Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I can see Calleigh being one of those mothers who really gets involved, who really cares about her kids schooling and stuff, to compensate from her childhood.
Yeah Jodie I definitely agree! I like how we're seeing more of Calleigh's history...even if it's just bits and explains alot. And yeah I think she would be type of mom who would be there for her kids, to listen, to talk, to joke, to tease, to hug them...for all her no-nonense ways at the lab I think she would totally be a softy when it came to her kids...she really would make a great mom!

And yeah Jackie I SOOOO totally wanted Eric to turn and tell Calleigh that she would be a great mom...cuz we KNOW he thinks shw would! :D I mean it wouldn't have been that hard...
Eric:"...find the right girl!" (pauses for a second, and instead of finding the scuba gear bag right then, turns to look at Calleigh...)"Don't you want kids, Cal...I mean even with the crazy hours we work, you can't tell me you don't..."
(Calleigh would bite her lip and avoid his eyes for a second...before looking him with a hint of uncertainty across her face)"I do...I just...I didn't have the best example of motherhood...what if..."
(And then Eric would take a step toward her, interupting with a look of sincerity on his face...)"You'll make a wonderful mother Cal, I'm sure of it!"
At which point of course they would stare lovingly into eachother's eyes for a long moment before falling onto the bed behind them making out passionately! :devil:

If only! ;) :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hi everyone! Its been so long since I have been in here! I just had to comment on the episode and the "Father" line. It was so cute and gives us a lot of hope that they are getting closer and they will continue to get closer, and closer until they end up in Mo's mini fantasy ^ :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

At which point of course they would stare lovingly into eachother's eyes for a long moment before falling onto the bed behind them making out passionately!

Hot. :devil: But they'll have to do more than that to get those adorable babies that they both so obviously want with each other. ;) :lol:

Calleigh needs to hear that she'd be a great mom. If Eric were to ever say something like that to her...aww. As strong as she is, she needs a bit of a confidence boost in this particular area. She really is a natural with kids; we saw that in her scene with Emma, which was such an adorable scene, btw. I still have no idea what episode that is, other than the Emma episode, lol. But yeah; Emma trusted her, she clung to her, she believed her, and Calleigh just did what came naturally to her, and it worked out beautifully. :D But she's still apprehensive, and understandably so. I think she needs to hear from Eric that she could do it, and then she would start to believe it. :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Oh no worries Jess the making out passionately is the just the barest tip of the iceberg of all the fun things I have them doing in my brain! ;) Believe you me, if they did even half of the things I see in my brain, they'd have like 10 kids by now! :devil: :lol:

And yeah I totally agree...Cal does need to hear she'd be a great mom...especially with her background, I think she needs plenty of reinforcenment in that area...and if it came from Eric, I think that would make her really believe it instead of just brushing it off...she can't brush Eric off, so she would have no choice but to believe him! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Delko_Lover07 said:

Reguarding LAST week's episode..

JERKLEY is a liar. He was with another a woman, the first thought in my mind was that men DO NOT drink momoso's..They just don't. And their was SIX rung up on the tab..JAKE WASN'T with his friends, he was with another woman and I think Calleigh deep down knows this.
At least I'm not the only one that thought this. *Note* if this has been said by others I appoligize since I'm not a reg in this thread but love HipHuggers dearly!* And speaking of that whole scene when jerk face tried to explain did he not hesitate or something??? I should remember this but if you look a certain way its an indication of LYING!!!

As for E/C babbies~ cutest babies EVER!!!! I can see Eric doing midnight runs for Calleigh when she has food cravings when she is pregnant. *sigh* :)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

^Oh hon, I totally thought that exact thing! Yeah, I don't know much about alcoholic drinks but I am fairly sure that mimosa's are not "guy" drinks...brunch or not!

Ahhhh, yeah I can totally see Eric being amazing while Cal is pregnant! He would be fabulous...holding her when she gets emotional, rolling out of bed at 2am when she wants ice cream, even though it's December :lol: Awwwww! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

That sounds so cute :lol: "Eric rolling out of bed to get her food at 2am." But he would be great, he wouldnt complain or anything. :D Awww

Oh and their kids would be gorgeous!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Lol, he so would! You know he would...she'd nudge him and he'd groan and then without even opening his eyes, he'd grab the keys and his wallet off the nightstand, mumble "be right back baby" and shuffle off to the car...knowing what she wants...seriously could the man be more perfect?! :lol:

And yeah they would have the most gorgeous babies...oh gracious! Wowza! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I agree, Jessica, Calleigh does need to hear that she would be a good mother (postep, anyone?). I imagine that even if Eric tells her at some point that she'll be a good mom, there'll still be a lot of doubt in her mind (as much as she might hate to admit it).

I know she's strong, but I could almost see Calleigh getting a wee bit teary after hearing Eric say that..not like gushing or anything, but sort of similar to her reaction to Eric offering to switch to nightshift (but more emotion).

As far as my saying Calleigh had no reason to bring up children, I quess I should probably clarify...she didn't have to talk about children in that context. It worked in light of the case they were working, and definitely way more appropriate than the coffee maker conversation. I still think she didn't have to bring up kids, but on some level she wanted to talk about it.

