Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

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oooh, ya know what I could go for? Hehehe *is evil*..... someone (within the team or random person) getting shot or injured because Eric & Calleigh are too busy being up each other's butt to take notice of anything else around them! Sorry, but at this point I wouldn't really care about how much the guilt would hurt them. ;)

I mean hell, the entire team is being targeted, & instead of seeing all of them gather to each others' sides to make sure everyone is safe - Eric heads off to find out if Calleigh's riding the horse guy or the freakin' horse!!
I'm scared to see this next episode! Ryan get's the snot beat out of him, yet I fear that all E/C will focus thier worry on is thier precious love affair being outted!

Sorry, random rant over.

:guffaw: Loved the riding horse guy/riding the horse comment!

You are not the only one fearing that situation. I too think that if there is worry that they only thing on their minds is the outing of the relationship, I mean Delko didn't seem too worried that Ryan wasn't picking up his phone, gee I though they were friends.

From what I've read of the spoilers it appears they have a sleep over, yea they seem totally worried about their friend, who is in quite some danger, that they go romping about in minimal clothing. :rolleyes: Doesn't seem to be a shred of caring, let alone guilt for giving up looking, I'd hope that Ryan would tell them that the friendship is over if they would rather play house then make sure he's not dead.

Calleigh and Eric don't know what happened to Ryan yet nor does the rest of the team. Calleigh only starts realizing something is wrong with Ryan after she notices him making "mistakes" with the evidence. They are not heartless to go on living their lives knowing their friend is in danger.

First nowhere did I say they were heartless, I said they were uncaring and felt no guilt. Especially if they are supposed to be a team and working together, ignoring a potential situation is something that makes their actions in bad taste.

With a hit out on the entire team, not answering in a timely fashion, which Ryan does, sends up a huge red flag; and going on like nothing is wrong is where I have issues. As smart as the characters are, Calleigh should know the telltale signs of being kidnapped, they play dumb very well and blow off the fact that their friend is in danger.

Delko called Ryan multiple times before he told H that Ryan wasn't answering, H seemed worried and only when H got worried is when Delko started to show emotions. Before that it was nothing but a confused look.
It's not known if they got in contact with Ryan in the next episode, it's possible they could've. I remember reading a spoiler about Ryan being at home before his shifts starts covering up his injuries. Also, he shows up at work which is another reason the team is probably not suspicious something is wrong.
So, Eric call Ryan in 19 ep, Ryan don't answer. Eric and Calleigh don't worry and go at Calleighs place where they do you-know-what. Ryan beat up, coming home, clean his wounds and go on work. There he tells some lie about day before everyone believe him. Then he mess with evidence and only then Calleigh starts suspicious that something wrong with him. I don't miss anything?

If i was Ryan i would upset in my team, my friends that they thinking only about themeself. Pretty obvious that Eric spent night not home, so Ryan, who already suspisious\know that EC together, can know what exactly they doing, while he was missing. They don't worry about their friend all evening and night. So, where the team? This show don't need Russian mob to make team apart, they already not team! And you know why? Yes, cuz Eric and Calleigh "big" love or name it's - tptb obsession to show us this big love.
:guffaw: Loved the riding horse guy/riding the horse comment!

You are not the only one fearing that situation. I too think that if there is worry that they only thing on their minds is the outing of the relationship, I mean Delko didn't seem too worried that Ryan wasn't picking up his phone, gee I though they were friends.

From what I've read of the spoilers it appears they have a sleep over, yea they seem totally worried about their friend, who is in quite some danger, that they go romping about in minimal clothing. :rolleyes: Doesn't seem to be a shred of caring, let alone guilt for giving up looking, I'd hope that Ryan would tell them that the friendship is over if they would rather play house then make sure he's not dead.

Calleigh and Eric don't know what happened to Ryan yet nor does the rest of the team. Calleigh only starts realizing something is wrong with Ryan after she notices him making "mistakes" with the evidence. They are not heartless to go on living their lives knowing their friend is in danger.

