I've been reading some of the "Why We Like E/C" posts, and I've noticed something. I am in no way bashing anyone. Just arriving at a conclusion from reading the different posts.
One person who likes E/C writes "Isn't it wonderful to have love in the middle of all that blood and violence?" (not word for word). Another writes, again not word for word "They should be able to get together if they want!" or "He's hot, and I bet she came home early to look at him!"
No regard for the fact that this is SUPPOSED to be a forensics drama. No regard for the fact that, as E/C was ramped up, the show itself was dumbed down, and talented actors were shoved aside to give it center stage.
On the other hand, posts disliking E/C for the most part are analyzing the show itself. Analyzing the "romance" itself. Going beyond the "shiny" surface. Taking a careful look at how the show was before and since E/C, and not just accepting it for what it is. Not so caught up in feelings, which change from minute to minute. Not sounding like kids on Christmas morning.
Your thoughts?
Your observations are incredibly astute and very telling. One of the biggest problems is that TPTB clearly only choose to listen to ONE set of voices in the CSI:M fandom and have completely ignored everyone else. When you've invested time and money (those DVD sets aren't cheap, not to mention all the other CSI:M merchandise out there) into it, it kinda sucks to know that TPTB could give a flip what we think.
It's tragic that they took a smart, sexy forensics drama and sugar-coated with a "romance" storyline that watching is more painful than giving birth to an 11-pound baby without an epidural. At least for me, anyway.
I feel the same seminents as both of you with regards to the show.
I don't care for how they relegated the other characters and their dynamics. The E/C show is a disadvantage to what used to be a compelling crime action drama. Its like they have made them Superman and Lois, the super duo.
It worked for the Superman and Lois franchise, because it was established from the beginning they were to be the focal point. CSI Miami is supposed to be a team unit.