I'm hoping that the more intimate details of how Eric and Calleigh deal with it next season (because I feel pretty strongly that Eric is coming back) are left to the viewer's imagination. At the end of the season premiere, I'd like to see something like one saying to the other "we need to talk", and then that's all they really show, so that there's followup, but not getting into soap opera territory. A few episodes later, one of them can make a flirty comment to the other, or something short and quick that let's us know they've worked it out and are still together, but then for the most part lay low for the season.
But what exactly is the point in the big mess tptb just made if it boiled down to
just that? That's not keeping the show "fresh", nor the couple.
Eric & Calleigh have had little tiffs before & in the following epi they're fine, but this incident does seem like a much bigger deal (for them anyway) - it isn't exactly a petty thing.
but lets not forget that TPTB did drag their flirty and tippy toeing around the subject for 7 years...so now that they are together I have a feeling and to many peoples dismay that they are going to stretch it as far and as slow as they can...
Personally I never saw it as been dragging out for the entire 7 years. To
some's imagination, sure, but it was definitly not emphasized on in the first 5 1/2 seasons. She did just as much "harmless flirting" with Ryan, Speed, & sometimes even Horatio - can't say I really saw anything stick out when it came to her & Eric, but I'm sure the e/c shippers see it differently.
Everyone seems to say how much they're taking it slow, & yes they did seem to do that in the last few seasons as far as taking thier sweetass time deciding what to do, but the fact that they force-fed them into our systems at full speed in every other episode didn't make it feel "slow". They can only stretch it out so far, imho. If tptb feel the need to continue ruining this show, the characters, & the team dynamics, all for the sake of stretching out a useless romance in a crime show, then by all means.. I'll find something else to watch.
And I for one if IAB goes down the road of making them work seprate shifts would welcome it, maybe BoaVista would actually get in some screen time if they switched their shifts.
I don't see how. Someone switching shifts wouldn't likely make more room for other character arcs, or screentime. The "switching of the shifts" WOULD be an arc of it's own, & it would be played only for a while - I highly doubt they would keep it that way considering it would completely split the team, more than they already are.
Why is it so important that e/c's relationship is officially outted anyway? .....just so it can be
known by the rest of the team? I really don't see why it matters. I for one don't care to see/hear the other characters "feed" off this storyline in the way they already have.