First nowhere did I say they were heartless, I said they were uncaring and felt no guilt. Especially if they are supposed to be a team and working together, ignoring a potential situation is something that makes their actions in bad taste.

With a hit out on the entire team, not answering in a timely fashion, which Ryan does, sends up a huge red flag; and going on like nothing is wrong is where I have issues. As smart as the characters are, Calleigh should know the telltale signs of being kidnapped, they play dumb very well and blow off the fact that their friend is in danger.

Delko called Ryan multiple times before he told H that Ryan wasn't answering, H seemed worried and only when H got worried is when Delko started to show emotions. Before that it was nothing but a confused look.
Totally agree with you here.

There's no way that none of them knows what's going on.
When you have the Russian mob against you (& they already took tons of your pics) & then, your collegue doesn't pick up a call you should be more than worried. It's not just a red flag it's BLACK FLAG!!!!
Calleigh should know it very well since she was kidnapped. I mean when she didn't answer her phone at the end of "All In" Eric & Natalia went all crazy & frightened knowing that something was definetly wrong. They immediatly started to search her....the spent the whole night looking for her, in fact nobody changed their clothes.
Ryan's situation is exactly the same, so when I know
that while Ryan is covering his injueries completely alone while Calleigh & Delko are sharing her batrhoom, I do feel they don't care at all about their friends. They're too busy in spending thier couple life instead of worrying about their friend's missing.

I mean gosh when Delko talked about her pics with the horse guy, it was all about the horse guy!!! It was all about that stupid jeaoulosy of Eric!!
Look you have the whole Russian Mob (probably the same who killed Speed in the jewilery. It wouldn't surprise me at all this kind of option :p) of Miami against you who's trying to eliminate the whole team & has pics of all the members of thea team.
Then one of them is attacked, 2 of them are involved in a shooting & another one is missing & all you can talk about regarding the whole pics situation is the horse guy????? :brickwall::brickwall: That's just way too stupid & ridiculous!!!!

Orla_Dark if I were Ryan, I would be so uspet too.
I mean he perfectly knows that they're a couple (at least he suspects it) & when he sees them with Calleigh, who changed her clothes, & Delko with the same clothes he had the previous day...well I do think it's pretty obvious. Just make 2+2 and look you have 4 :eek:. That's not so difficult to understand & yeah that would upset me so much, if I were him b/c it's another way to prove that they didn't care at all about your missing the previous night ;)
thank god that Calleigh will show at least some concern. Even if it's just b/c he's tempering with evidence right in front of her twice, at least she'll show some concern :p
Florry86, agree with everyting you wrote.
Florry86 said:
When you have the Russian mob against you (& they already took tons of your pics) & then, your collegue doesn't pick up a call you should be more than worried. It's not just a red flag it's BLACK FLAG!!!!
I can understand if it was normal day and Ryan can don't pick up phone for many reasons (maybe date :rolleyes:). But after all that happened in that day, your friend don't pick up phone and don't call back - you still DON'T KNOW WHY??? And what they do? Right, Calleigh show Eric that horse guy don't mean anything for her.
Wondering, what happen with Ryan's hammer? He still on street?
Florry86 said:
That's not so difficult to understand & yeah that would upset me so much, if I were him b/c it's another way to prove that they didn't care at all about your missing the previous night
I'm sure that tptb don't show us that Ryan upset, i think he already don't surprise with this kind of attitude.:(

Ok, what Ginnna wrote in thread "dear writers":
Ginnna said:
I think you know how many fans support Eric & Calleigh and how many oppose Eric & Calleigh. I think you also know that both the supporters and the opposers tend to blow things out of proportion and that despite the way both sides have focused on every single detail (both positively and negatively), you're maintaining an admirable balance. Except for that whole daydream thing. Pretty much everyone agreed that it was a little weird. The E/C fans thought it was cute, but still weird.
Ginnna, i hope you don't mind that i post it here, i don't wanna write answer there ;)

1) Nor you, nor i can't say how many people like\dislike this couple on the show. IMO, you (or any EC fan) can't say that people who like EC is more than people who don't like. And i (or any other fan who don't like EC) can't say that people who don't like EC is more than people who like this couple. No one can't say true number of EC fans and antiEC fans.

