CSI Level Three
Oh wow, I have missed so much on this thread. See, this what happens when you're staying in a hotel for 4 days that charges $11.99 per day to use the internet. Now, I'm in a hotel that doesn't charge..thank goodness.I have missed getting on here and discussing Eric and Calleigh.
I'm so confused with most of the conversations going on in here at the moment.. but it's great to know that there are 2 more episodes coming up before January. Sort of depressing we don't get one this Monday though.
I'm not sure what all this talk is about Eric and Calleigh breaking up but due to all these 'baby steps' that are being taken to get them together after so long.. it's pretty doubtful that they will break up. Sure, they'll have issues.. but Calleigh and Eric are kind of perfect for each other.
I was a bit confused about what was said about Calleigh learning the hard way about who really matters by her ending up in the hospital. I guess we're suppose to take it as good news? But it could also be taken as Calleigh realizing her feelings for Eric too late.. that being the 'hard way'. Because he is not going to wait forever. I don't know though.
The whole thing about E/C breaking up was just is not actually happening. It was me posting an idea to get discussion go b/c I had an idea about how we all think Calleigh would be the one to break them up if they got together but that it would be ironic if Eric was the one who broke it off.
What ausiello said was that Calleigh will learn the hard way how important certain things in life are b/c she ends up in a life threatening situation. And it will take that situation in order for her learn life it is too short anf how important it is.
In the ep Calleigh goes to the hospital b/c she begins to choke on insulation from the crime scene. Alexx meets her ambulance at the E.R. and pretty much saves her life b/c she is sffectively dying of oxygen starvation.
Lately, everyone seems to have this notion that Eric won't wait forever.
I also think we are all at the ends of our ropes with this ship and want it to happen sooooo badly that we jump on every little word which we can construe to be as negative. Everyone just relax....take some deep breathes. We have remain positive otherwise the other ships will smell the blood and pounce on us!!!:lol:
Yeah i saw it, that was great:thumbsup: and I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed it. I caught it sooner in Bombshell too, when they were working in those shop where bomb exploaded. These looks are ok, but there must be something more to move it forward and maybe her stay in hospital will be this thing which help in that matter.
Exactly. Eric KNOWS her. He knows getting a verbal admission out of her is like pulling teeth but he also knows that what he is getting is big in regards to her. Which is why I think this hospital visit is going to open her up more. She will be a little more in tune with her emotions. She won't turn into a blubbering idiot but I think the walls come down ever so slightly.
Hey, "Rome wasn't built in a day."
And while things are taking a while, I think this season, if not Feb sweeps then by the end of the season something will happen with them. You can make the "will they/won't they" last sooo long...especially if ep 714 is supposed to hold or play a major factor with Cal.
Think I met my 3 lines of post in order for this NOT to be spam?? :lol:
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