Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

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Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I think I see something between those two, but I will stick by my choice and I don't know if I should discuss this here. Anyways, no matter what we are all just people with wants and I'm sure we'll stick together. :D

I think I would go nuts if I met Adam and Emily, too and they'll really think I'm nuts. :lol: I think they're really cool and seem nice, so I would like to go on a dinner with them, if they'd accept. Which I hope they would. Then I would just talk to them all night. Well I say that but I might just be in shock that they are right in front of me. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Of course we'll stick together! HIPHUGGERS UNITE! YAY!

...Uh. Yeah. :lol: :D

Cal is protective of everyone on the team and some people have taken that and blown it up to something that just isn't there.

And I also think there's a protectiveness for Calleigh there on Horatio and Ryan's part, and it was also there to an extent from Hagen and Jake. She doesn't need it, which is what I love about her, but there is something in those guys that wants to protect her (Ryan in Recoil, H in Going Under). I think the big thing is the way Eric doesn't protect or mollycoddle her. He gives her space, but he does step in when he gets a bad feeling (Pro Per). He trusts her judgement. He respects her. And that's kinda sexy in itself. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I wonder if it would be much different if Madea was still around. He was such a huge fan of the pairing, and he's such a talented writer. How would he hook them up?

I knew we'd experience the fandom backlash. It happens all the time. This is nothing, too. If E/C hook up, the first few months are gonna be hell, with people claiming Eric brings her down, Eric makes her stupid, Eric beats her up, Eric makes her look fat, etc. Now THAT'S gonna be annoying.

And the fanfic, oh God.

I'll just stay here and ignore it all, and look at pretty pictures:


^ Nothing will ever beat that.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Well it's better if those people keep it in their threads than bring it to their sigs and other non-shipping threads. I would just say to live with it. If R and C got together or H and C, I'd be sad, but hey the show does what it wants to do and I can't change that. I have seen what happened with the other ships on other shows and it is going to happen no matter what, especially if we canon. We'll just have to create a beautiful HipHugger world here. ;) So, we'll pull through.

How about the pics where Eric is OBVIUOSLY picturing Calleigh naked and not llistening to a word she is saying. :) Gotta love those. Oh yeah, and I'm bored. What's the episode after this called?
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Or when he's blatantly staring at her ass:


Picturing her naked:


Picturing HIM naked:


Here they're BOTH picturing each other naked:

Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Heh, midnight, you always manage to crack me up! :D

Ooooh....I know what you mean about huge backlash, I have this group of friends I go out with and they nearly booted me out of the 'clique' because they're all CaRWashers :lol:

Of course we'll stick together! HIPHUGGERS UNITE! YAY!
:lol: That's kind of freaky, because I was thinking the EXACT same thing...heh..... and as for those above picures^^, I might be back soon with some manipulations... :devil: :lol:

EDIT: Heres one...


They're just a little closer, but its cute :devil:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Bullet_Girl said:
I have this group of friends I go out with and they nearly booted me out of the 'clique' because they're all CaRWashers :lol:

Jesus Christ. What is this, high school?

Good episode tonight. Calleigh was so flirty with Eric, joking around. And it's hilarious, because Eric isn't picking up on it AT ALL! Eric, she's throwing herself at you, open your eyes.

Great manip! They really need to kiss already.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Bullet_Girl said:

Ooooh....I know what you mean about huge backlash, I have this group of friends I go out with and they nearly booted me out of the 'clique' because they're all CaRWashers :lol:
Oh my god. What's becoming of the world these days. :lol:

Cute picture. I think that was what they were really doing but the show edited it out. :p
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

I don't think a moment goes by with these two where they don't picture each other naked :lol: I mean I picture Adam naked all the time :lol: :lol:

Yeah the backlash will be harsh if we go canon; and seriously they need to grow up if they feel the need to resort to that sort of thing....And I mean no disrepsect to any multi shippers out there :) But is childish if it does come to that
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Jesus Christ. What is this, high school?
I think it is to them :lol:

and thanks for the comments on the manip. girls :D I might end up hosting them all on my account :lol: I think I'm gonna start a gallery. :p

Calleigh was so flirty with Eric, joking around. And it's hilarious, because Eric isn't picking up on it AT ALL!
AWWW...! *big puppydog eyes* that is so sweet, pity I have to wait like 6 months to see it tho :lol: But I'm a spoiler whore so I end up knowing alot of the epi of heart before it airs then forget it 5 minutes after :p

And I mean no disrepsect to any multi shippers out there
You're looking at one of the worst of them there is :devil: If you saw my "Ship List" (I'm a prolific list-maker) your eyes would bug out of your head, seriously its that long it aint funny. Except to me when I'm high on energy drink or something :rolleyes:
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

It was really sweet tonight. Eric had to process all this food and she kept teasing him about it. Aw. And then she found this tiny piece of paper she thought was important and Eric was teasing her about it. It was really cute.

I'm really excited about,
Eric coming to his senses and realizing there's more to it than joking. I give kudos to Adam, he's so good with the little details. Eric doesn't seem to pick up on the flirting at all, and it'll be cool to see how he reacts when Natalia, of all people, opens his eyes.

Bring on the sweeps!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

The episode was really cute. Didn't Eric call Calleigh cute in the beginning? Well he probably said cute(he said something), but still. I thought they both looked hot (as usual) and I so can't wait until Nat mentions the romance. ;)
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

He had all the food in the table and she told him the break room was at the end of the hall. He said "cute". He always says that when Calleigh makes a joke. It's one of their 'things'.
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

BG minion, HI!! You joined the dark side! :lol: Just kidding! :lol: Lovely to see you over here, I wondered when you'd wander in here! *Huggles!*

Can't wait to see tonight's eppy...good times it sounds like...
Nat's the one who calls their romance out? Really? Huh, interesting! Can't wait to see how that goes! Lol!
Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S

Ooo, I just watched Bloodline and omg... the 'break-room' scene was hilarious! Seriously, Eric is the ONLY person Calleigh would even contemplate doing something silly like that around... SHE LOVES HIM! *squee*

She was so into him... I can't believe he didn't pick up on it! It must be the bullet to the brain or something... Yes, that must be it... Silly Eric... They'd probably start having sex and he still wouldnt pick up on the fact that she's flirting with him...
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