2) I disagree with you. I don't see any balance, it's overkill. Balance is when you have couple eps with EC and couple ep without it, 50% with EC and 50% without it. Thats balance in my opinion. If they made couple, they don't need to show it in every ep, and don't mention "Presumed Guilty", cuz it was one ep against many.
I hope you do not take offence at my words. I just write my opinion as you write yours.
This show don't need Russian mob to make team apart, they already not team! And you know why? Yes, cuz Eric and Calleigh "big" love
Exactly, my dear. & this is something that's gone on since the beginning of showing this couple exploring the past 2 years, not just now. Someone once stated (TVGuide, I believe) that Sara was the "Yoko Ono" of CSI: Vegas - Eric & Calleigh's romance has become that for Miami!!!!
**For those confused, Yoko Ono was married to John Lennon & was dubbed the person who split up the Beatles**

Anyway, this is all I see now - our team splitting. Every scene with Calleigh has gone to Eric & vice versa. There is no balance, there is no other side story, & it's so far from being consistent from the first 5 seasons it's almost plain pathetic!
I think it's great that Horatio will be there for Ryan in next week's epi, & if Natalia had more screentime then Im sure she'd be there helping as well. However, that probably won't happen because those scenes are going to be filled with mostly, yes, Eric & Calleigh.

In the promo, Eric is supposed to yell at Ryan & say "get your head back in the case". Ummmm, does this man of all people have the right to say that?!?! I mean, come on Eric - you're head hasn't been strait since midseason 5, buddy! :wtf:

1) Nor you, nor i can't say how many people like\dislike this couple on the show. IMO, you (or any EC fan) can't say that people who like EC is more than people who don't like. And i (or any other fan who don't like EC) can't say that people who don't like EC is more than people who like this couple. No one can't say true number of EC fans and antiEC fans.

2) I disagree with you. I don't see any balance, it's overkill. Balance is when you have couple eps with EC and couple ep without it, 50% with EC and 50% without it. Thats balance in my opinion. If they made couple, they don't need to show it in every ep, and don't mention "Presumed Guilty", cuz it was one ep against many.

1. You're right. There is no poll that tells us how many want e/c, & how many don't. All I can say is that there's probably only about 1% of allover viewers who "ship" or speak thier minds. So, while it may seem that e/c is popular on message boards (& unpopular), that doesn't mean that the entire fanbase likes what they're seeing, or dislikes for that matter. Point is, the average viewer (who populates more than us on message boards) are most likely not watching this show for to see a romance, & at the rate they're going with e/c - those average viewers could easily lose interest, just as a lot of us here have already.

2. Agreed again. These couples (any of them) shouldn't dominate the series, & they have done this with E/C - so much to the point where we have seen them in almost every episode for 2+ seasons. It is beyond overkill. If it isn't romance that's being focused on, it's still THEM, or the other characters talking about THEM.

Whatever TPTB have up thier sleeves for this couple, they need to just get it done & be over with it - MOVE ON. Either marry them off & let them exit off into the sunset, kill a character, or make one of them go away - whatever needs to be done. E/C has had more than thier fair share of this program, the fans have gotten thier giggles, so hey - do the show a favor, & roll this story into something else!
1) Nor you, nor i can't say how many people like\dislike this couple on the show. IMO, you (or any EC fan) can't say that people who like EC is more than people who don't like. And i (or any other fan who don't like EC) can't say that people who don't like EC is more than people who like this couple. No one can't say true number of EC fans and antiEC fans.

