only thing I see between R/C is a brother/sister relationship and Cal as a mentor to him. Cal is protective of everyone on the team and some people have taken that and blown it up to something that just isn't there.

In the end.....they are all just jealous :lol: and I really pay them no mind b/c there are many of us out there and we will always stick together. :D
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