Sometimes I wonder if Calleigh would be terrified to have kids. She's good with kids, and I imagine she would love to have one, but I could also see her being like, 'no...I can't bring a child into this world. Not with my history, not with my job, etc'

Oh, and Jessica, I should probably clarify that the -14 was with the when the wind wasn't going, it wasn't that cold.

Oh...Eric with a pregnant Calleigh?!?!?! That would be the most adorable thing in the world! I could just see him going to appointments with her, picking out baby tings, suggesting names...and after the baby is born? Oh, happy daddy Eric sitting beside Cal's bed holding the baby, just watching it.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

You know what would be so awesome? After their baby, or babies (They should have triplets!) is born, and can handle being in a public place...Eric should carry her/(him) or push her in a stroller right past Jake's apartment or past him when Jake is getting out of car. Oh and he should whistle casually.
:lol: I would love that! Jake could be jealous for a change.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Yeah Jacks she didn't have to bring it had she been working the scene with Ryan or Horatio, I do not think the conversation would have come was something that she wanted to know about Eric and that's why she asked! :D

I can totally see Calleigh being scared to have kids, especially because of her background! Which is where Eric telling her she'd be a great mother would come it...she needs to hear that, over and over if necessary...until she realizes that he is right and not what her screwed up childhood is yelling at her!

Yeah E/C having a baby...just the thought makes me melt! Wow!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Hey, guys, just a precautionary heads up: As hypocritical as it might sound coming from me, please be careful about character/ship bashing, because I have a feeling this thread is going to be under some heavier scrutiny in the coming weeks, and I really don't want to make it easy for other ships to report us.

Mimosas are fairly common brunch drinks, so I don't think there was anything too out of the ordinary for Jake to have gotten a flute or two. I don't think Jake's stupid enough to be seen or caught in a compromising situation with another girl, especially if he knew that he was going to be meeting Calleigh. They may be portraying him as an unreliable scumbag, but meeting up with another girl an hour or two before he's supposed to have brunch with Calleigh? That's a stretch for even him.

Of course he was lying, but I think he was only lying about how much he had to drink. He used the "bought a round for friends" excuse to cover up his drinking, but when Calleigh called him out, all he could say was that he wasn't her old man. If he really were with buddies, he'd likely retaliate with the names of the people he was with, to prove that he hadn't been lying, but he couldn't do that. That's what Calleigh knows and sees: his lies.

I think that Calleigh had a little "huh!" moment with Eric in the last episode. I imagine she probably never mentioned kids with Jake (he... doesn't really look like he'd be good with or like kids) or any of her old boyfriends, so I think it's significant that this is probably the first time she's had a children conversation with someone she kinda-sorta-really has feelings for (even if she's suppressing/fighting them).

I'm pretty sure Calleigh would be scared of having kids at first, but heck, so am I and I grew up in a stable home. It's normal, but she'd get over it.

When Eric and Calleigh have kids, I don't want them anywhere near Jake's house. I don't care if Jake would be jealous; it's not worth contaminating the babies with cooties. D:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

I can even see Eric changing diapeers. he might make a face but he'd get past it. and he'd get up if the baby cried during the night too. He'd be a total hands on dad! *sigh* CUTEST BABY/BABIES EVER!!!!

I wonder what names they'd pick? hmmmmmmmmm
Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Of course he was lying, but I think he was only lying about how much he had to drink. He used the "bought a round for friends" excuse to cover up his drinking, but when Calleigh called him out, all he could say was that he wasn't her old man. If he really were with buddies, he'd likely retaliate with the names of the people he was with, to prove that he hadn't been lying, but he couldn't do that. That's what Calleigh knows and sees: his lies.
Yeah that is so true Luce! Mmmm, either way the dude is lying and Call caught him in it and that is really all that matters! :D And yeah you're probably right about not bashing other ships...or doing our best to refrain, it's just so hard sometimes... :lol: But trying to not is good! ;) Okay!

And yeah the kids conversation is one of those few "big" topics you reserve only for someone you are really invested and interested in...which makes it that much more important that Cal talked to Eric about it! Yay!! :D

Ohhh I love the names game! Oh and I did some looking and found a couple decent "possible" E/C baby pics!! :D

And I love the name Mia for their daughter! :D



Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu

Definitely, Mo. If she'd been in that room with Ryan or Horatio, I don't think it would have come up.

Luce, I agree, Jake wasn't meeting another woman. Maybe he doesn't have the best attributes, and it's possible that he sees the relationship with Calleigh as him getting the girl, but I don't think he's sleezy enough to go off with other least not at this point in the game.

Mo-those are some really cute kids. I could especially see the boy being theirs. I've come to the decision (because it is my decision to make...please note the sarcasm) that they have to have enough children so that at least one looks like him, one looks like her, and a few look like a nice combo of the two. Then again, perhaps that's just the obsessive compulsive in me.

Oh, I do enjoy the baby name game. I've personally always been quite partial to Makenna. I knew a little girl named Makenna who definitely could have been Eric and Calleigh's. She was stinking adorable. Big brown eyes, soft curly brown hair...I wish I had a picture.
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