2) I disagree with you. I don't see any balance, it's overkill. Balance is when you have couple eps with EC and couple ep without it, 50% with EC and 50% without it. Thats balance in my opinion. If they made couple, they don't need to show it in every ep, and don't mention "Presumed Guilty", cuz it was one ep against many.
1. You're right. There is no poll that tells us how many want e/c, & how many don't. All I can say is that there's probably only about 1% of allover viewers who "ship" or speak thier minds. So, while it may seem that e/c is popular on message boards (& unpopular), that doesn't mean that the entire fanbase likes what they're seeing, or dislikes for that matter. Point is, the average viewer (who populates more than us on message boards) are most likely not watching this show for to see a romance, & at the rate they're going with e/c - those average viewers could easily lose interest, just as a lot of us here have already.

2. Agreed again. These couples (any of them) shouldn't dominate the series, & they have done this with E/C - so much to the point where we have seen them in almost every episode for 2+ seasons. It is beyond overkill. If it isn't romance that's being focused on, it's still THEM, or the other characters talking about THEM.

Whatever TPTB have up thier sleeves for this couple, they need to just get it done & be over with it - MOVE ON. Either marry them off & let them exit off into the sunset, kill a character, or make one of them go away - whatever needs to be done. E/C has had more than thier fair share of this program, the fans have gotten thier giggles, so hey - do the show a favor, & roll this story into something else!

Agreed again. There is nothing to prove that there is a half and half between like and dislike. Also anti is a very strong word, it would be nice if people could refer to others nicely, and use dislike or not happy with.

The dominating aspect is a great point, MJ. Not only are they cutting themselves off from the rest, the other characters are talking about it thus adding to the amount of time spent shoving the relationship into the spotlight, which is doing no good for any development of the others characters. Not to mention the lack of interaction as the pair run off together, so much for the team aspect.

I too wish that this would blow over like a summer storm, it's getting to be too much. Especially with the lack of caring or emotion for the fate of Ryan coming from Calleigh and Eric. H showed more, and that is saying a lot for that man. It's time for something bigger than a romance to happen and personally I would like it to be related to anything but hearts and flowers.
Anyway, this is all I see now - our team splitting. Every scene with Calleigh has gone to Eric & vice versa. There is no balance, there is no other side story, & it's so far from being consistent from the first 5 seasons it's almost plain pathetic!

To be fair, Calleigh did have a nice scene with Ryan a couple of episodes back. But it does seem like TPTB have decided that no one is to appear with Calleigh, unless in a very superficial way, except Eric.

That scene with Horatio and Calleigh last week was physically painful. If it was designed to make those of us who have been wanting more interaction between Horatio and Calleigh stop asking - you got it! Stop! I don't ever want to see another scene between those two characters ever again. More Horatio and anyone else on the planet but Calleigh, please!

I think it's great that Horatio will be there for Ryan in next week's epi, & if Natalia had more screentime then Im sure she'd be there helping as well. However, that probably won't happen because those scenes are going to be filled with mostly, yes, Eric & Calleigh.

I have my own theory about this and I truly believe that Horatio will be there for Ryan. I would love for Natalia and Frank to be there for him as well. I think Frank being there would be quite the "warm fuzzy". ;)

In the promo, Eric is supposed to yell at Ryan & say "get your head back in the case". Ummmm, does this man of all people have the right to say that?!?! I mean, come on Eric - you're head hasn't been strait since midseason 5, buddy! :wtf:

Excellent point, mjszud!

1. You're right. There is no poll that tells us how many want e/c, & how many don't. All I can say is that there's probably only about 1% of allover viewers who "ship" or speak thier minds. So, while it may seem that e/c is popular on message boards (& unpopular), that doesn't mean that the entire fanbase likes what they're seeing, or dislikes for that matter. Point is, the average viewer (who populates more than us on message boards) are most likely not watching this show for to see a romance, & at the rate they're going with e/c - those average viewers could easily lose interest, just as a lot of us here have already.

The number of fans of this show who are active online are a minute number of the total viewers. The number of fans who actually post on a forum such as this are much smaller than the number who lurk. If TPTB are making judgments about where the story should go based upon online comments, they need to re-think their decision making proccesses.

Whatever TPTB have up thier sleeves for this couple, they need to just get it done & be over with it - MOVE ON. Either marry them off & let them exit off into the sunset, kill a character, or make one of them go away - whatever needs to be done. E/C has had more than thier fair share of this program, the fans have gotten thier giggles, so hey - do the show a favor, & roll this story into something else!

