Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Oh yeah, his words are going to keep her up at night...daydreaming. Daydreaming about little E/C babies...and what it takes to make them ;)!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Seems Calleigh and I are gonna be having the same daydreams for a while. ;) By the way, I can't wait for your post-ep!

Guys, write some fics to fill the two-week void. I just wrote one so... I'm exempt.

Holy shit, my foot just cramped up like hell and it HURTS.

But yeah, anyway, I missed this comment before but I want tongue, too!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

somethingsdont said:

My take on the scene was that Calleigh was fishing without really consciously meaning to and got a little more than she had expected.

Calleigh's merely putting some pieces together. She's not stupid. For example, last week she compared Jake's behavior to her father's. This week, we had her confirming that Duke was a bad father. In the same episode, we have her confirming she thinks Eric would be a great dad. Put all those pieces together and they say something very telling. I think she was fishing for it. You don't ask the guy who's in love with you and who you may have feelings for a question like that just to make conversation.

Of course it's obvious to us, but I really think she's starting to see it. When she was talking to Alexx last night, I felt she regretted the childhood she had and wished she'd had better parents (a better father, especially). Then she asked Eric if he thinks they would ever be able to be good parents with the hours they work. In the same scene Eric says they would (with all the confidence in the world, I might add) and right away Calleigh believes him.

Of course we already know how she feels about Jake as a dad, he'd be her crappy dad.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

What threw me off was that she seemed genuinely surprised when Eric was like, "Yeah, I could. Definitely," but then again, it could've been just interest in his response, not surprise.

If she was fishing, which she may very well have been, I don't think she expected the "when I find the right girl" comment, or at least didn't really know what to do with whatever churned/turned/twisted in her, hence the look on her face after he said it.

I agree that the whole father comparison thing is telling. It's just kinda useless that she has all this information right in front of her eyes and she's still stalling.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I have re-watched that bedroom scene far too many times.. to me it looked like Calleigh might have been reflecting out loud on what she might be capable of as a parent ... given the case, her history and esp. after that conversation with Alexx. I think she was surprised, pleasantly, that Eric's response was an actual answer to what might have been a rhetorical question... and bit her lip because she realized she just started one of those 'do you want kids' conversations that serious couples have before they jump in too deep...
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Wow, you guys move fast! Thanks for the clips, they're awesome! :D The bedroom scene was so sweet, EC babies will happen! :) And the Alexx/Calleigh scene was interesting too!
Jacks said:
The convo between Calleigh and Alexx was great! It's nice to have some insight into the family. It seemed like she was trying so hard to play it out on a light note "My mom was more like a friend, and you know my dad..." but the look on her face was one of pain like, 'If I can just make light of this, it'll be okay.' Like the only way she can cope is to distance herself and make it laughable.

I completely agree, it was as if the only way she can stop it hurting is to pretend it's ok, and make light of it. And then she changed the subject away from her to the victim as if she could only let Alexx in so far.
I can't wait until the full episode airs here, in fact I can't wait until the whole sixth season airs here!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hey guys still celebrating our little-big monday scene :D

somethingsdont I totally agree with your analysis of the bedroom scene. I might add that after she bit her lip and her face got serious she might have also been feeling guilty about feeling that knot in her stomach because she has a boyfriend. Kind of like: "I can't have these feelings, Calleigh get serious". We do have to remember that her and jerkely were not over at the end of SYG. So maybe it was somewhat mentioned by all of that has been written before but if it wasn't then I'm adding that reason to the list of her reaction interpretations :)

Oh and midnight_tiptoes , loved how you joined the whole dad issue together. It is so telling and connected. So yeah that says a lot about what Calleigh is thinking these days and the idea of what she really wants her family to be. So, Jake who reminds me of alcoholic dad, or Eric who wants to personally take care of his family and would make arrangements no matter his working hours?
ummm, tough! :rolleyes:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

For me.. it was the whole “the hours we work” line. I mean, sure she may have been talking about the hours CSI's work in general, but she could easily have said “the hours YOU work”; especially because he is working extra hours now.

