Jacks said:
However the kiss between Eric and Calleigh comes about, I'm fairly certain it's going to seriously dwarf the J/C kiss by a million.
If it isn't all-out-anger-throw-you-against-the-wall-and-go-Mr.-and-Mrs.-Smith-on-you, I could go for a first kiss being a really sweet (possibly tentative) kiss followed by a second kiss with mucho passion.
OH GOD YES! When Eric and Calleigh kiss it will be sooooo much better, and prettier, and more romantic and passionate, and every thing else combined...than the J/C kiss.
And... I love the idea of one of them pushing the other against the wall with touching of skin, tongue, and bodies, but I also like the idea of first a tentative kiss, then a longer, more passionate, but still slow kiss, AND THEN the wall kiss that just throws all their built up angst away.
And I imagine that Cal will be the one to start the first kiss, but Eric will be the one pushing her against the wall and pinning her hands above her head. :devil:
Mondays episode:
Way too Natalia. I mean I like her character and all, and I am really happy that she has grown throughout her time on the show....but it was just too much for and E/C lover. Especially since thats the last episode until who knows when, we just didnt get left with much E/C scenes...which made me mad.
That one scene between the soon-to-be-most-perfect-made-for-each-other-couple-ever was cute though. And in the pics from Caro, did you notice that through all Eric was doing, he did NOT take his eyes off Calleigh. And of course only HE could make her smile like that.
Ok NOW Im done.