Please let TPTB read this point if they read nothing else. Just do whatever it is you have planned for these two, do it quick, and move the hell on with the show! PLEASE!!!
In the promo, Eric is supposed to yell at Ryan & say "get your head back in the case". Ummmm, does this man of all people have the right to say that?!?! I mean, come on Eric - you're head hasn't been strait since midseason 5, buddy! :wtf:

What is the writers' point for having Eric say this to Ryan when Eric in "Flight Risk" had a little daydream about Calleigh while working (his head certainly wasn't in the case at that point)?
In the promo, Eric is supposed to yell at Ryan & say "get your head back in the case". Ummmm, does this man of all people have the right to say that?!?! I mean, come on Eric - you're head hasn't been strait since midseason 5, buddy! :wtf:

What is the writers' point for having Eric say this to Ryan when Eric in "Flight Risk" had a little daydream about Calleigh while working (his head certainly wasn't in the case at that point)?
The point is that the daydream was fine with the writers because it's E/C related.
That Eric said this to Ryan shows what pitiful state the team is in right now,and apparently that's fine too.
I think I just have a tendency to over-analyze everything on this show. It always leaves me wondering if there was a bigger reason for certain scenes or something. :lol:
I think I just have a tendency to over-analyze everything on this show. It always leaves me wondering if there was a bigger reason for certain scenes or something. :lol:
I do understand what you're saying. The only reason I could see for this scene is for Eric to reflect on later about his attitude, but we know that's not going to happen.
The only reason I could see for this scene is for Eric to reflect on later about his attitude, but we know that's not going to happen.
I for one wish that it would! Eric needs a slap in the face. Sorry to sound so harsh, but he needs to snap out of it & face his own personal demons (his brain issues & his growing obsession) before he has the right to say anything to anyone! Someone or something needs to straiten this guy out, he seems more like a mess to me than a normal person. I hate what they've done to him, & his behaviour.
& while Im at it, grow his hair back too.... I'm tired of looking at him with the bald head & constant reminder that a bullet's taken up residency there.

*mini rant over*
Can I just point something out? As far as Eric and Calleigh "taking over the show", I'd like to add up the time/scenes. I went on YouTube and found all the scenes Eric and Calleigh shared in this past episode, 7.19 "Target Specific"

The scene in which Calleigh goes back to the crime scene alone and is attacked before Eric shows up is approximately 3 minutes and 34 seconds.

The scenes in which Ryan teases Eric about having competition, and then the "jealousy" scene with Eric and Calleigh in the morgue add up to approximately 2 minutes and 58 seconds.

All together, that's about 6 and a half minutes of Eric/Calleigh time. Not including commercials, the show lasts about 40-45 minutes. 6 and a half minutes is not even close to half of 40. It's not even 25%. I know it may seem like more because the scenes were spread out, but realistically, Calleigh and Eric scenes haven't been adding up to even 10 minutes per episode. Just something to keep in mind.
The only reason I could see for this scene is for Eric to reflect on later about his attitude, but we know that's not going to happen.
I for one wish that it would! Eric needs a slap in the face. Sorry to sound so harsh, but he needs to snap out of it & face his own personal demons (his brain issues & his growing obsession) before he has the right to say anything to anyone! Someone or something needs to straiten this guy out, he seems more like a mess to me than a normal person. I hate what they've done to him, & his behaviour.
& while Im at it, grow his hair back too.... I'm tired of looking at him with the bald head & constant reminder that a bullet's taken up residency there.

*mini rant over*

I agree that Eric needs some cold, hard reality. He can't keep using the bullet in the head as a crutch or excuse for not "being right". Sure I do have a tinge of sympathy but he is a grown man and if he wants to be back in top notch shape then it's up to him. The poor me, everyone pity me game is getting old, and repeated from all CSI shows...which gets highly annoying with the sharing. Eric needs to get his stuff together and stop leaning on others who only play into his game of pity.
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