Who knows? Maybe I'm fishing... but I thought it had a little bit of implied possession behind it.

Also, the ‘realisation’ moment was not just about realisation for me. It was a moment of ‘gosh, he thinks about it too’. I agree that the topic didn’t have to get as personal as it did. She could of left it as ‘oh yeah? You’d like to have kids’ cool’ rather than pushing it further.

Again, I’m probably reading too much into it.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Midnight, I agree with your 'father' analogy and I think so does Calleigh :) Love is in the air...lalalalala....

Anyway, Leela posted a pic of Calleigh for the 'Guerillas in the Mist' ep on her site (none of EC yet):

Sometimes it's just not fair how some people is showered with hotness when they were born. Emily/Calleigh is looking mighty pretty in this still.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Oh I definately think on some level she was making a correlation between Eric being a dad and her father. I don't think she was necessarily 'fishing' for information from him but she was more curious and wanted confirmation for what she probably already knew in her heart to be true; that Eric wants kids and that he thinks it is possible even with their jobs.

Every kid wants to be a better parent than their's were, regardless of how good or bad they is just human nature.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Luce I just saw the pics you posted, finally! Those are gorgeous! I love the first one with her lips doing the kissy face and then the one of her biting her lip...her desire is written so clearly on her face, if only Eric could have seen her face!!

And I definitely agree with y'all, I think Cal was comparing her father and Eric...and I think Eric comes out way way on top...(and that just totally sent me to the gutter :devil: E/C with Eric on top...gah I'm bad, it's lovely! :devil: ) Anyway! Yeah I loved that little convo, I think it fit totally well into the eppy...I would have loved to have Eric tell Cal she would have made a good mother too, cuz we know she will! :D

Gah, we SOOOO need an E/C baby now, geez! And they need to be NOW!!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I had to get the tissues out! The kiddy talk was soooooooo sweet! They would be such good parents! They'd be the kind of parents that every kid wants.



Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I can see Calleigh being one of those mothers who really gets involved, who really cares about her kids schooling and stuff, to compensate from her childhood.

I can see Eric coaching the local soccer club.:D

Oh and Jackie: I updates a fic! One of my older ones. :) Don't pass out with shock.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I nearly did pass out from shock :lol: Thank you :D

E/C babies would be awesome! I think if Eric had turned around and said that Cal would make a great mother; I would have fainted.

I can totally picture Cal being a protective mother but not over protective to the point of being insane about it. She would definately want to be a part of every piece of the kids life and I think she would be very nurturing. We have already seen how she plays mother hen to the others in the lab...she has natural maternal instincts.

Eric would definately be the soccer dad and if they had a girl she would have him wrapped around her little finger ;) I can soo picture him having tea parties with his little girl ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

OKay, so SOO much has happened since I've last posted here. u.u
I'm ashamed I haven't been as active as I could have, but college as been biting my butt. Anyways, but that hasn't stopped me from watching our favorite guilty pleasure, CSI: MIAMII =)

OKay, I know this has been talked about, but here goes my rant..

Reguarding LAST week's episode..

JERKLEY is a liar. He was with another a woman, the first thought in my mind was that men DO NOT drink momoso's..They just don't. And their was SIX rung up on the tab..JAKE WASN'T with his friends, he was with another woman and I think Calleigh deep down knows this.

Okay, now reguarding this week's episode..

WOW! I squealed like a little school girl when Eric made the comment, "I'm waiting for the right girl.." etc etc yadda yadda and the LOOK on Calleigh's face just..blew me away. She bit her lip and hesitated...
I was seriously awaiting her to grab him by his collar and throw him on that kids bed and start kissing him..but of course, that wouldn't happen.. not yet. xD ahahhaah.

The look on her face, I still can't stop thinking about it. SHe needs to just kiss him..passionately already and MEAN IT. =)
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