Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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Just a heads up - there's a very interesting new CSI Files interview with Emily Procter here.

I think I enjoyed this part the most.... :D

CSI Files: Do you think Calleigh has romantic feelings for Delko, or does she just see him as a good friend?

Procter: I think she has to have romantic feelings for him. He has been consistently there for her, always coming in at the 23rd hour to support her. So I think she definitely has romantic feelings for him.

I know we knew that already, but it's rather gratifying to see it in print. Thank you Kristine for asking such a leading question! :D
I should take a photo of that big silly grin on my face. It started when I read that answer and it just want go away...
Looks a bit like this:

*slaps self*

thx for posting the interview. :D :)

Talk about indecisiveness; Emily sounds like a kid in a candy store. Man! I want to swap places with her. :D

Ohgoshyay! :lol: Thanks for the heads-up, Lucy. :D

I love when questions like that are asked to those involved, i.e., Adam and Emily. Their answers are always freaking perfect. :D I don't know, as HipHuggers we know that Eric and Calleigh have feelings for each other, but it just makes it mean so, so much more when Adam and Emily confirm it, you know? :D

And now that I'm actually reading the interview, you know what part really made me squeal? :D This part -
It's the choice of wanting someone who is right for her and someone who's part of her past.
Awwwww! :D

Emily's just so cute. :D
You'll find a link right besides the smileys once you've accessed the form to post a message. :)

Hope I could help,
It is SO good to read an interview like this where Emily confirms Calleigh has romantic feelings for Eric and that he's the right man for her. Makes me want to go write E/C fluff.
Aww, I love that interview. I also love the part where Emily says that Calleigh is with Jake because she has bad taste in men :lol: AWESOME.

Yes, she has romantic feelings for him. Booya. Just booya.

It's the choice of wanting someone who is right for her and someone who's part of her past.

I love that part. It's not the first time she's said that Eric is Cal's soulmate.


I love the fact that whenever she spoke of jake, withing a few words she was back on Eric :lol:. Say's a lot.

Emily really cracks me up.

She went from saying 'I THINK she has romantic feelings' for him to 'she DEFINITLY has romantic feelings' for him.

Oh, she knows... Boy she knows!

And Eric and Calleigh have 'several scenes together' in the first new episode? Good :).

I'll be back to talk spoilers when I have more time, but they sound good.
awww...thanks for the article link! And she was able to clarify some of her relationships such as 'the big sister' relationship and the 'convenient' relationship. I'm so glad that Emily and Adam are hiphuggers! It gives the ship a double zing! I love their interviews!
Hehe I'm so giddy and happy right now! I was almost gonna jump up when I read that she may have feelings for Eric.

Now we can confirm that the actors are also excited about this love triangle.
How lovely! It just makes me want to be friends with all of them! Emily's so nice to everyone on the enthusiastic!

As a side note, I'm really glad that she clarified the whole thing with David Caruso, especially after the rumor or whatever about a tiff between them. I don't think a lot of people thought too much about it, but it's nice to know that the show isn't going to fall apart.

Okay, sorry, back to hiphugger business! I'm glad to see Emily is gunning for it. It gives you hope ( gives me hope) even though they're taking it slowly. Alas, it will all be worth it in the end!

Gosh, that interview made my day. All of the HipHugger support makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :D

I think it's funny that Emily watches Rock of Love. I watch it every now and then, but the vomit climbing up my esophagus makes it a little hard sometimes. It's almost worse than Flavor of Love! But yeah, like Jacks said above, I'm glad that she cleared up the whole thing with the David Caruso rumors or whatnot.

"I think she definitely has romantic feelings for him." :D
^^^Yeah me too b/c it was getting to be "are they really fighting and hiding or what?" Type of it was nice that someone finally cleared that up.

Man, she is such a Hip Hugger :D I think it also helps our ship that the actors want this as well....if one or two of them were against it then they wouldn't be doing it. You know she wants Delko more than Jake ;). Jake is just mysterious to her right now....but I understand what she meant by Cal being attracted to Jake even given his possible drinking problem; people tend to be attracted to those who mirror their parents. And Cal has always tried to help or protect Duke so she might be mirroring that with Jake. I have seen that happen; my sister definately married our father :lol:
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