Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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:lol: it so does!! I actually maniped that one, better quality, so it does look like they are kissing for real heh. Love your avatar Leela ;)
Huh...kissing pandas. Whoda thunk it?

Leela, honestly, I thought you'd made that picture to look like they were kissing! It is a good picture though. Perhaps soon we will have a real kissing scene to enjoy.

So...I should be doing many other things (writing my christmas fic, getting ready for work, finishing the application o' doom so I can get a real freaking job, etc) but I'm reading fiction (specifically Time Tells) Oh it just makes me want to fall in love.
Yeah! New thread! Ignore my location thing. I am trying to change it, but I guess I'm allowed to be multi-shippered. *waits to be pelted by bananas*

Anyway, Love the name! And I'm glad I made it!
Welcome, VaveAma!

Jacks - Ack, that reminds me that I have to update but no, exams first (only one left!), Christmas fic second, then TT. Remember when I used to update every like three days? Man, for the first five chapters, I had a nice pace going.

Leela - That angle is amazing. AMAZING. Oh my God, her hands. More face-touching please.
I don't think Calleigh wants to dress Eric.
Lol, mmmmmm maybe redress him know...after :devil: Heehee! ;)

Leela that angle is totally awesome! It definitely looks like a real kiss from that view...wohoo! and yeah I'm with Luce, more face-touching please!! :D
Ok, so I just slept for the last 13 hours straight. I really need to start trying to get some more sleep during the week!! But I always seem to have something else to do (like watch EC & work on fanfic! :lol:)

Leela, I love the manip!! It really does look like she is kissing him! :D And it will sustain me until we have an actuall kiss that is LONG over due!!

I do think that some of Eric's flower shirts are ok, like the orange one & when they color cordinate with Calleigh's shirts. But most of the time he really shouldn't have them on. Cal should do something about that! :devil: :D
brookeAp3 said:Leela, I love the manip!! It really does look like she is kissing him!
*lol* It's NOT a manip! It's the real thing! Actual caps I made from the ET clip... ;)
That clip was awesome. I can't wait till they kiss like that for real. You know it's coming soon.

I haven't had time to post at all, let alone work on my fic, but hopefully I'll be able to complete it before the deadline. Hopefully everyone will! And we should probably start working on the Valentine's challenge because we're so lazy it'll take us forever to write that one as well.
I have been working slowly on my Christmas fic.. but it is harder than I thought to write!
Being a new hiphugger... I have recently discovered an entire list of fanfics from 2005 I hadn't read before!! I have been reading all weekend!

Love the new thread title... good luck on exams to all those taking them!!
Leela that's the behind the scenes ET clip of the kiss right?

I SOOOO cannot wait until they kiss for real, gah that is so freakin' long overdue! I gotta say, I'm almost glad I'm a late bloomer if you will to this ship, cuz I swear if I started shipping them back when Miami first started 6 years ago...I would be going nuts right now! :lol: I mean they're worth it, of course...but seriously I came late in the game and I'm still going nuts...y'all who have shipped them so much longer...I am hugely impressed with your patience! Again I know they are worth it! :D Now Eric...Call....kiss already dang it! For all of us, and especially those who have been waiting so freaking loooooong! :D
Welcome VaveAma92! I love that we're getting new people :D
Lucy, those were the good old days...but alas, you have a life!

For the Christmas fic, can we make a pact that no matter how bad someone's (my) Christmas fic turns out we won't think less of her? :D No, I'm just kidding...but it is frustrating.
Waiting for them to kiss for real is driving me nuts!! It sooo needs to happen sometime this season; that is, if we get an end to this season!!!!

The kiss when it happens, will definately be filled with passion. I mean with all their pent up sexual frustration...they may swallow each others heads when they finally do kiss :lol:
Trust me, my fic won't be a piece of art. Don't stress out about it, if you do you'll never finish.

I gotta say, when they kiss it better be good and long and with some tongue cause seriously. I watched the Grissom/Sara kiss and it was laughable and the least sexy thing I've seen in my life. It better not be like that. Or like the JC kiss, cause that wasn't a good one, either. Adam's a good kisser, though, so I know he'll really get Emily into it. Homina-homina-homina.
Isn't that funny how it works? Sometimes I think I'm more concerned about the relationship between Calleigh and Eric than any in my life.

We had better get a really good kiss for the wait we've had. Then again, the waiting makes it so much better. We didn't get the immediate gratification of them getting together right away, and it's going to make it that much better in the end. We know it'll happen eventually, but it is great to see them work for it. You're less likely to quickly discard something you've worked really hard for. And I know I've said this before, but with the way a lot of relationships are these days, it'll be nice to see one that has depth, meaning, trust, honesty, etc.
Trust me, I've done this often enough to know that an on screen kiss wil look AWFUL if both the actors arn't feeling it. If it's a, 'we do this because the script says so', it will be not good at all. If they are like, 'hell yeah, bring it on, this'll be great' this kiss will be intense.

Emily and Adam are into it.
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